Formal and Informal Choices Given Aprime and cash-on-hand
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function [fl_max_c, fl_b_bridge, fl_inf_borr_nobridge, fl_for_borr, fl_for_save] = ... ffs_fibs_min_c_cost_bridge(varargin)
FFS_FIBS_MIN_C_COST_INF_BRIDGE combine ffs_fibs_min_c_cost + inf_bridge
Given coh and aprime choice, what are the optimal formal and informal joint choices including bridge choices. This function is invoked after optimal a-prime choices have been found. This is invoked so that during solution, do not have to store these choices. This is the same material as what is in ff_abz_fibs_vf.m
@param fl_ap float aprime choice, for example optimal aprime solved
@param fl_coh float cash-on-hand for the aprime choice
@param ar_aprime array N by 1 level of aggregate borrowing excluding bridge loan. Note that bridge loan is needed if coh is negative and households can not pay back principle and interests. This must be negative.
@return fl_max_c float next period consumption cost (bl_b_is_principle == true), or this period consumption gain (bl_b_is_principle == false) based on choosing optimally between formal and informal, borrowing and savings joint categories, given either total borrowing in principles or principles + interest rate from ar_aprime.
@return fl_b_bridge float bridge loan debt to pay for unpaid uncovered cash-on-hand
@return fl_inf_borr_nobridge float informal borrowing choices (Excluding Informal Bridge loans, calculated elsewhere) which could come from informal borrowing only if that minimizes consumption cost, or joint formal and informal borrowing if that is the cost minimizing choice. if bl_b_is_principle == true, then this includes just the principles, no intrest rates. if bl_b_is_principle == false, that means this includes interest rates costs as well as principles costs.
@return fl_for_borr float formal borrowing choice that minimizes consumption costs given fixed ar_aprime. Could come from formal borrowing alone (which shows up as joint formal and something else where the other choice is 0), or formal + informal joint borrow, or formal borrowing and formal savings.
@return fl_for_save float this is the formal savings choice when households are borrowing. Households coulds save just for savings, no borrowing as well, that is not captured here.
bl_input_override = true; [fl_max_c, fl_b_bridge, fl_inf_borr_nobridge, fl_for_borr, fl_for_save] = ... ffs_fibs_min_c_cost_bridge(fl_ap, fl_coh, ... param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, bl_input_override);
- Formal Borrowing Grid: ffs_for_br_block_gen
- Informal Interest Rates: ffs_r_inf
- Match Borrowing to Formal Grid: ffs_for_br_block_match
- Optimize Formal and Informal, Borrowing and Savings Joint Choices: ffs_fibs_min_c_cost
- Bridge Loan: ffs_fibs_inf_bridge
- Overall Optimization: ffs_fibs_min_c_cost_bridge
- Discrete Choices: ffs_fibs_identify_discrete
