Formal Informal Cost Minimizer

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function [mt_max_c_nobridge, mt_inf_borr_nobridge, mt_for_borr, mt_for_save] = ffs_fibs_min_c_cost(varargin)

FFS_FIBS_MIN_C_COST Minimizes to consumption given aprime.

Suppose I want to borrow 5 dollar today. That will increase current consumption by 5 dollars, but its cost to next period cash-on-hand is a function of how I get the 5 dollar of borrowing, whether I borrow from formal sources, informal or joint sources. Suppose the formal borrowing grid has three points, you can borrow 0, 3 or 6, these are the options:

  1. borrow all 5 informally
  2. borrow 3 formally and 2 informally
  3. borrow 6 formally and save 1
  4. additionally, if 5 is actually on the grid, you would borrow 5 only formally if that offers the lower interest rate.

This function here finds which one of of these options is optimal conditional on aprime choice. Households choose among the different aprime choices given these within aprime choice optimal formal/informal allocations.

ar_aprime is the borrowing choices that do not include bridge loan. The additional borrowing on top of bridge loans.

The function outputs matrixes in N by M dimensions. N is the dimension of the ar_aprime array, and M is the dimension fo the ar_r_inf interest rate array. Solves the optimal formal and informal joint optimization prblem for N by M combinations of aggregate borrowing levels and informal borrowing interest rate. The idea is that there are different aggregate borrowing levels households are choosing from, and they face different informal borrowing interest rate shocks.

@param bl_b_is_principle boolean solving with aggregate savings as savings + debt principles + interests, or just principles no interests. if true, principels only, no interests.

@param ar_r_inf array 1 by M array of informal interest rate

@param fl_r_fsv float (formal) savings interest rate

@param fl_r_fbr float borrowing interest rate

@param ar_aprime array N by 1 level of aggregate borrowing excluding bridge loan. Note that bridge loan is needed if coh is negative and households can not pay back principle and interests. This must be negative.

@return mt_max_c_nobridge array N by M next period consumption cost (bl_b_is_principle == true), or this period consumption gain (bl_b_is_principle == false) based on choosing optimally between formal and informal, borrowing and savings joint categories. This considers both interests as well as principles.

@return mt_inf_borr_nobridge array N by M informal borrowing choices (Excluding Informal Bridge loans, calculated elsewhere) which could come from informal borrowing only if that minimizes consumption cost, or joint formal and informal borrowing if that is the cost minimizing choice. ZIf bl_b_is_principle == true, then this includes just the principles, no intrest rates. if bl_b_is_principle == false, that means this includes interest rates costs as well as principles costs.

@return mt_for_borr array N by M formal borrowing choice that minimizes consumption costs given fixed ar_aprime. Could come from formal borrowing alone (which shows up as joint formal and something else where the other choice is 0), or formal + informal joint borrow, or formal borrowing and formal savings. If bl_b_is_principle == true, then this includes just the principles, no intrest rates. if bl_b_is_principle == false, that means this includes interest rates costs as well as principles costs.

@return mt_for_save array N by M this is the formal savings choice when households are borrowing. Households coulds save just for savings, no borrowing as well, that is not captured here. If bl_b_is_principle == true, then this includes just the principles, no intrest rates. if bl_b_is_principle == false, that means this includes interest rates costs as well as principles costs.


bl_input_override = true;
[ar_max_c_nobridge, ar_inf_borr_nobridge, ar_for_borr, ar_for_save] = ...
     ffs_fibs_min_c_cost(bl_b_is_principle, fl_r_inf, fl_r_fsv, ...
                           ar_forbrblk_r, ar_forbrblk, ...
                           fl_ap, bl_display_minccost, bl_input_override);



Default and Parse Parameters

if (~isempty(varargin))

    % override when called from outside
    [bl_b_is_principle, ar_r_inf, fl_r_fsv, ...
        ar_forbrblk_r, ar_forbrblk, ar_aprime_nobridge, bl_display_minccost] = varargin{:};


    close all

    % Default
    it_param_set = 4;
    bl_input_override = true;
    [param_map, support_map] = ffs_ipwkbz_fibs_set_default_param(it_param_set);

