Solve For+Inf+Borr+Save Dynamic Programming Problem (Optimized-Vectorized)

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function result_map = ff_abz_fibs_vf_vecsv(varargin)

FF_ABZ_FIBS_VF_VECSV solve infinite horizon exo shock + endo asset problem

The model could be invoked mainly in sveral ways:

  1. param_map('bl_default') = true; param_map('bl_bridge') = false; param_map('bl_rollover') = true; Given these, default is possible, bridge loans are not needed because rollover is allowed for formal loans (or informal loans)
  2. we change param_map('bl_bridge') = true, that means rollover is still allowed, but only allowed using informal sources, formal loans no longer allow for roll-over. Furthermore, if both bl_bridge and bl_rollover are false, that means we are not allowing for rollover at all, so households can not borrow such that they end up with negative cash-on-hand.

Default simulation bl_bridge = false.

@param param_map container parameter container

@param support_map container support container

@param armt_map container container with states, choices and shocks grids that are inputs for grid based solution algorithm

@param func_map container container with function handles for consumption cash-on-hand etc.

@return result_map container contains policy function matrix, value function matrix, iteration results, and policy function, value function and iteration results tables.


  % Get Default Parameters
  it_param_set = 4;
  [param_map, support_map] = ffs_abz_fibs_set_default_param(it_param_set);
  % Chnage param_map keys for borrowing
  param_map('fl_b_bd') = -20; % borrow bound
  param_map('bl_default') = false; % true if allow for default
  param_map('fl_c_min') = 0.0001; % u(c_min) when default
  % Change Keys in param_map
  param_map('it_a_n') = 500;
  param_map('it_z_n') = 11;
  param_map('fl_a_max') = 100;
  param_map('fl_w') = 1.3;
  param_map('fl_r_inf') = 0.06;
  param_map('fl_r_fsv') = 0.01;
  param_map('fl_r_fbr') = 0.035;
  param_map('bl_b_is_principle') = false;
  % see: ffs_for_br_block.m
  param_map('st_forbrblk_type') = 'seg3';
  param_map('fl_forbrblk_brmost') = -10;
  param_map('fl_forbrblk_brleast') = -1;
  param_map('fl_forbrblk_gap') = -1;
  % Change Keys support_map
  support_map('bl_display') = false;
  support_map('bl_post') = true;
  support_map('bl_display_final') = false;
  % Call Program with external parameters that override defaults.
  ff_abz_fibs_vf_vecsv(param_map, support_map);




go to ffs_abz_fibs_fibs_set_default_param to change parameters in param_map container. The parameters can also be updated here directly after obtaining them from ffs_abz_fibs_set_default_param as we possibly change it_a_n and it_z_n here.

it_param_set = 4;
bl_input_override = true;
[param_map, support_map] = ffs_abz_fibs_set_default_param(it_param_set);

% Note: param_map and support_map can be adjusted here or outside to override defaults
% To generate results as if formal informal do not matter
% param_map('fl_r_fsv') = 0.025;
% param_map('fl_r_inf') = 0.035;
% param_map('fl_r_inf_bridge') = 0.035;
% param_map('fl_r_fbr') = 0.035;
% param_map('bl_b_is_principle') = false;
% param_map('st_forbrblk_type') = 'seg3';
% param_map('fl_forbrblk_brmost') = -19;
% param_map('fl_forbrblk_brleast') = -1;
% param_map('fl_forbrblk_gap') = -1.5;
% param_map('bl_b_is_principle') = false;
% param_map('it_a_n') = 750;
% param_map('it_z_n') = 15;

[armt_map, func_map] = ffs_abz_fibs_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map, bl_input_override); % 1 for override
default_params = {param_map support_map armt_map func_map};

Parse Parameters 1

% if varargin only has param_map and support_map,
params_len = length(varargin);
[default_params{1:params_len}] = varargin{:};
param_map = [param_map; default_params{1}];
support_map = [support_map; default_params{2}];
if params_len >= 1 && params_len <= 2
    % If override param_map, re-generate armt and func if they are not
    % provided
    bl_input_override = true;
    [armt_map, func_map] = ffs_abz_fibs_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map, bl_input_override);
    % Override all
    armt_map = [armt_map; default_params{3}];
    func_map = [func_map; default_params{4}];

% append function name
st_func_name = 'ff_abz_fibs_vf_vecsv';
support_map('st_profile_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_profile_name_main')];
support_map('st_mat_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_mat_name_main')];
support_map('st_img_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_img_name_main')];

Parse Parameters 2

% armt_map
params_group = values(armt_map, {'ar_a', 'mt_z_trans', 'ar_z'});
[ar_a, mt_z_trans, ar_z] = params_group{:};

% Formal choice Menu/Grid and Interest Rate Menu/Grid
params_group = values(armt_map, {'ar_forbrblk_r', 'ar_forbrblk'});
[ar_forbrblk_r, ar_forbrblk] = params_group{:};

% func_map
params_group = values(func_map, {'f_util_log', 'f_util_crra', 'f_coh', 'f_cons_coh_fbis', 'f_cons_coh_save'});
[f_util_log, f_util_crra, f_coh, f_cons_coh_fbis, f_cons_coh_save] = params_group{:};

% param_map
params_group = values(param_map, {'it_a_n', 'it_z_n', 'fl_crra', 'fl_beta', 'fl_c_min',...
    'fl_nan_replace', 'bl_default', 'bl_bridge', 'bl_rollover', 'fl_default_aprime'});
[it_a_n, it_z_n, fl_crra, fl_beta, fl_c_min, ...
    fl_nan_replace, bl_default, bl_bridge, bl_rollover, fl_default_aprime] = params_group{:};
params_group = values(param_map, {'it_maxiter_val', 'fl_tol_val', 'fl_tol_pol', 'it_tol_pol_nochange'});
[it_maxiter_val, fl_tol_val, fl_tol_pol, it_tol_pol_nochange] = params_group{:};

% param_map, Formal informal
params_group = values(param_map, {'fl_r_inf', 'fl_r_fsv', 'bl_b_is_principle'});
[fl_r_inf, fl_r_fsv, bl_b_is_principle] = params_group{:};

% support_map
params_group = values(support_map, {'bl_profile', 'st_profile_path', ...
    'st_profile_prefix', 'st_profile_name_main', 'st_profile_suffix',...
    'bl_display_minccost', 'bl_display_infbridge', ...
    'bl_time', 'bl_display', 'it_display_every', 'bl_post'});
[bl_profile, st_profile_path, ...
    st_profile_prefix, st_profile_name_main, st_profile_suffix, ...
    bl_display_minccost, bl_display_infbridge, ...
    bl_time, bl_display, it_display_every, bl_post] = params_group{:};

Initialize Output Matrixes

include mt_pol_idx which we did not have in looped code

mt_val_cur = zeros(length(ar_a),length(ar_z));
mt_val = mt_val_cur - 1;
mt_pol_a = zeros(length(ar_a),length(ar_z));
mt_pol_a_cur = mt_pol_a - 1;
mt_pol_idx = zeros(length(ar_a),length(ar_z));
mt_pol_cons = zeros(length(ar_a),length(ar_z));

% collect optimal borrowing formal and informal choices
mt_pol_b_bridge = zeros(length(ar_a),length(ar_z));
mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge = zeros(length(ar_a),length(ar_z));
mt_pol_for_borr = zeros(length(ar_a),length(ar_z));
mt_pol_for_save = zeros(length(ar_a),length(ar_z));

% We did not need these in ff_abz_vf or ff_abz_vf_vec
% see
% <
% fs_u_c_partrepeat_main> for why store using cells.
cl_u_c_store = cell([it_z_n, 1]);
cl_c_store = cell([it_z_n, 1]);
cl_c_valid_idx = cell([it_z_n, 1]);

Initialize Convergence Conditions

bl_vfi_continue = true;
it_iter = 0;
ar_val_diff_norm = zeros([it_maxiter_val, 1]);
ar_pol_diff_norm = zeros([it_maxiter_val, 1]);
mt_pol_perc_change = zeros([it_maxiter_val, it_z_n]);

Iterate Value Function

Loop solution with 4 nested loops

  1. loop 1: over exogenous states
  2. loop 2: over endogenous states
  3. loop 3: over choices
  4. loop 4: add future utility, integration--loop over future shocks
% Start Profile
if (bl_profile)
    close all;
    profile off;
    profile on;

% Start Timer
if (bl_time)

% Value Function Iteration
while bl_vfi_continue
    it_iter = it_iter + 1;

Solve Optimization Problem Current Iteration

    % loop 1: over exogenous states
    for it_z_i = 1:length(ar_z)

Solve the Formal Informal Problem for each a' and coh: c_forinf(a')

find the today's consumption maximizing formal and informal choices given a' and coh. The formal and informal choices need to generate exactly a', but depending on which formal and informal joint choice is used, the consumption cost today a' is different. Note here, a is principle + interests. Three areas:

        % 1. Current Shock
        fl_z = ar_z(it_z_i);

        % 2. cash-on-hand
        ar_coh = f_coh(fl_z, ar_a);

        % Consumption and u(c) only need to be evaluated once
        if (it_iter == 1)
            % 3. *CASE A* initiate consumption matrix as if all save
            mt_c = f_cons_coh_save(ar_coh, ar_a');