if (~isempty(varargin)) % override when called from outside [fl_ap, fl_coh, param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map] = varargin{:}; bl_display_minccost_bridge = false; else close all % Default it_param_set = 4; bl_input_override = true; [param_map, support_map] = ffs_ipwkbz_fibs_set_default_param(it_param_set); % principle or p+r param_map('bl_bridge') = true; param_map('fl_r_inf') = 0.065; % Gather Inputs from armt_map params_group = values(param_map, ... {'fl_r_fbr', 'st_forbrblk_type', 'fl_forbrblk_brmost', 'fl_forbrblk_brleast', 'fl_forbrblk_gap'}); [fl_r_fbr, st_forbrblk_type, fl_forbrblk_brmost, fl_forbrblk_brleast, fl_forbrblk_gap] = params_group{:}; [ar_forbrblk, ar_forbrblk_r] = ... ffs_for_br_block_gen(fl_r_fbr, st_forbrblk_type, fl_forbrblk_brmost, fl_forbrblk_brleast, fl_forbrblk_gap); armt_map = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any'); armt_map('ar_forbrblk') = ar_forbrblk; armt_map('ar_forbrblk_r') = ar_forbrblk_r; % Get Functions params_group = values(param_map, {'fl_crra', 'fl_c_min', 'fl_b_bd'}); [fl_crra, fl_c_min, fl_b_bd] = params_group{:}; params_group = values(param_map, {'fl_Amean', 'fl_alpha', 'fl_delta'}); [fl_Amean, fl_alpha, fl_delta] = params_group{:}; params_group = values(param_map, {'fl_r_fsv', 'fl_w'}); [fl_r_fsv, fl_w] = params_group{:}; [~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, f_coh_fbis, f_coh_save, ~] = ... ffs_ipwkbz_fibs_set_functions(... fl_crra, fl_c_min, fl_b_bd, fl_Amean, fl_alpha, fl_delta, fl_w, fl_r_fbr, fl_r_fsv); func_map = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any'); func_map('f_coh_fbis') = f_coh_fbis; func_map('f_coh_save') = f_coh_save; % Testing COH and Aprime Vectors fl_ap = -10; fl_coh = 5; % Testing COH and Aprime Vectors fl_ap = -10; fl_coh = -7; % Example where aprime choice can not repay debt. fl_ap = -5; fl_coh = -10; % Set Display Control support_map('bl_display_infbridge') = true; support_map('bl_display_minccost') = true; bl_display_minccost_bridge = true; end
Parse Parameters
% Gather Inputs from armt_map params_group = values(armt_map, {'ar_forbrblk', 'ar_forbrblk_r'}); [ar_forbrblk, ar_forbrblk_r] = params_group{:}; % Gather Inputs from param_map % fl_r_inf is a shock, need to be inserted in params_group = values(param_map, {'bl_rollover', 'bl_default', 'bl_bridge', 'bl_b_is_principle', 'fl_r_inf', 'fl_r_fsv', 'fl_c_min'}); [bl_rollover, bl_default, bl_bridge, bl_b_is_principle, fl_r_inf, fl_r_fsv, fl_c_min] = params_group{:}; % func_map if (bl_b_is_principle) % when savings is principle: mimizing cost cost tomorrow params_group = values(func_map, {'f_coh_fbis', 'f_coh_save'}); [f_coh_fbis, f_coh_save] = params_group{:}; else % when not principle, but principle + interest: maximize c gain today params_group = values(func_map, {'f_cons_coh_fbis', 'f_cons_coh_save'}); [f_cons_coh_fbis, f_cons_coh_save] = params_group{:}; end % support_map params_group = values(support_map, {'bl_display_minccost', 'bl_display_infbridge'}); [bl_display_minccost, bl_display_infbridge] = params_group{:};
Compute Consumption given Borrowing and Savings
find the today's consumption maximizing formal and informal choices given a' and coh. The formal and informal choices need to generate exactly a', but depending on which formal and informal joint choice is used, the consumption cost today a' is different. Note here, a is principle + interests. Three areas:
- CASE A a' > 0: savings, do not need to optimize over formal and informal choices
- CASE B a' < 0 & coh < 0: need bridge loan to pay for unpaid debt, and borrowing over-all, need to first pick bridge loan to pay for debt, if bridge loan is insufficient, go into default. After bridge loan, optimize over formal+informal, borrow+save joint choices.
- CASE C $ a' < 0 & coh > 0: do not need to get informal bridge loans, optimize over for+inf save, for+save+borr, inf+borr only, for borrow only.