    % Gather Inputs from armt_map
    params_group = values(param_map, ...
        {'fl_r_fbr', 'st_forbrblk_type', 'fl_forbrblk_brmost', 'fl_forbrblk_brleast', 'fl_forbrblk_gap'});
    [fl_r_fbr, st_forbrblk_type, fl_forbrblk_brmost, fl_forbrblk_brleast, fl_forbrblk_gap] = params_group{:};
%     st_forbrblk_type = 'unif';
%     fl_forbrblk_gap = -1.5;
    [ar_forbrblk, ar_forbrblk_r] = ...
        ffs_for_br_block_gen(fl_r_fbr, st_forbrblk_type, fl_forbrblk_brmost, fl_forbrblk_brleast, fl_forbrblk_gap);

    % Gather Inputs from param_map
    params_group = values(param_map, {'bl_b_is_principle', 'fl_r_fsv'});
    [bl_b_is_principle,  fl_r_fsv] = params_group{:};

    % Informal Interest Rate Array, works with 1 by 1 or 1 by N
    ar_r_inf = [0.00, 0.085, 0.90];
%     ar_r_inf = [0.085];

    % Setting interest rate, if r_inf is very high, that means informal
    % option would generally never be chosen, or options that involve
    % informal options never choice, either here, or outside.
    %     fl_r_inf = 10000;

    % Testing COH and Aprime Vectors
    ar_aprime_nobridge = [-20, -14, -11, -6.8, ...
        -5.5, -4.5, -4.1, -1.1, ...
        -0.1, ...
        0.1, 1, 2, 10]';

    % Set Display Control
    bl_display_minccost = true;


Initialize Output Arrays

it_N = length(ar_aprime_nobridge);
it_M = length(ar_r_inf);

mt_max_c_nobridge = zeros(it_N, it_M);
mt_inf_borr_nobridge = zeros(it_N, it_M);
mt_for_borr = zeros(it_N, it_M);
mt_for_save = zeros(it_N, it_M);

Find if ar_aprime contains Saving

only one savings option, function here meant for borrowing, but can deal with savings as well if they appear.

ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx = (ar_aprime_nobridge >= 0);
ar_aprime_nobridge_br = ar_aprime_nobridge(~ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx);

Get consumption and savings choices if savings

When households overall save, they could still have had to first pay informal lender for bridge loan. For households with positive cash-on-hand, if they save, they are only savings, and not borrowing at the same time. In practice, some households coule borrow from one sector and lend/save in another. This is not a mechanism in this model, but is discussed in Wang (2019)

if (sum(ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx))

    % savings = savings (including or not interest rates)
    mt_for_save(ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx) = ar_aprime_nobridge(ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx);

    if (bl_b_is_principle)

        % consumption gain next period due to savings
        mt_max_c_nobridge(ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx, :) = ...
            zeros(1,it_M) + ar_aprime_nobridge(ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx)*(1+fl_r_fsv);


        % consumption loss today due to savings
        mt_max_c_nobridge(ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx, :) = ...
            zeros(1,it_M) + (-1)*ar_aprime_nobridge(ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx)./(1+fl_r_fsv);



Proceed to Process Borrowing if aprime Array has borrowing

if (sum(~ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx))

Compute Consumption Informal Borrowing only

    % Generate c Vectors
    if (bl_b_is_principle)

        % c_infonly is cost of borrowing in next period consumption
        mt_b_infonly_inf = (ar_aprime_nobridge_br);
        mt_c_infonly = mt_b_infonly_inf.*(1+ar_r_inf);


        % c_infonly is the gain from borrowing in current period consumption
        mt_b_infonly_inf = (ar_aprime_nobridge_br);
        mt_c_infonly = (-1).*mt_b_infonly_inf./(1+ar_r_inf);


    % Display
    if (bl_display_minccost)
        tab_c_infonly = table(ar_aprime_nobridge_br, mt_b_infonly_inf, mt_c_infonly);
        disp(['informal borrow interest (fl_r_inf):', num2str(ar_r_inf)]);
informal borrow interest (fl_r_inf):0       0.085         0.9
    ar_aprime_nobridge_br    mt_b_infonly_inf           mt_c_infonly       
    _____________________    ________________    __________________________

             -20                    -20           -20      -21.7        -38
             -14                    -14           -14     -15.19      -26.6
             -11                    -11           -11    -11.935      -20.9
            -6.8                   -6.8          -6.8     -7.378     -12.92
            -5.5                   -5.5          -5.5    -5.9675     -10.45
            -4.5                   -4.5          -4.5    -4.8825      -8.55
            -4.1                   -4.1          -4.1    -4.4485      -7.79
            -1.1                   -1.1          -1.1    -1.1935      -2.09
            -0.1                   -0.1          -0.1    -0.1085      -0.19

Compute Formal Block Sizes

Divide each asset choice by each element of the formal choice grid. The numbers closest to 1 above and below indicates the floor and ceil formal borrowing quantity for joint credit market participation choices.