            % 4. *CASE B+C* get negative coh index and get borrowing choices index
            ar_coh_neg_idx = (ar_coh <= 0);
            ar_a_neg_idx = (ar_a < 0);
            ar_coh_neg = ar_coh(ar_coh_neg_idx);
            ar_a_neg = ar_a(ar_a_neg_idx);

            % 5. if coh > 0 and ap < 0, can allow same for+inf result to all coh.
            % The procedure below works regardless of how ar_coh is sorted. get
            % the index of all negative coh elements as well as first
            % non-negative element. We solve the formal and informal problem at
            % these points, note that we only need to solve the formal and
            % informal problem for positive coh level once.
            ar_coh_first_pos_idx = (cumsum(ar_coh_neg_idx == 0) == 1);
            ar_coh_forinfsolve_idx = (ar_coh_first_pos_idx | ar_coh_neg_idx);
            ar_coh_forinfsolve_a_neg_idx = (ar_coh(ar_coh_forinfsolve_idx) <= 0);

            % 6. *CASE B + C* Negative asset choices (borrowing), 1 col Case C
            % negp1: negative coh + 1, 1 meaning 1 positive coh, first positive
            % coh column index element grabbed.
            mt_coh_negp1_mesh_neg_aprime = zeros(size(ar_a_neg')) + ar_coh(ar_coh_forinfsolve_idx);
            mt_neg_aprime_mesh_coh_negp1 = zeros(size(mt_coh_negp1_mesh_neg_aprime)) + ar_a_neg';

            if (bl_bridge)
                %         mt_neg_aprime_mesh_coh_1col4poscoh = zeros([length(ar_a_neg), (length(ar_coh_neg)+1)]) + ar_a_neg';
                %         ar_coh_neg_idx_1col4poscoh = ar_coh_neg_idx(1:(length(ar_coh_neg)+1));

                % 6. *CASE B* Solve for: if (fl_ap < 0) and if (fl_coh < 0)
                [mt_aprime_nobridge_negcoh, ~, mt_c_bridge_negcoh] = ffs_fibs_inf_bridge(...
                    bl_b_is_principle, fl_r_inf, ...
                    mt_neg_aprime_mesh_coh_negp1(:,ar_coh_forinfsolve_a_neg_idx), ...
                    mt_coh_negp1_mesh_neg_aprime(:,ar_coh_forinfsolve_a_neg_idx), ...
                    bl_display_infbridge, bl_input_override);

                % generate mt_aprime_nobridge
                mt_neg_aprime_mesh_coh_negp1(:, ar_coh_forinfsolve_a_neg_idx) = mt_aprime_nobridge_negcoh;
                % no bridge loan needed means roll over is allowed.
                mt_neg_aprime_mesh_coh_negp1 = ar_a_neg';

            % 7. *CASE B + C* formal and informal joint choices, 1 col Case C
            bl_input_override = true;
            [ar_max_c_nobridge, ~, ~, ~] = ...
                bl_b_is_principle, fl_r_inf, fl_r_fsv, ...
                ar_forbrblk_r, ar_forbrblk, ...
                mt_neg_aprime_mesh_coh_negp1(:), ...
                bl_display_minccost, bl_input_override);

Update Consumption Matrix CASE A + B + C Consumptions

Current mt_c is assuming all to be case A

            % 1. Initalize all Neg Aprime consumption cost of aprime inputs
            % Initialize
            mt_max_c_nobridge_a_neg = zeros([length(ar_a_neg), length(ar_coh)]) + 0;
            mt_c_bridge_coh_a_neg = zeros(size(mt_max_c_nobridge_a_neg)) + 0;

            % 2. Fill in *Case B* and *Case C* (one column) Other C-cost
            mt_max_c_nobridge_negcohp1 = reshape(ar_max_c_nobridge, [size(mt_neg_aprime_mesh_coh_negp1)]);

            if (bl_bridge)
                % 2. Fill in *Case B* Bridge C-cost
                mt_c_bridge_coh_a_neg(:, ar_coh_neg_idx) = mt_c_bridge_negcoh;

                % 2. Fill in *Case B* and *Case C* (one column) Other C-cost
                mt_max_c_nobridge_a_neg(:, ar_coh_forinfsolve_idx) = mt_max_c_nobridge_negcohp1;
                mt_max_c_nobridge_a_neg(:, ~ar_coh_forinfsolve_idx) = ...
                    zeros(size(mt_c(ar_a_neg_idx, ~ar_coh_forinfsolve_idx))) ...
                    + mt_max_c_nobridge_negcohp1(:, ~ar_coh_forinfsolve_a_neg_idx);
                mt_max_c_nobridge_a_neg = zeros([length(ar_a_neg), length(ar_coh)]) + mt_max_c_nobridge_negcohp1;

            % 3. Consumption for B + C Cases
            % note, the c cost of aprime is the same for all coh > 0, but mt_c
            % is different still for each coh and aprime.
            mt_c_forinfsolve = f_cons_coh_fbis(ar_coh, mt_c_bridge_coh_a_neg + mt_max_c_nobridge_a_neg);

            % 4. Update with Case B and C
            mt_c(ar_a_neg_idx, :) = mt_c_forinfsolve;

Evaluate u(c) and store

1. EVAL current utility: N by N, f_util defined earlier

            if (fl_crra == 1)
                mt_utility = log(mt_c);
                fl_u_cmin = f_util_log(fl_c_min);
                mt_utility = f_util_crra(mt_c);
                fl_u_cmin = f_util_crra(fl_c_min);

            % 2. Invliad consumption points
            mt_it_c_valid_idx = (mt_c <= fl_c_min);
            % Set below threshold c to c_min
            mt_c(mt_c < fl_c_min) = fl_c_min;

            % 3. Invalid points if bridge not possible also no rollover
            if( ~bl_rollover && ~bl_bridge)
                mt_it_c_valid_idx(:, ar_coh_neg_idx) = 1;

            % 4. Eliminate Complex Numbers
            mt_utility(mt_it_c_valid_idx) = fl_u_cmin;

            % 5. Store in cells
            cl_c_store{it_z_i} = mt_c;
            cl_u_c_store{it_z_i} = mt_utility;
            cl_c_valid_idx{it_z_i} = mt_it_c_valid_idx;

Solve Optimization Problem: max_{a'} (u(c_forinf(a')) + EV(a',z'))

        % 1. f(z'|z)
        ar_z_trans_condi = mt_z_trans(it_z_i,:);

        % 2. EVAL EV((A',K'),Z'|Z) = V((A',K'),Z') x p(z'|z)', (N by Z) x (Z by 1) = N by 1
        % Note: transpose ar_z_trans_condi from 1 by Z to Z by 1
        % Note: matrix multiply not dot multiply
        mt_evzp_condi_z = mt_val_cur * ar_z_trans_condi';

        % 3. EVAL add on future utility, N by N + N by 1, broadcast again
        mt_utility = cl_u_c_store{it_z_i} + fl_beta*mt_evzp_condi_z;

        % 4. Index update
        % using the method below is much faster than index replace
        % see < fs_subscript>
        mt_it_c_valid_idx = cl_c_valid_idx{it_z_i};
        % Default or Not Utility Handling
        if (bl_default)
            % if default: only today u(cmin), transition out next period, debt wiped out
            fl_v_default = fl_u_cmin + fl_beta*mt_evzp_condi_z(ar_a == fl_default_aprime);
            mt_utility = mt_utility.*(~mt_it_c_valid_idx) + fl_v_default*(mt_it_c_valid_idx);
            % if default is not allowed: v = u(cmin)
            mt_utility = mt_utility.*(~mt_it_c_valid_idx) + fl_nan_replace*(mt_it_c_valid_idx);

        % Optimization: remember matlab is column major, rows must be
        % choices, columns must be states
        % < COLUMN-MAJOR>
        % mt_utility is N by N, rows are choices, cols are states.
        [ar_opti_val_z, ar_opti_idx_z] = max(mt_utility);
        [it_choies_n, it_states_n] = size(mt_utility);
        ar_add_grid = linspace(0, it_choies_n*(it_states_n-1), it_states_n);
        ar_opti_linear_idx_z = ar_opti_idx_z + ar_add_grid;
        ar_opti_aprime_z = ar_a(ar_opti_idx_z);
        ar_opti_c_z = cl_c_store{it_z_i}(ar_opti_linear_idx_z);

        % Handle Default is optimal or not
        if (bl_default)
            % if defaulting is optimal choice, at these states, not required
            % to default, non-default possible, but default could be optimal
            ar_opti_aprime_z(ar_opti_c_z <= fl_c_min) = fl_default_aprime;
            ar_opti_idx_z(ar_opti_c_z <= fl_c_min) = find(ar_a == fl_default_aprime);
            % if default is not allowed, then next period same state as now
            % this is absorbing state, this is the limiting case, single
            % state space point, lowest a and lowest shock has this.
            ar_opti_aprime_z(ar_opti_c_z <= fl_c_min) = min(ar_a);

        % 6. no bridge and no rollover allowed
        if( ~bl_rollover && ~bl_bridge)
            if (bl_default)
                % if default: only today u(cmin), transition out next period, debt wiped out
                ar_opti_aprime_z(ar_coh_neg_idx) = fl_default_aprime;
                % if default is not allowed: v = fl_nan_replace
                ar_opti_aprime_z(ar_coh_neg_idx) = ar_a(fl_nan_replace);