if (fl_ap < 0) % Calculate Bridge Loan Borrowing if (fl_coh < 0 && bl_bridge) bl_input_override = true; [fl_aprime_nobridge, fl_b_bridge, fl_c_bridge] = ffs_fibs_inf_bridge(... bl_b_is_principle, fl_r_inf, fl_ap, fl_coh, ... bl_display_infbridge, bl_input_override); else fl_aprime_nobridge = fl_ap; fl_b_bridge = 0; fl_c_bridge = 0; end % Find Optimal Formal Informal Borrow Save Combo % calculate consumption gain from formal + informal % borrowing and savings choices. bl_input_override = true; [fl_max_c_nobridge, fl_inf_borr_nobridge, fl_for_borr, fl_for_save] = ... ffs_fibs_min_c_cost(... bl_b_is_principle, fl_r_inf, fl_r_fsv, ... ar_forbrblk_r, ar_forbrblk, ... fl_aprime_nobridge, bl_display_minccost, bl_input_override); % Compute Consumption given Formal and Informal joint % consumption with formal borrow menu + bridge loans. if (bl_b_is_principle) fl_max_c_or_coh_raw = f_coh_fbis(fl_r_inf, fl_for_borr, fl_b_bridge + fl_inf_borr_nobridge, fl_for_save); else fl_max_c_or_coh_raw = f_cons_coh_fbis(fl_coh, fl_max_c_nobridge + fl_c_bridge); end else % consumption with savings if (bl_b_is_principle) fl_max_c_or_coh_raw = f_coh_save(fl_ap); else fl_max_c_or_coh_raw = f_cons_coh_save(fl_coh, fl_ap); end % assign values for formal and informal choices % possible that fl_coh < 0, but if then fl_ap > 0 is % not valid choice [fl_b_bridge, fl_inf_borr_nobridge, fl_for_borr, fl_for_save] = deal(0, 0, 0, fl_ap); end
bl_b_is_principle:1 fl_r_bridge:0.065 ar_aprime:-5 ar_b_bridge:-10 bl_display_infbridge:1 ar_coh_today ar_aprime ar_b_bridge ar_c_bridge ar_aprime_nobridge ____________ _________ ___________ ___________ __________________ -10 -5 -10 -10.65 5 *ar_coh_today*: cash on hand someone arrives in the period with given debt and current income *ar_aprime*: func called during finding optimal aprime, this is the current aprime overall choice *ar_b_bridge*: amount of bridge loan required to cover negative coh (includes interest if bl_b_is_principle = false) *ar_c_bridge*: consumption gain today from the bridge loan to cover negative coh; or consumption cost tomorrow for debt which increases c today *ar_aprime_nobridge*ar_aprime_nobridge:aprime = -10, -5 for bridge; -5 left for other borrowing choices;aprime = -10, -11 for bridge (given r), +1 savings left, reduces consumption, back to neg coh, infeasible state; ar_aprime_nobridge mt_max_c_nobridge ar_average_r mt_inf_borr_nobridge mt_for_borr mt_for_save __________________ _________________ ____________ ____________________ ___________ ___________ 5 5.125 -1.025 0 0 5
Error using ffs_ipwkbz_fibs_set_functions>@(z,b_with_r,k)(f_prod(z,k)+k*(1-fl_delta)+fl_w+b_with_r) Too many input arguments. Error in ffs_fibs_min_c_cost_bridge (line 211) fl_max_c_or_coh_raw = f_coh_fbis(fl_r_inf, fl_for_borr, fl_b_bridge + fl_inf_borr_nobridge, fl_for_save);
Compute Utility With Default
assign u(c)
if (~bl_b_is_principle) && ... ((fl_max_c_or_coh_raw <= fl_c_min || ( ~bl_rollover && ~bl_bridge && fl_coh < fl_c_min))) if (bl_default) % Replace Consumption if default cmin fl_max_c = fl_c_min; else % Replace Consumption if no default nan fl_max_c = 0; end % if coh < 0 but aprime > coh, choice not sufficient to pay debt, then % fl_for_save ends up > 0, but that is not possible, not a real choice. if (fl_for_save > 0) fl_for_save = 0; end else fl_max_c = fl_max_c_or_coh_raw; end
if (bl_display_minccost_bridge) disp('fl_max_c_raw'); disp(fl_max_c_or_coh_raw); disp('fl_max_c'); disp(fl_max_c); disp('fl_for_save'); disp(fl_for_save); end