    [ar_a_grid_ceil_principle, ar_a_grid_ceil_wthr, ar_a_grid_floor_principle, ar_a_grid_floor_wthr] = ...
        ffs_for_br_block_match(ar_aprime_nobridge_br, ar_forbrblk, ar_forbrblk_r, bl_b_is_principle);

Compute Consumption Values Formal + Informal Borrowing Jointly

if right on grid, informal could be zero.

    % Generate c Vectors
    if (bl_b_is_principle)

        % c_infforb is cost of borrowing in next period consumption
        ar_b_infforb_inf = (ar_aprime_nobridge_br - ar_a_grid_ceil_principle);
        ar_b_infforb_for = (ar_a_grid_ceil_principle);
        mt_c_infforb =  (ar_b_infforb_inf.*(1+ar_r_inf) + ar_a_grid_ceil_wthr);


        % c_infforb is the gain from borrowing in current period consumption
        ar_b_infforb_inf = ar_aprime_nobridge_br - ar_a_grid_ceil_wthr;
        ar_b_infforb_for = ar_a_grid_ceil_wthr;
        mt_c_infforb = -1*((ar_b_infforb_inf./(1+ar_r_inf) + ar_a_grid_ceil_principle));


    % Display
    if (bl_display_minccost)
        tab_c_infforb = table(ar_aprime_nobridge_br, ar_b_infforb_for, ar_b_infforb_inf, mt_c_infforb);
        disp(['formal block size (ar_forbrblk):', num2str(ar_forbrblk)]);
        disp(['formal borrow interest (ar_forbrblk_r):', num2str(ar_forbrblk_r)]);
        disp(['informal borrow interest (fl_r_inf):', num2str(ar_r_inf)]);
formal block size (ar_forbrblk):-19        -14.5          -10           -7         -5.5           -4         -2.5           -1            0
formal borrow interest (ar_forbrblk_r):0.065       0.065       0.065       0.065       0.065       0.065       0.065       0.065       0.065
informal borrow interest (fl_r_inf):0       0.085         0.9
    ar_aprime_nobridge_br    ar_b_infforb_for    ar_b_infforb_inf            mt_c_infforb         
    _____________________    ________________    ________________    _____________________________

             -20                    -19                  -1          -21.235     -21.32    -22.135
             -14                    -10                  -4           -14.65     -14.99     -18.25
             -11                    -10                  -1           -11.65    -11.735     -12.55
            -6.8                   -5.5                -1.3          -7.1575     -7.268    -8.3275
            -5.5                   -5.5                   0          -5.8575    -5.8575    -5.8575
            -4.5                     -4                -0.5            -4.76    -4.8025      -5.21
            -4.1                     -4                -0.1            -4.36    -4.3685      -4.45
            -1.1                     -1                -0.1           -1.165    -1.1735     -1.255
            -0.1                      0                -0.1             -0.1    -0.1085      -0.19

Compute Consumption Values Formal Borrowing + Formal Savings

    % Generate c Vectors
    if (bl_b_is_principle)

        % c_forbrsv is cost of borrowing in next period consumption
        ar_b_forbrsv_sav = (ar_aprime_nobridge_br - ar_a_grid_floor_principle);
        ar_b_forbrsv_brr = (ar_a_grid_floor_principle);
        ar_c_forbrsv = (ar_b_forbrsv_sav*(1+fl_r_fsv) + ar_a_grid_floor_wthr);


        % c_forbrsv is the gain from borrowing in current period consumption
        ar_b_forbrsv_sav = ar_aprime_nobridge_br - ar_a_grid_floor_wthr;
        ar_b_forbrsv_brr = ar_a_grid_floor_wthr;
        ar_c_forbrsv = -1*((ar_b_forbrsv_sav./(1+fl_r_fsv) + ar_a_grid_floor_principle));