        % store optimal values
        mt_val(:,it_z_i) = ar_opti_val_z;
        mt_pol_a(:,it_z_i) = ar_opti_aprime_z;
        mt_pol_cons(:,it_z_i) = ar_opti_c_z;

        if (it_iter == (it_maxiter_val + 1))
            mt_pol_idx(:,it_z_i) = ar_opti_idx_z;

Check Tolerance and Continuation

    % Difference across iterations
    ar_val_diff_norm(it_iter) = norm(mt_val - mt_val_cur);
    ar_pol_diff_norm(it_iter) = norm(mt_pol_a - mt_pol_a_cur);
    mt_pol_perc_change(it_iter, :) = sum((mt_pol_a ~= mt_pol_a_cur))/(it_a_n);

    % Update
    mt_val_cur = mt_val;
    mt_pol_a_cur = mt_pol_a;

    % Print Iteration Results
    if (bl_display && (rem(it_iter, it_display_every)==0))
        fprintf('VAL it_iter:%d, fl_diff:%d, fl_diff_pol:%d\n', ...
            it_iter, ar_val_diff_norm(it_iter), ar_pol_diff_norm(it_iter));
        tb_valpol_iter = array2table([mean(mt_val_cur,1); mean(mt_pol_a_cur,1); ...
            mt_val_cur(it_a_n,:); mt_pol_a_cur(it_a_n,:)]);
        tb_valpol_iter.Properties.VariableNames = strcat('z', string((1:size(mt_val_cur,2))));
        tb_valpol_iter.Properties.RowNames = {'mval', 'map', 'Hval', 'Hap'};
        disp('mval = mean(mt_val_cur,1), average value over a')
        disp('map  = mean(mt_pol_a_cur,1), average choice over a')
        disp('Hval = mt_val_cur(it_a_n,:), highest a state val')
        disp('Hap = mt_pol_a_cur(it_a_n,:), highest a state choice')

    % Continuation Conditions:
    % 1. if value function convergence criteria reached
    % 2. if policy function variation over iterations is less than
    % threshold
    if (it_iter == (it_maxiter_val + 1))
        bl_vfi_continue = false;
    elseif ((it_iter == it_maxiter_val) || ...
            (ar_val_diff_norm(it_iter) < fl_tol_val) || ...
            (sum(ar_pol_diff_norm(max(1, it_iter-it_tol_pol_nochange):it_iter)) < fl_tol_pol))
        % Fix to max, run again to save results if needed
        it_iter_last = it_iter;
        it_iter = it_maxiter_val;

% End Timer
if (bl_time)

% End Profile
if (bl_profile)
    profile off
    profile viewer
    st_file_name = [st_profile_prefix st_profile_name_main st_profile_suffix];
    profsave(profile('info'), strcat(st_profile_path, st_file_name));

Process Optimal Choices

result_map = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any');
result_map('mt_val') = mt_val;
result_map('mt_pol_idx') = mt_pol_idx;

% Find optimal Formal Informal Choices. Could have saved earlier, but was
% wasteful of resources
for it_z_i = 1:length(ar_z)
    for it_a_j = 1:length(ar_a)
        fl_z = ar_z(it_z_i);
        fl_a = ar_a(it_a_j);
        fl_coh = f_coh(fl_z, fl_a);
        fl_a_opti = mt_pol_a(it_a_j, it_z_i);

        % call formal and informal function.
        [~, fl_opti_b_bridge, fl_opti_inf_borr_nobridge, fl_opti_for_borr, fl_opti_for_save] = ...
            ffs_fibs_min_c_cost_bridge(fl_a_opti, fl_coh, ...
            param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, bl_input_override);

        % store savings and borrowing formal and inf optimal choices
        mt_pol_b_bridge(it_a_j,it_z_i) = fl_opti_b_bridge;
        mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge(it_a_j,it_z_i) = fl_opti_inf_borr_nobridge;
        mt_pol_for_borr(it_a_j,it_z_i) = fl_opti_for_borr;
        mt_pol_for_save(it_a_j,it_z_i) = fl_opti_for_save;


result_map('cl_mt_pol_a') = {mt_pol_a, zeros(1)};
result_map('cl_mt_coh') = {f_coh(ar_z, ar_a'), zeros(1)};

result_map('cl_mt_pol_c') = {mt_pol_cons, zeros(1)};
result_map('cl_mt_pol_b_bridge') = {mt_pol_b_bridge, zeros(1)};
result_map('cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge') = {mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge, zeros(1)};
result_map('cl_mt_pol_for_borr') = {mt_pol_for_borr, zeros(1)};
result_map('cl_mt_pol_for_save') = {mt_pol_for_save, zeros(1)};

result_map('ar_st_pol_names') = ["cl_mt_pol_a", "cl_mt_coh", "cl_mt_pol_c", ...
    "cl_mt_pol_b_bridge", "cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge", "cl_mt_pol_for_borr", "cl_mt_pol_for_save"];

% Get Discrete Choice Outcomes
result_map = ffs_fibs_identify_discrete(result_map, bl_input_override);

Post Solution Graph and Table Generation

Note in comparison with abz, results here, even when using identical parameters would differ because in abz solved where choices are principle. Here choices are principle + interests in order to facilitate using the informal choice functions.

Note that this means two things are different, on the one hand, the value of asset for to coh is different based on the grid of assets. If the asset grid is negative, now per grid point, there is more coh because that grid point of asset no longer has interest rates. On the other hand, if one has positive asset grid point on arrival, that is worth less to coh. Additionally, when making choices for the next period, now choices aprime includes interests. What these mean is that the a grid no longer has the same meaning. We should expect at higher savings levels, for the same grid points, if optimal grid choices are the same as before, consumption should be lower when b includes interest rates and principle. This is however, not true when arriving in a period with negative a levels, for the same negative a level and same a prime negative choice, could have higher consumption here becasue have to pay less interests on debt. This tends to happen for smaller levels of borrowing choices.

Graphically, when using interest + principle, big difference in consumption as a fraction of (coh - aprime) figure. In those figures, when counting in principles only, the gap in coh and aprime is consumption, but now, as more is borrowed only a small fraction of coh and aprime gap is consumption, becuase aprime/(1+r) is put into consumption.

if (bl_post)
    bl_input_override = true;
    result_map('ar_val_diff_norm') = ar_val_diff_norm(1:it_iter_last);
    result_map('ar_pol_diff_norm') = ar_pol_diff_norm(1:it_iter_last);
    result_map('mt_pol_perc_change') = mt_pol_perc_change(1:it_iter_last, :);

    % Standard AZ graphs
    result_map = ff_az_vf_post(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map, bl_input_override);

    % Graphs for results_map with FIBS contents
    result_map = ff_az_fibs_vf_post(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map, bl_input_override);
valgap = norm(mt_val - mt_val_cur): value function difference across iterations
polgap = norm(mt_pol_a - mt_pol_a_cur): policy function difference across iterations
z1 = z1 perc change: sum((mt_pol_a ~= mt_pol_a_cur))/(it_a_n): percentage of state space points conditional on shock where the policy function is changing across iterations
                 valgap      polgap     z1_0_34741    z2_0_40076    z3_0_4623    z4_0_5333    z5_0_61519    z6_0_70966    z10_1_2567    z11_1_4496    z12_1_6723    z13_1_9291    z14_2_2253    z15_2_567
                ________    ________    __________    __________    _________    _________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    _________

