Generate Informal Borrowing Interest Rates
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- Formal Borrowing Grid: ffs_for_br_block_gen
- Informal Interest Rates: ffs_r_inf
- Match Borrowing to Formal Grid: ffs_for_br_block_match
- Optimize Formal and Informal, Borrowing and Savings Joint Choices: ffs_fibs_min_c_cost
- Bridge Loan: ffs_fibs_inf_bridge
- Overall Optimization: ffs_fibs_min_c_cost_bridge
- Discrete Choices: ffs_fibs_identify_discrete
function [ar_drv_ele, ar_drv_prb] = ffs_r_inf(varargin)
FFS_R_INF wrapper file for fft_gen_discrete_var from tools folder
This invokes the fft_gen_discrete_var function.
[ar_drv_ele, ar_drv_prb] = fft_gen_discrete_var(varargin);
ar_drv_ele 0.0250 0.0425 0.0600 0.0775 0.0950 ar_drv_prb 0.0001 0.0024 0.0243 0.1622 0.8109
ans = 0.0250 0.0425 0.0600 0.0775 0.0950