    % if b_forbrsv_sav < 0, largest formal borrow grid not large enough. set to
    % 0 so addition of different formal and informal choice categories work.
    ar_b_forbrsv_brr(ar_b_forbrsv_sav < 0) = 0;
    ar_c_forbrsv(ar_b_forbrsv_sav < 0) = nan;
    ar_b_forbrsv_sav(ar_b_forbrsv_sav < 0) = 0;

    % Display
    if (bl_display_minccost)
        tab_c_forbrsv = table(ar_aprime_nobridge_br, ar_b_forbrsv_brr, ar_b_forbrsv_sav, ar_c_forbrsv);
        disp(['formal block size (ar_forbrblk):', num2str(ar_forbrblk)]);
        disp(['formal borrow interest (ar_forbrblk_r):', num2str(ar_forbrblk_r)]);
        disp(['savings interest (fl_r_fsv):', num2str(fl_r_fsv)]);
formal block size (ar_forbrblk):-19        -14.5          -10           -7         -5.5           -4         -2.5           -1            0
formal borrow interest (ar_forbrblk_r):0.065       0.065       0.065       0.065       0.065       0.065       0.065       0.065       0.065
savings interest (fl_r_fsv):0.025
    ar_aprime_nobridge_br    ar_b_forbrsv_brr    ar_b_forbrsv_sav    ar_c_forbrsv
    _____________________    ________________    ________________    ____________

             -20                      0                  0                 NaN   
             -14                  -14.5                0.5              -14.93   
             -11                  -14.5                3.5             -11.855   
            -6.8                     -7                0.2               -7.25   
            -5.5                     -7                1.5             -5.9175   
            -4.5                   -5.5                  1             -4.8325   
            -4.1                   -5.5                1.4             -4.4225   
            -1.1                   -2.5                1.4             -1.2275   
            -0.1                     -1                0.9             -0.1425   

Maximize Consumption For non-Bridge Loan Component

    mt_c_forbrsv = repmat(ar_c_forbrsv, [1, length(ar_r_inf)]);
    [ar_max_c_nobridge_br, ar_max_idx] = max([mt_c_infonly(:) mt_c_infforb(:) mt_c_forbrsv(:)],[], 2);
    mt_max_c_nobridge_br = reshape(ar_max_c_nobridge_br, size(mt_c_infonly));
    mt_max_idx = reshape(ar_max_idx, size(mt_c_infonly));

    if (bl_display_minccost)


        tab_c_max = table(ar_aprime_nobridge_br, mt_max_c_nobridge_br, mt_max_idx, mt_c_infonly, mt_c_infforb, ar_c_forbrsv);
         0    0.0850    0.9000

  Columns 1 through 7

  -20.0000  -14.0000  -11.0000   -6.8000   -5.5000   -4.5000   -4.1000

  Columns 8 through 13

   -1.1000   -0.1000    0.1000    1.0000    2.0000   10.0000

    ar_aprime_nobridge_br       mt_max_c_nobridge_br       mt_max_idx            mt_c_infonly                   mt_c_infforb             ar_c_forbrsv
    _____________________    __________________________    ___________    __________________________    _____________________________    ____________

             -20              -20     -21.32    -22.135    1    2    2     -20      -21.7        -38    -21.235     -21.32    -22.135          NaN   
             -14              -14     -14.93     -14.93    1    3    3     -14     -15.19      -26.6     -14.65     -14.99     -18.25       -14.93   
             -11              -11    -11.735    -11.855    1    2    3     -11    -11.935      -20.9     -11.65    -11.735     -12.55      -11.855   
            -6.8             -6.8      -7.25      -7.25    1    3    3    -6.8     -7.378     -12.92    -7.1575     -7.268    -8.3275        -7.25   
            -5.5             -5.5    -5.8575    -5.8575    1    2    2    -5.5    -5.9675     -10.45    -5.8575    -5.8575    -5.8575      -5.9175   
            -4.5             -4.5    -4.8025    -4.8325    1    2    3    -4.5    -4.8825      -8.55      -4.76    -4.8025      -5.21      -4.8325   
            -4.1             -4.1    -4.3685    -4.4225    1    2    3    -4.1    -4.4485      -7.79      -4.36    -4.3685      -4.45      -4.4225   
            -1.1             -1.1    -1.1735    -1.2275    1    2    3    -1.1    -1.1935      -2.09     -1.165    -1.1735     -1.255      -1.2275   
            -0.1             -0.1    -0.1085    -0.1425    1    1    3    -0.1    -0.1085      -0.19       -0.1    -0.1085      -0.19      -0.1425   