    iter=1        193.16        2002            1             1             1            1            1             1             1             1             1             1             1             1
    iter=2        147.46      2189.9         0.98       0.98133       0.98267        0.984      0.98533       0.98667       0.99733       0.99867             1             1             1             1
    iter=3        119.38      721.95      0.96267       0.96533       0.96667      0.96933        0.972       0.97467         0.992       0.99467             1             1             1             1
    iter=4        98.645      364.17      0.94933       0.95333         0.956         0.96        0.964         0.968       0.98267       0.99467       0.99467       0.99467             1             1
    iter=5        83.341      214.04        0.932       0.93467       0.93733      0.94133      0.94667         0.948       0.97333         0.988       0.99067       0.99067       0.99867       0.99733
    iter=6        71.328      142.53        0.916       0.91733          0.92      0.92533      0.92933       0.93467       0.96667       0.97733       0.98133       0.99333       0.98933       0.98533
    iter=7        61.306      103.17      0.90133       0.90533         0.912      0.91467      0.92533       0.92933         0.956         0.968       0.96933       0.98267       0.98933       0.98533
    iter=8        53.057      77.485        0.884       0.89067       0.89733        0.896        0.904       0.91733       0.94667       0.95333       0.96533       0.97467         0.996       0.99467
    iter=9        46.053      59.056      0.87867       0.88133       0.88667        0.892      0.89867         0.904       0.94133       0.94933       0.96533       0.97733          0.98       0.98267
    iter=10       40.105      47.942      0.85867       0.86267       0.87467      0.87867      0.88267       0.89467       0.93733         0.948       0.94533       0.96667         0.968       0.96533
    iter=11       34.971      39.556      0.85867       0.86267          0.86      0.86533      0.87467       0.88533       0.91867       0.92667         0.952          0.96         0.972       0.98667
    iter=12       30.532      32.316      0.83467         0.848       0.85467         0.86        0.864       0.86933       0.91333         0.932          0.92       0.93733         0.952          0.96
    iter=13       26.721      27.698      0.82267         0.828       0.82667        0.852         0.84       0.86267       0.89467       0.90533         0.932       0.93867          0.94          0.96
    iter=14       23.418      24.581      0.80133       0.80667       0.82533        0.808         0.84       0.85733         0.888       0.89733       0.88933         0.908       0.91867       0.92667
    iter=15       20.561      21.804      0.77733         0.772       0.78267      0.81333      0.81733       0.80933       0.85067         0.852       0.87467       0.88267         0.904          0.92
    iter=16       18.084      22.136         0.74         0.796         0.776      0.78933      0.77733         0.804       0.82533       0.84267         0.832       0.85467       0.85333       0.86667
    iter=17        15.95          21        0.752         0.724       0.75733      0.75733      0.74933       0.77067         0.796       0.79333       0.80533       0.81067       0.84933       0.86667
    iter=18       14.109      12.329        0.692       0.74133       0.70267         0.72         0.76         0.748       0.75333          0.76       0.78667         0.792         0.792       0.81067
    iter=19       12.519      10.837      0.68667         0.668       0.71733      0.68267        0.676         0.704       0.73467       0.74133       0.72667       0.75067       0.75333       0.76133
    iter=20       11.152      20.229         0.64       0.65467         0.636      0.67733        0.668       0.65333       0.69067       0.68533       0.71467       0.69333       0.74533         0.764
    iter=21       9.9781      20.201      0.60667       0.59333       0.60533      0.60267        0.612         0.636       0.62267       0.63067         0.668       0.70133       0.66933       0.68933
    iter=22        8.973      7.6088      0.55067       0.56667       0.55867        0.568      0.56667         0.568       0.61733         0.644         0.608       0.62533       0.63467         0.644
    iter=23       8.1119      6.8177      0.51867       0.50533       0.52133      0.51867      0.52933         0.524       0.56133       0.55867         0.568       0.58133       0.61333       0.63467
    iter=24       7.3741      6.1377      0.46533          0.46       0.46533      0.47333      0.47733       0.47867       0.49733       0.51067          0.54       0.53333       0.55867       0.57733
    iter=25        6.739       5.548        0.408          0.42         0.424      0.41467        0.424       0.42933         0.452         0.472         0.492       0.51067       0.50667          0.52
    iter=26       6.1882      5.0877      0.36133       0.37467       0.37067      0.37867      0.37467       0.38533       0.41467       0.41867       0.43333       0.44667       0.45867       0.47733
    iter=27       5.7054      4.6636      0.32667       0.32667         0.336      0.34267      0.34267       0.34267         0.368       0.37333         0.388       0.40667       0.41333         0.424
    iter=28       5.2784       4.273        0.304       0.29867       0.30267        0.292      0.30267       0.31733       0.32933         0.348       0.35333       0.36133       0.37067       0.38667
    iter=29       4.8977      3.8881      0.26133       0.26267         0.272         0.28      0.27733       0.28133       0.30267       0.31467         0.316       0.32667         0.336         0.344
    iter=30        4.557      3.5318      0.22667         0.236         0.248        0.244      0.24667         0.248         0.284          0.28       0.28133         0.304       0.30133          0.32
    iter=31       4.2503      3.1787        0.216       0.21333         0.212        0.216      0.22667         0.228       0.23867         0.252       0.26267       0.26267       0.28667       0.29067
    iter=32       3.9739      2.8897      0.18533         0.204       0.19333        0.204      0.19467       0.20533       0.22533       0.23333       0.23733         0.248       0.24933       0.26267
    iter=33       3.7244       2.664      0.17867         0.176         0.184      0.17333      0.18667       0.19067       0.20267         0.212       0.21867       0.22267       0.23067       0.24533
    iter=34       3.4987      2.4205      0.14933       0.15467       0.15333      0.16133      0.15467       0.15867         0.192       0.18933         0.192           0.2       0.20267         0.216
    iter=35       3.2939      2.2838      0.13733       0.13867       0.13867        0.144      0.15333         0.152       0.15733       0.16933       0.18267       0.18133       0.19467       0.20133
    iter=36       3.1074      2.1165        0.128       0.13067       0.13467      0.13067        0.128       0.13467       0.14933       0.15867       0.16533       0.16933         0.172          0.18
    iter=37       2.9368      1.9272      0.10533       0.11333       0.11733      0.12133      0.12133       0.12133          0.14       0.14667       0.13867       0.14667          0.16          0.16
    iter=38       2.7802      1.8469      0.10267       0.10267       0.10933     0.098667      0.11333       0.11867          0.12       0.12533         0.136       0.14133       0.14133       0.15067
    iter=39       2.6359      1.6291     0.090667         0.092      0.089333     0.093333        0.092      0.097333       0.11333       0.12133       0.11733         0.128       0.12533       0.13333
    iter=40       2.5024      1.5268     0.082667         0.084      0.085333        0.092     0.090667         0.084       0.10667       0.10667       0.10933       0.11867         0.124         0.124
    iter=41       2.3784      1.4197     0.074667          0.08         0.076     0.082667     0.077333      0.085333      0.085333      0.090667         0.096           0.1         0.108       0.11733
    iter=42       2.2626      1.3113     0.065333         0.068      0.069333     0.062667     0.077333      0.077333      0.086667         0.088         0.096      0.098667      0.094667       0.10267
    iter=43       2.1541      1.2028        0.064      0.062667      0.062667     0.066667     0.065333      0.066667         0.076      0.078667      0.077333      0.081333      0.089333      0.089333
    iter=44       2.0521      1.1451         0.06         0.052         0.064     0.058667     0.057333      0.058667      0.070667      0.073333          0.08      0.077333         0.088      0.090667
    iter=45       1.9556      1.0413     0.042667         0.052      0.050667     0.049333        0.052      0.050667      0.062667          0.06      0.066667      0.065333      0.070667         0.076
    iter=46       1.8643     0.99246     0.042667         0.048      0.038667     0.054667     0.049333      0.053333         0.056      0.058667      0.065333         0.068      0.066667      0.069333
    iter=47       1.7774     0.92978     0.037333          0.04         0.044     0.042667     0.045333      0.042667      0.049333         0.052         0.056          0.06      0.057333      0.062667
    iter=48       1.6945     0.86419        0.036      0.038667      0.038667     0.034667     0.041333      0.042667         0.044      0.050667      0.050667         0.056      0.058667      0.058667
    iter=49       1.6154     0.78442        0.032      0.030667      0.030667        0.036     0.034667      0.041333      0.049333         0.044      0.041333         0.044      0.049333         0.052
    iter=50       1.5396     0.76102     0.029333      0.026667      0.033333        0.028        0.032         0.028         0.036      0.042667         0.044         0.044      0.045333         0.048
    iter=69      0.56255     0.23338            0     0.0013333             0            0    0.0026667         0.004         0.004     0.0053333     0.0026667     0.0026667     0.0066667     0.0053333
    iter=70      0.53064     0.20898    0.0013333     0.0013333     0.0013333    0.0026667    0.0026667     0.0013333     0.0026667             0     0.0013333         0.004         0.004     0.0066667
    iter=71      0.50032     0.20898    0.0066667     0.0013333     0.0026667    0.0013333            0     0.0013333     0.0026667     0.0013333     0.0053333             0         0.004     0.0026667
    iter=72      0.47154     0.16187            0             0     0.0013333            0            0     0.0026667             0         0.004             0         0.004         0.004     0.0026667
    iter=73      0.44427     0.13217            0             0             0            0    0.0013333             0             0     0.0013333     0.0013333     0.0026667     0.0013333     0.0026667
    iter=74      0.41843     0.16187            0             0             0            0            0             0     0.0026667             0     0.0026667             0         0.004     0.0013333
    iter=75      0.39399     0.13217    0.0013333             0             0    0.0013333            0     0.0026667     0.0013333     0.0013333     0.0026667     0.0026667             0             0
    iter=76      0.37088     0.13217            0     0.0013333     0.0013333    0.0013333            0             0             0     0.0013333             0             0     0.0013333     0.0026667
    iter=77      0.34905    0.093458            0             0             0            0            0             0     0.0013333             0             0     0.0013333     0.0013333     0.0013333
    iter=78      0.32844    0.093458            0     0.0013333             0            0    0.0013333             0     0.0013333             0             0     0.0013333             0             0
    iter=79      0.30901     0.16187            0     0.0013333             0    0.0013333            0     0.0013333             0             0             0         0.004     0.0013333             0
    iter=80      0.29068     0.13217            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0     0.0013333             0     0.0013333     0.0026667
    iter=81      0.27341    0.093458            0             0             0            0            0             0     0.0013333             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=82      0.25715    0.093458            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0     0.0013333
    iter=83      0.24183    0.093458            0             0             0            0            0     0.0013333             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=84      0.22742    0.093458    0.0013333             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0     0.0013333             0             0
    iter=85      0.21385    0.093458            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0     0.0013333             0             0             0
    iter=86      0.20109           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=87      0.18908    0.093458            0     0.0013333             0            0    0.0013333             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=88      0.17778    0.093458            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0     0.0013333
    iter=89      0.16716           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=90      0.15717           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=91      0.14777    0.093458            0             0             0    0.0013333            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=92      0.13893    0.093458            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0     0.0013333             0             0
    iter=93      0.13062           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=94       0.1228           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=95      0.11545           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=96      0.10854           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=97      0.10204           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=98      0.09593           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=99     0.090183           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=100     0.08478           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=101      0.0797           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=102    0.074923           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=103    0.070433           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=104     0.06621           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=105    0.062241           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=106    0.058509           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=107       0.055           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=108    0.051702           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=109    0.048601           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=110    0.045686           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=111    0.042946           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=112     0.04037           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=113    0.037949           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=114    0.035672           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=115    0.033532           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=116    0.031521           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=117     0.02963           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0
    iter=118    0.027852           0            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0