Borrowing count up borrowing from different sources

Informal borrowing comes from informal only or inffor both

    % Consumption when borrowing
    mt_max_c_nobridge(~ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx, :) = mt_max_c_nobridge_br;

    % Informal Borrowing
    mt_inf_borr_nobridge(~ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx, :) = ...
        mt_b_infonly_inf.*(mt_max_idx == 1) + ar_b_infforb_inf.*(mt_max_idx == 2);

    % Formal Borrowing
    mt_for_borr(~ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx, :) = ...
        ar_b_infforb_for.*(mt_max_idx == 2) + ar_b_forbrsv_brr.*(mt_max_idx == 3);

    % Formal Savings
    mt_for_save(~ar_aprime_nobridge_pos_idx, :) = ...
        ar_b_forbrsv_sav.*(mt_max_idx == 3);

Display Final

if (bl_display_minccost)

    if (bl_b_is_principle)
        ar_average_r = (-1)*(mt_max_c_nobridge./ar_aprime_nobridge);
        ar_average_r = (-1)*(ar_aprime_nobridge./mt_max_c_nobridge);

    tab_opti_borrow = table(ar_aprime_nobridge, mt_max_c_nobridge, ...
        ar_average_r, mt_inf_borr_nobridge, mt_for_borr, mt_for_save);
    ar_aprime_nobridge         mt_max_c_nobridge                  ar_average_r            mt_inf_borr_nobridge        mt_for_borr           mt_for_save   
    __________________    ____________________________    ____________________________    ____________________    ___________________    _________________

            -20              -20     -21.32    -22.135        -1     -1.066    -1.1067     -20      -1      -1    0      -19      -19      0      0      0
            -14              -14     -14.93     -14.93        -1    -1.0664    -1.0664     -14       0       0    0    -14.5    -14.5      0    0.5    0.5
            -11              -11    -11.735    -11.855        -1    -1.0668    -1.0777     -11      -1       0    0      -10    -14.5      0      0    3.5
           -6.8             -6.8      -7.25      -7.25        -1    -1.0662    -1.0662    -6.8       0       0    0       -7       -7      0    0.2    0.2
           -5.5             -5.5    -5.8575    -5.8575        -1     -1.065     -1.065    -5.5       0       0    0     -5.5     -5.5      0      0      0
           -4.5             -4.5    -4.8025    -4.8325        -1    -1.0672    -1.0739    -4.5    -0.5       0    0       -4     -5.5      0      0      1
           -4.1             -4.1    -4.3685    -4.4225        -1    -1.0655    -1.0787    -4.1    -0.1       0    0       -4     -5.5      0      0    1.4
           -1.1             -1.1    -1.1735    -1.2275        -1    -1.0668    -1.1159    -1.1    -0.1       0    0       -1     -2.5      0      0    1.4
           -0.1             -0.1    -0.1085    -0.1425        -1     -1.085     -1.425    -0.1    -0.1       0    0        0       -1      0      0    0.9
            0.1           0.1025     0.1025     0.1025    -1.025     -1.025     -1.025       0       0       0    0        0        0    0.1      0      0
              1            1.025      1.025      1.025    -1.025     -1.025     -1.025       0       0       0    0        0        0      1      0      0
              2             2.05       2.05       2.05    -1.025     -1.025     -1.025       0       0       0    0        0        0      2      0      0
             10            10.25      10.25      10.25    -1.025     -1.025     -1.025       0       0       0    0        0        0     10      0      0

ans =

  -20.0000  -21.3200  -22.1350
  -14.0000  -14.9300  -14.9300
  -11.0000  -11.7350  -11.8550
   -6.8000   -7.2500   -7.2500
   -5.5000   -5.8575   -5.8575
   -4.5000   -4.8025   -4.8325
   -4.1000   -4.3685   -4.4225
   -1.1000   -1.1735   -1.2275
   -0.1000   -0.1085   -0.1425
    0.1025    0.1025    0.1025
    1.0250    1.0250    1.0250
    2.0500    2.0500    2.0500
   10.2500   10.2500   10.2500