tb_val: V(a,z) value at each state space point
                    z1_0_34741    z2_0_40076    z3_0_4623    z4_0_5333    z5_0_61519    z6_0_70966    z10_1_2567    z11_1_4496    z12_1_6723    z13_1_9291    z14_2_2253    z15_2_567
                    __________    __________    _________    _________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    _________

    a1=-20            -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -8.4686       -8.1039       -7.7396        -7.378       -6.7979       -6.1925 
    a2=-19.9065       -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -8.4686       -8.1039       -7.7396        -7.378       -6.7256       -6.1474 
    a3=-19.8131       -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -8.4686       -8.1039       -7.7396       -7.2987       -6.6611       -6.0954 
    a4=-19.7196       -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -8.4686       -8.1039       -7.7396       -7.2005        -6.603       -6.0336 
    a5=-19.6262       -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -8.4686       -8.1039       -7.7396       -7.1182       -6.5504       -5.9757 
    a6=-19.5327       -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -8.4686       -8.1039       -7.6537       -7.0454       -6.5025       -5.9169 
    a7=-19.4393       -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -8.4686       -8.1039       -7.5445       -6.9804       -6.4586       -5.8571 
    a8=-19.3458       -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -8.4686        -8.072       -7.4558        -6.922       -6.4181       -5.7977 
    a9=-19.2523       -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -8.4686       -7.9417       -7.3783       -6.8691       -6.3799       -5.7408 
    a10=-19.1589      -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -8.4451       -7.8316       -7.3095        -6.821       -6.3228       -5.6863 
    a11=-19.0654      -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -8.2981        -7.742       -7.2479       -6.7768       -6.2592       -5.6334 
    a12=-18.972       -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -8.1757       -7.6641       -7.1922       -6.7362       -6.1948       -5.5813 
    a13=-18.8785      -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -8.0731       -7.5949       -7.1417       -6.6979       -6.1346       -5.5317 
    a14=-18.785       -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -7.9884       -7.5329       -7.0956       -6.6608       -6.0763       -5.4772 
    a15=-18.6916      -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8987       -7.9138        -7.477       -7.0532       -6.6264       -6.0205       -5.4244 
    a16=-18.5981      -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.237       -9.8022       -7.8473       -7.4263        -7.014       -6.5712       -5.9675       -5.3716 
    a17=-18.5047      -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.562      -10.124       -9.5994       -7.7877       -7.3799        -6.976       -6.5059       -5.9156       -5.3202 
    a18=-18.4112      -11.41       -11.157       -10.871      -10.402      -9.9105       -9.4373       -7.7337       -7.3373       -6.9402        -6.443       -5.8655       -5.2693 
    a19=-18.3178      -11.41       -11.083       -10.634      -10.183      -9.7379       -9.3037       -7.6846       -7.2981        -6.907       -6.3846       -5.8118       -5.2149 
    a20=-18.2243     -11.205       -10.822       -10.417      -10.006      -9.5968       -9.1912       -7.6396         -7.26        -6.876        -6.327       -5.7605       -5.1618 
    a21=-18.1308     -10.962       -10.611       -10.241      -9.8616      -9.4788       -9.0991       -7.5983       -7.2241       -6.8369       -6.2739       -5.7102       -5.1086 
    a22=-18.0374     -10.761        -10.44       -10.097      -9.7411      -9.3808       -9.0198         -7.56       -7.1908       -6.7691       -6.2202       -5.6607        -5.056 
    a23=-17.9439     -10.601       -10.301       -9.9771      -9.6405      -9.2984       -8.9495       -7.5222       -7.1597       -6.7066       -6.1669       -5.6129       -5.0034 
    a24=-17.8505     -10.468       -10.184       -9.8771      -9.5569      -9.2257       -8.8867       -7.4873       -7.1306       -6.6464       -6.1159         -5.56       -4.9511 
    a25=-17.757      -10.356       -10.088       -9.7938      -9.4831      -9.1608         -8.83       -7.4548       -7.1034       -6.5876       -6.0661       -5.5078       -4.8981 
    a26=-17.6636     -10.265       -10.006       -9.7202      -9.4173      -9.1024       -8.7786       -7.4244       -7.0479       -6.5318       -6.0189       -5.4563       -4.8456 
    a27=-17.5701     -10.186       -9.9337       -9.6546      -9.3582      -9.0496       -8.7317        -7.396        -6.981       -6.4783       -5.9731       -5.4054       -4.7937 
    a28=-17.4766     -10.116       -9.8693       -9.5957      -9.3047      -9.0014       -8.6886       -7.3694       -6.9178       -6.4271       -5.9253       -5.3526       -4.7414 
    a29=-17.3832     -10.053       -9.8113       -9.5424       -9.256      -8.9573        -8.649       -7.3453       -6.8583       -6.3788       -5.8754          -5.3       -4.6888 
    a30=-17.2897     -9.9968       -9.7587       -9.4938      -9.2114      -8.9166       -8.6108       -7.2796       -6.8017       -6.3316       -5.8268        -5.248       -4.6364 
    a31=-17.1963     -9.9456       -9.7108       -9.4493      -9.1704      -8.8784       -8.5746       -7.2127       -6.7483       -6.2869       -5.7787       -5.1956       -4.5844 
    a32=-17.1028     -9.8989        -9.667       -9.4084      -9.1321      -8.8413       -8.5409       -7.1496        -6.697       -6.2411       -5.7278       -5.1443       -4.5322 
    a33=-17.0093     -9.8559       -9.6265       -9.3701      -9.0946      -8.8069       -8.5095         -7.09       -6.6488       -6.1942       -5.6761       -5.0926       -4.4797 
    a34=-16.9159     -9.8164       -9.5883       -9.3327      -9.0599      -8.7749       -8.4802       -7.0337       -6.6014       -6.1479        -5.625       -5.0406       -4.4273 
    a35=-16.8224     -9.7783       -9.5514       -9.2981      -9.0276       -8.745       -8.4527       -6.9799       -6.5561       -6.1037       -5.5729       -4.9891       -4.3747 
    a36=-16.729      -9.7421       -9.5171       -9.2658      -8.9975       -8.717       -8.4271       -6.9291       -6.5094       -6.0574       -5.5214       -4.9382       -4.3217 
    a37=-16.6355     -9.7085       -9.4853       -9.2358      -8.9693      -8.6907       -8.4043       -6.8796       -6.4652       -6.0081       -5.4699        -4.887       -4.2685 
    a38=-16.5421     -9.6772       -9.4555       -9.2076      -8.9428      -8.6672       -8.3827       -6.8318       -6.4223       -5.9597        -5.418       -4.8356       -4.2154 
    a39=-16.4486      -9.648       -9.4276       -9.1811      -8.9189      -8.6452       -8.3621       -6.7862        -6.381       -5.9088       -5.3664       -4.7843       -4.1623 
    a40=-16.3551     -9.6206       -9.4014       -9.1574      -8.8968      -8.6244        -8.287       -6.7417       -6.3383       -5.8573       -5.3162       -4.7327       -4.1089 
    a41=-16.2617     -9.5951       -9.3781       -9.1353      -8.8758      -8.5869       -8.2075       -6.7001        -6.293       -5.8062       -5.2654       -4.6809       -4.0558 
    a42=-16.1682     -9.5723       -9.3562       -9.1144      -8.8559      -8.5026       -8.1358       -6.6589       -6.2491       -5.7536       -5.2146       -4.6289       -4.0023 
    a43=-16.0748     -9.5507       -9.3355       -9.0945      -8.7765      -8.4227       -8.0662       -6.6192       -6.1998       -5.7024       -5.1645       -4.5768       -3.9487 
    a44=-15.9813     -9.5302       -9.3157       -9.0279      -8.6918      -8.3492       -8.0027       -6.5773       -6.1511       -5.6511       -5.1145       -4.5248       -3.8948 
    a45=-15.8879     -9.5107       -9.2547       -8.9386      -8.6127      -8.2792       -7.9408       -6.5368       -6.0976       -5.6001       -5.0645       -4.4723       -3.8407 
    a46=-15.7944     -9.4378       -9.1579       -8.8552      -8.5389      -8.2143       -7.8841       -6.4969       -6.0462         -5.55       -5.0143       -4.4203       -3.7865 
    a47=-15.7009     -9.3428       -9.0722        -8.778      -8.4694       -8.152       -7.8283       -6.4516       -5.9927       -5.5004       -4.9635       -4.3673       -3.7323 
    a48=-15.6075      -9.253       -8.9914       -8.7051      -8.4042      -8.0941       -7.7772       -6.4022       -5.9406       -5.4512       -4.9126       -4.3142       -3.6781 
    a49=-15.514      -9.1724        -8.917        -8.637      -8.3423       -8.038       -7.7266       -6.3504       -5.8891       -5.4021        -4.861       -4.2615       -3.6236 
    a50=-15.4206     -9.0952       -8.8462       -8.5726      -8.2842       -7.986       -7.6797       -6.2966        -5.839       -5.3533       -4.8101       -4.2084       -3.5689 
    a701=45.4206       13.19        13.244        13.305       13.371       13.443         13.52        13.884        13.991        14.106        14.228        14.355        14.482 
    a702=45.514       13.201        13.255        13.316       13.383       13.454        13.531        13.894        14.001        14.116        14.237        14.364        14.491 
    a703=45.6075      13.213        13.266        13.327       13.394       13.465        13.541        13.904        14.011        14.126        14.247        14.373        14.501 
    a704=45.7009      13.224        13.278        13.338       13.405       13.476        13.552        13.914        14.021        14.136        14.257        14.383         14.51 
    a705=45.7944      13.236        13.289         13.35       13.416       13.487        13.563        13.925        14.031        14.145        14.266        14.392        14.519 
    a706=45.8879      13.247          13.3        13.361       13.427       13.498        13.574        13.935        14.041        14.155        14.276        14.402        14.528 
    a707=45.9813      13.258        13.312        13.372       13.438       13.509        13.585        13.945        14.051        14.165        14.285        14.411        14.538 
    a708=46.0748       13.27        13.323        13.383       13.449        13.52        13.595        13.955        14.061        14.175        14.295         14.42        14.547 
    a709=46.1682      13.281        13.334        13.394        13.46       13.531        13.606        13.965        14.071        14.184        14.305         14.43        14.556 
    a710=46.2617      13.292        13.345        13.405       13.471       13.541        13.617        13.975        14.081        14.194        14.314        14.439        14.565 
    a711=46.3551      13.303        13.356        13.416       13.482       13.552        13.628        13.985        14.091        14.204        14.324        14.449        14.574 
    a712=46.4486      13.315        13.368        13.427       13.493       13.563        13.638        13.995        14.101        14.214        14.333        14.458        14.583 
    a713=46.5421      13.326        13.379        13.438       13.504       13.574        13.649        14.005        14.111        14.223        14.343        14.467        14.592 
    a714=46.6355      13.337         13.39        13.449       13.515       13.585        13.659        14.016        14.121        14.233        14.352        14.476        14.601 
    a715=46.729       13.348        13.401         13.46       13.525       13.595         13.67        14.026        14.131        14.243        14.362        14.486        14.611 
    a716=46.8224       13.36        13.412        13.471       13.536       13.606        13.681        14.036         14.14        14.252        14.371        14.495         14.62 
    a717=46.9159      13.371        13.423        13.482       13.547       13.617        13.691        14.046         14.15        14.262         14.38        14.504        14.629 
    a718=47.0093      13.382        13.434        13.493       13.558       13.627        13.702        14.055         14.16        14.272         14.39        14.513        14.638 
    a719=47.1028      13.393        13.445        13.504       13.569       13.638        13.712        14.065         14.17        14.281        14.399        14.523        14.647 
    a720=47.1963      13.404        13.456        13.515       13.579       13.649        13.723        14.075        14.179        14.291        14.409        14.532        14.656 
    a721=47.2897      13.415        13.467        13.526        13.59       13.659        13.733        14.085        14.189          14.3        14.418        14.541        14.665 
    a722=47.3832      13.426        13.478        13.537       13.601        13.67        13.744        14.095        14.199         14.31        14.427         14.55        14.674 
    a723=47.4766      13.437        13.489        13.548       13.612       13.681        13.754        14.105        14.209        14.319        14.437        14.559        14.683 
    a724=47.5701      13.448          13.5        13.558       13.622       13.691        13.765        14.115        14.218        14.329        14.446        14.568        14.692 
    a725=47.6636      13.459        13.511        13.569       13.633       13.702        13.775        14.125        14.228        14.338        14.455        14.578        14.701 
    a726=47.757        13.47        13.522         13.58       13.644       13.712        13.786        14.135        14.238        14.348        14.465        14.587        14.709 
    a727=47.8505      13.481        13.532        13.591       13.654       13.723        13.796        14.144        14.247        14.357        14.474        14.596        14.718 
    a728=47.9439      13.492        13.543        13.601       13.665       13.733        13.806        14.154        14.257        14.367        14.483        14.605        14.727 
    a729=48.0374      13.503        13.554        13.612       13.676       13.744        13.817        14.164        14.267        14.376        14.493        14.614        14.736 
    a730=48.1308      13.514        13.565        13.623       13.686       13.754        13.827        14.174        14.276        14.386        14.502        14.623        14.745 
    a731=48.2243      13.525        13.576        13.634       13.697       13.765        13.838        14.184        14.286        14.395        14.511        14.632        14.754 
    a732=48.3178      13.535        13.586        13.644       13.707       13.775        13.848        14.193        14.295        14.404         14.52        14.641        14.763 
    a733=48.4112      13.546        13.597        13.655       13.718       13.786        13.858        14.203        14.305        14.414        14.529         14.65        14.772 
    a734=48.5047      13.557        13.608        13.665       13.728       13.796        13.868        14.213        14.314        14.423        14.539        14.659         14.78 
    a735=48.5981      13.568        13.619        13.676       13.739       13.806        13.879        14.222        14.324        14.433        14.548        14.668        14.789 
    a736=48.6916      13.579        13.629        13.687       13.749       13.817        13.889        14.232        14.333        14.442        14.557        14.677        14.798 
    a737=48.785       13.589         13.64        13.697        13.76       13.827        13.899        14.242        14.343        14.451        14.566        14.686        14.807 
    a738=48.8785        13.6        13.651        13.708        13.77       13.837        13.909        14.251        14.352         14.46        14.575        14.695        14.815 
    a739=48.972       13.611        13.661        13.718       13.781       13.848        13.919        14.261        14.362         14.47        14.584        14.704        14.824 
    a740=49.0654      13.622        13.672        13.729       13.791       13.858         13.93        14.271        14.371        14.479        14.593        14.713        14.833 
    a741=49.1589      13.632        13.682        13.739       13.801       13.868         13.94         14.28        14.381        14.488        14.603        14.722        14.842 
    a742=49.2523      13.643        13.693         13.75       13.812       13.878         13.95         14.29         14.39        14.498        14.612        14.731         14.85 
    a743=49.3458      13.654        13.704         13.76       13.822       13.889         13.96        14.299          14.4        14.507        14.621        14.739        14.859 
    a744=49.4393      13.664        13.714        13.771       13.832       13.899         13.97        14.309        14.409        14.516         14.63        14.748        14.868 
    a745=49.5327      13.675        13.725        13.781       13.843       13.909         13.98        14.318        14.418        14.525        14.639        14.757        14.876 
    a746=49.6262      13.685        13.735        13.791       13.853       13.919         13.99        14.328        14.428        14.534        14.648        14.766        14.885 
    a747=49.7196      13.696        13.746        13.802       13.863       13.929            14        14.337        14.437        14.544        14.657        14.775        14.894 
    a748=49.8131      13.706        13.756        13.812       13.874        13.94         14.01        14.347        14.446        14.553        14.666        14.784        14.902 
    a749=49.9065      13.717        13.766        13.823       13.884        13.95         14.02        14.356        14.456        14.562        14.675        14.792        14.911 
    a750=50           13.728        13.777        13.833       13.894        13.96         14.03        14.366        14.465        14.571        14.684        14.801         14.92 

tb_pol_a: optimal asset choice for each state space point
                    z1_0_34741    z2_0_40076    z3_0_4623    z4_0_5333    z5_0_61519    z6_0_70966    z10_1_2567    z11_1_4496    z12_1_6723    z13_1_9291    z14_2_2253    z15_2_567
                    __________    __________    _________    _________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    _________

    a1=-20                 0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0           -20           -20 
    a2=-19.9065            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0           -20           -20 
    a3=-19.8131            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0           -20           -20       -19.533 
    a4=-19.7196            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0           -20           -20       -19.439 
    a5=-19.6262            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0           -20           -20       -19.346 
    a6=-19.5327            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0           -20           -20           -20       -19.252 
    a7=-19.4393            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0           -20           -20           -20       -19.159 
    a8=-19.3458            0             0             0            0            0             0             0           -20           -20           -20           -20       -19.065 
    a9=-19.2523            0             0             0            0            0             0             0           -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.972 
    a10=-19.1589           0             0             0            0            0             0           -20           -20           -20           -20       -19.252       -18.972 
    a11=-19.0654           0             0             0            0            0             0           -20           -20           -20           -20       -19.159       -18.879 
    a12=-18.972            0             0             0            0            0             0           -20           -20           -20           -20       -19.065       -18.785 
    a13=-18.8785           0             0             0            0            0             0           -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.972       -18.598 
    a14=-18.785            0             0             0            0            0             0           -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.972       -18.505 
    a15=-18.6916           0             0             0            0            0             0           -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.879       -18.411 
    a16=-18.5981           0             0             0            0            0           -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.972       -18.785       -18.318 
    a17=-18.5047           0             0             0            0          -20           -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.972       -18.785       -18.318 
    a18=-18.4112           0             0             0          -20          -20           -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.879       -18.598       -18.224 
    a19=-18.3178           0           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.785       -18.505       -18.037 
    a20=-18.2243         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.785       -18.411       -17.944 
    a21=-18.1308         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.785       -18.692       -18.411        -17.85 
    a22=-18.0374         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.785       -18.598       -18.318       -17.757 
    a23=-17.9439         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.692       -18.505       -18.224       -17.664 
    a24=-17.8505         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.692       -18.505       -18.037       -17.477 
    a25=-17.757          -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20           -20           -20       -18.598       -18.411       -17.944       -17.383 
    a26=-17.6636         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20           -20       -18.598       -18.505       -18.318        -17.85        -17.29 
    a27=-17.5701         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20           -20       -18.598       -18.505       -18.318       -17.664       -17.196 
    a28=-17.4766         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20           -20       -18.505       -18.411       -18.037        -17.57       -17.103 
    a29=-17.3832         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20           -20       -18.505       -18.411       -17.944       -17.477       -17.009 
    a30=-17.2897         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20       -18.505       -18.411       -18.318       -17.944       -17.383       -16.916 
    a31=-17.1963         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20       -18.411       -18.411       -18.224        -17.85        -17.29       -16.822 
    a32=-17.1028         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20       -18.411       -18.318       -18.037        -17.57       -17.196       -16.729 
    a33=-17.0093         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20       -18.318       -18.318       -18.037       -17.477       -17.103       -16.636 
    a34=-16.9159         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20       -18.318       -18.224       -17.944       -17.477       -17.009       -16.542 
    a35=-16.8224         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20       -18.224       -18.131        -17.85        -17.29       -16.916       -16.355 
    a36=-16.729          -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20       -18.224       -18.037        -17.57       -17.196       -16.822       -16.262 
    a37=-16.6355         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20       -18.131       -17.944        -17.57       -17.103       -16.729       -16.168 
    a38=-16.5421         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20       -18.037       -17.944       -17.477       -17.009       -16.636       -16.075 
    a39=-16.4486         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20           -20       -18.037        -17.85        -17.29       -16.916       -16.449       -15.981 
    a40=-16.3551         -20           -20           -20          -20          -20       -18.131       -17.944        -17.57       -17.196       -16.822       -16.355       -15.888 
    a41=-16.2617         -20           -20           -20          -20      -18.037       -18.037       -17.944        -17.57       -17.009       -16.729       -16.262       -15.794 
    a42=-16.1682         -20           -20           -20          -20      -18.037       -18.037        -17.85       -17.477       -16.916       -16.636       -16.168       -15.701 
    a43=-16.0748         -20           -20           -20      -17.944      -17.944       -17.944       -17.664       -17.196       -16.916       -16.542       -16.075       -15.514 
    a44=-15.9813         -20           -20       -17.944      -17.944      -17.944       -17.944        -17.57       -17.009       -16.729       -16.449       -15.981       -15.421 
    a45=-15.8879         -20        -17.85        -17.85       -17.85       -17.85        -17.85        -17.57       -16.916       -16.636       -16.355       -15.888       -15.327 
    a46=-15.7944      -17.85        -17.85        -17.85       -17.85       -17.85        -17.85        -17.29       -16.916       -16.542       -16.262       -15.794       -15.234 
    a47=-15.7009     -17.757       -17.757       -17.757      -17.757      -17.757       -17.757       -17.196       -16.729       -16.542       -16.075       -15.607        -15.14 
    a48=-15.6075     -17.757       -17.757       -17.757      -17.757      -17.757       -17.664       -16.916       -16.636       -16.355       -15.981       -15.514       -15.047 
    a49=-15.514      -17.664       -17.664       -17.664      -17.664      -17.664       -17.664       -16.729       -16.542       -16.262       -15.888       -15.421       -14.953 
    a50=-15.4206     -17.664       -17.664       -17.664      -17.664      -17.664        -17.57       -16.636       -16.449       -16.168       -15.794       -15.327        -14.86 
    a701=45.4206      42.897        42.897        42.991       42.991       43.084        43.178        43.738        43.925        44.206        44.393        44.766         45.14 
    a702=45.514       42.991        42.991        43.084       43.084       43.178        43.271        43.832        44.019        44.299        44.486         44.86        45.234 
    a703=45.6075      43.084        43.084        43.178       43.178       43.271        43.364        43.925        44.112        44.299        44.579        44.953        45.327 
    a704=45.7009      43.178        43.178        43.271       43.271       43.364        43.458        44.019        44.206        44.393        44.673        45.047        45.421 
    a705=45.7944      43.178        43.271        43.364       43.364       43.458        43.551        44.112        44.299        44.486        44.766         45.14        45.514 
    a706=45.8879      43.271        43.364        43.458       43.458       43.551        43.645        44.206        44.393        44.579         44.86        45.234        45.607 
    a707=45.9813      43.364        43.458        43.458       43.551       43.645        43.738        44.299        44.486        44.673        44.953        45.327        45.701 
    a708=46.0748      43.458        43.551        43.551       43.645       43.738        43.832        44.393        44.579        44.766        45.047        45.421        45.794 
    a709=46.1682      43.551        43.645        43.645       43.738       43.832        43.925        44.486        44.673         44.86         45.14        45.514        45.888 
    a710=46.2617      43.645        43.738        43.738       43.832       43.925        44.019        44.579        44.766        44.953        45.234        45.607        45.981 
    a711=46.3551      43.738        43.832        43.832       43.925       44.019        44.112        44.673         44.86        45.047        45.327        45.701        46.075 
    a712=46.4486      43.832        43.925        43.925       44.019       44.112        44.206        44.766        44.953         45.14        45.421        45.794        46.168 
    a713=46.5421      43.925        44.019        44.019       44.112       44.206        44.299         44.86        45.047        45.234        45.514        45.888        46.262 
    a714=46.6355      44.019        44.112        44.112       44.206       44.299        44.393        44.953         45.14        45.327        45.607        45.981        46.355 
    a715=46.729       44.112        44.206        44.206       44.299       44.393        44.486        44.953        45.234        45.421        45.701        46.075        46.449 
    a716=46.8224      44.206        44.299        44.299       44.393       44.486        44.579        45.047        45.327        45.514        45.794        46.075        46.542 
    a717=46.9159      44.299        44.393        44.393       44.486       44.579        44.673         45.14        45.421        45.607        45.888        46.168        46.636 
    a718=47.0093      44.393        44.486        44.486       44.579       44.673        44.766        45.234        45.514        45.701        45.981        46.262        46.729 
    a719=47.1028      44.486        44.579        44.579       44.673       44.766         44.86        45.327        45.607        45.794        46.075        46.355        46.729 
    a720=47.1963      44.579        44.673        44.673       44.766        44.86        44.953        45.421        45.607        45.888        46.168        46.449        46.822 
    a721=47.2897      44.673        44.766        44.766        44.86       44.953        45.047        45.514        45.701        45.981        46.262        46.542        46.916 
    a722=47.3832      44.766        44.766         44.86       44.953       45.047        45.047        45.607        45.794        46.075        46.355        46.636        47.009 
    a723=47.4766       44.86         44.86        44.953       45.047       45.047         45.14        45.701        45.888        46.168        46.449        46.729        47.103 
    a724=47.5701      44.953        44.953        45.047        45.14        45.14        45.234        45.794        45.981        46.262        46.542        46.822        47.196 
    a725=47.6636      45.047        45.047         45.14       45.234       45.234        45.327        45.888        46.075        46.355        46.636        46.916         47.29 
    a726=47.757        45.14         45.14        45.234       45.327       45.327        45.421        45.981        46.168        46.449        46.729        47.009        47.383 
    a727=47.8505      45.234        45.234        45.327       45.421       45.421        45.514        46.075        46.262        46.542        46.822        47.103        47.477 
    a728=47.9439      45.327        45.327        45.421       45.514       45.514        45.607        46.168        46.355        46.636        46.916        47.196         47.57 
    a729=48.0374      45.421        45.421        45.514       45.607       45.607        45.701        46.262        46.449        46.729        47.009         47.29        47.664 
    a730=48.1308      45.514        45.514        45.607       45.607       45.701        45.794        46.355        46.542        46.822        47.103        47.383        47.757 
    a731=48.2243      45.607        45.607        45.701       45.701       45.794        45.888        46.449        46.636        46.916        47.196        47.477         47.85 
    a732=48.3178      45.701        45.701        45.794       45.794       45.888        45.981        46.542        46.729        47.009         47.29         47.57        47.944 
    a733=48.4112      45.794        45.794        45.888       45.888       45.981        46.075        46.636        46.822        47.103        47.383        47.664        48.037 
    a734=48.5047      45.888        45.888        45.981       45.981       46.075        46.168        46.729        46.916        47.196        47.477        47.757        48.131 
    a735=48.5981      45.981        45.981        46.075       46.075       46.168        46.262        46.822        47.009         47.29         47.57         47.85        48.224 
    a736=48.6916      46.075        46.075        46.168       46.168       46.262        46.355        46.916        47.103        47.383         47.57        47.944        48.318 
    a737=48.785       46.168        46.168        46.262       46.262       46.355        46.449        47.009        47.196        47.477        47.664        48.037        48.411 
    a738=48.8785      46.262        46.262        46.355       46.355       46.449        46.542        47.103         47.29        47.477        47.757        48.131        48.505 
    a739=48.972       46.262        46.355        46.449       46.449       46.542        46.636        47.196        47.383         47.57         47.85        48.224        48.598 
    a740=49.0654      46.355        46.449        46.542       46.542       46.636        46.729         47.29        47.477        47.664        47.944        48.318        48.692 
    a741=49.1589      46.449        46.542        46.542       46.636       46.729        46.822        47.383         47.57        47.757        48.037        48.411        48.785 
    a742=49.2523      46.542        46.636        46.636       46.729       46.822        46.916        47.477        47.664         47.85        48.131        48.505        48.879 
    a743=49.3458      46.636        46.729        46.729       46.822       46.916        47.009         47.57        47.757        47.944        48.224        48.598        48.972 
    a744=49.4393      46.729        46.822        46.822       46.916       47.009        47.103        47.664         47.85        48.037        48.318        48.692        49.065 
    a745=49.5327      46.822        46.916        46.916       47.009       47.103        47.196        47.757        47.944        48.131        48.411        48.785        49.159 
    a746=49.6262      46.916        47.009        47.009       47.103       47.196         47.29         47.85        48.037        48.224        48.505        48.879        49.252 
    a747=49.7196      47.009        47.103        47.103       47.196        47.29        47.383        47.944        48.131        48.318        48.598        48.972        49.346 
    a748=49.8131      47.103        47.196        47.196        47.29       47.383        47.477        48.037        48.224        48.411        48.692        49.065        49.439 
    a749=49.9065      47.196         47.29         47.29       47.383       47.477         47.57        48.131        48.318        48.505        48.785        49.159        49.533 
    a750=50            47.29        47.383        47.383       47.477        47.57        47.664        48.131        48.411        48.598        48.879        49.252        49.626 

mt_pol_b_bridge_print: bridge loans
                      z1_0_34741    z2_0_40076    z3_0_4623    z4_0_5333    z5_0_61519    z6_0_70966    z10_1_2567    z11_1_4496    z12_1_6723    z13_1_9291    z14_2_2253    z15_2_567
                      __________    __________    _________    _________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    _________

    coh1=-19.5553            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0       -18.781       -18.302 
    coh2=-19.4619            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0       -18.679         -18.2 
    coh3=-19.3684            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0       -18.992       -18.576       -18.097 
    coh4=-19.2749            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0       -18.889       -18.474       -17.995 
    coh5=-19.1815            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0       -18.787       -18.372       -17.893 
    coh6=-19.088             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0       -19.044       -18.685       -18.269        -17.79 
    coh7=-18.9946            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0       -18.942       -18.582       -18.167       -17.688 
    coh8=-18.9011            0             0             0            0            0             0             0       -19.152        -18.84        -18.48       -18.065       -17.586 
    coh9=-18.8077            0             0             0            0            0             0             0       -19.049       -18.737       -18.378       -17.962       -17.483 
    coh10=-18.7142           0             0             0            0            0             0       -19.218       -18.947       -18.635       -18.275        -17.86       -17.381 
    coh11=-18.6207           0             0             0            0            0             0       -19.115       -18.845       -18.533       -18.173       -17.758       -17.279 
    coh12=-18.5273           0             0             0            0            0             0       -19.013       -18.742        -18.43       -18.071       -17.655       -17.176 
    coh13=-18.4338           0             0             0            0            0             0       -18.911        -18.64       -18.328       -17.968       -17.553       -17.074 
    coh14=-18.3404           0             0             0            0            0             0       -18.808       -18.538       -18.226       -17.866       -17.451       -16.972 
    coh15=-18.2469           0             0             0            0            0             0       -18.706       -18.435       -18.123       -17.764       -17.348       -16.869 
    coh16=-18.1534           0             0             0            0            0        -19.37       -18.604       -18.333       -18.021       -17.661       -17.246       -16.767 
    coh17=-18.06             0             0             0            0        -19.4       -19.268       -18.501       -18.231       -17.919       -17.559       -17.144       -16.665 
    coh18=-17.9665           0             0             0      -19.413      -19.298       -19.166       -18.399       -18.128       -17.816       -17.457       -17.041       -16.562 
    coh19=-17.8731           0       -19.496        -19.41       -19.31      -19.196       -19.063       -18.297       -18.026       -17.714       -17.354       -16.939        -16.46 
    coh20=-17.7796     -19.469       -19.394       -19.308      -19.208      -19.093       -18.961       -18.194       -17.924       -17.612       -17.252       -16.837       -16.358 
    coh21=-17.6862     -19.366       -19.292       -19.205      -19.106      -18.991       -18.859       -18.092       -17.821       -17.509       -17.149       -16.734       -16.255 
    coh22=-17.5927     -19.264       -19.189       -19.103      -19.003      -18.889       -18.756        -17.99       -17.719       -17.407       -17.047       -16.632       -16.153 
    coh23=-17.4992     -19.162       -19.087       -19.001      -18.901      -18.786       -18.654       -17.887       -17.617       -17.305       -16.945        -16.53       -16.051 
    coh24=-17.4058     -19.059       -18.985       -18.898      -18.799      -18.684       -18.552       -17.785       -17.514       -17.202       -16.842       -16.427       -15.948 
    coh25=-17.3123     -18.957       -18.882       -18.796      -18.696      -18.582       -18.449       -17.683       -17.412         -17.1        -16.74       -16.325       -15.846 
    coh26=-17.2189     -18.855        -18.78       -18.694      -18.594      -18.479       -18.347        -17.58        -17.31       -16.998       -16.638       -16.223       -15.744 
    coh27=-17.1254     -18.752       -18.678       -18.591      -18.492      -18.377       -18.245       -17.478       -17.207       -16.895       -16.535        -16.12       -15.641 
    coh28=-17.032       -18.65       -18.575       -18.489      -18.389      -18.275       -18.142       -17.376       -17.105       -16.793       -16.433       -16.018       -15.539 
    coh29=-16.9385     -18.548       -18.473       -18.387      -18.287      -18.172        -18.04       -17.273       -17.003       -16.691       -16.331       -15.916       -15.437 
    coh30=-16.845      -18.445       -18.371       -18.284      -18.185       -18.07       -17.938       -17.171         -16.9       -16.588       -16.228       -15.813       -15.334 
    coh31=-16.7516     -18.343       -18.268       -18.182      -18.082      -17.968       -17.835       -17.069       -16.798       -16.486       -16.126       -15.711       -15.232 
    coh32=-16.6581     -18.241       -18.166        -18.08       -17.98      -17.865       -17.733       -16.966       -16.696       -16.384       -16.024       -15.609        -15.13 
    coh33=-16.5647     -18.138       -18.064       -17.977      -17.878      -17.763       -17.631       -16.864       -16.593       -16.281       -15.921       -15.506       -15.027 
    coh34=-16.4712     -18.036       -17.961       -17.875      -17.775      -17.661       -17.528       -16.762       -16.491       -16.179       -15.819       -15.404       -14.925 
    coh35=-16.3777     -17.934       -17.859       -17.773      -17.673      -17.558       -17.426       -16.659       -16.389       -16.077       -15.717       -15.302       -14.823 
    coh36=-16.2843     -17.831       -17.757        -17.67      -17.571      -17.456       -17.324       -16.557       -16.286       -15.974       -15.614       -15.199        -14.72 
    coh37=-16.1908     -17.729       -17.654       -17.568      -17.468      -17.354       -17.221       -16.455       -16.184       -15.872       -15.512       -15.097       -14.618 
    coh38=-16.0974     -17.627       -17.552       -17.466      -17.366      -17.251       -17.119       -16.352       -16.082        -15.77        -15.41       -14.995       -14.516 
    coh39=-16.0039     -17.524        -17.45       -17.363      -17.264      -17.149       -17.017        -16.25       -15.979       -15.667       -15.307       -14.892       -14.413 
    coh40=-15.9105     -17.422       -17.347       -17.261      -17.161      -17.047       -16.914       -16.148       -15.877       -15.565       -15.205        -14.79       -14.311 
    coh41=-15.817       -17.32       -17.245       -17.159      -17.059      -16.944       -16.812       -16.045       -15.775       -15.463       -15.103       -14.688       -14.209 
    coh42=-15.7235     -17.217       -17.143       -17.056      -16.957      -16.842        -16.71       -15.943       -15.672        -15.36           -15       -14.585       -14.106 
    coh43=-15.6301     -17.115        -17.04       -16.954      -16.854       -16.74       -16.607       -15.841        -15.57       -15.258       -14.898       -14.483       -14.004 
    coh44=-15.5366     -17.013       -16.938       -16.852      -16.752      -16.637       -16.505       -15.738       -15.468       -15.156       -14.796       -14.381       -13.902 
    coh45=-15.4432      -16.91       -16.835       -16.749       -16.65      -16.535       -16.403       -15.636       -15.365       -15.053       -14.693       -14.278       -13.799 
    coh46=-15.3497     -16.808       -16.733       -16.647      -16.547      -16.433         -16.3       -15.534       -15.263       -14.951       -14.591       -14.176       -13.697 
    coh47=-15.2563     -16.706       -16.631       -16.545      -16.445       -16.33       -16.198       -15.431       -15.161       -14.849       -14.489       -14.074       -13.595 
    coh48=-15.1628     -16.603       -16.528       -16.442      -16.343      -16.228       -16.096       -15.329       -15.058       -14.746       -14.386       -13.971       -13.492 
    coh49=-15.0693     -16.501       -16.426        -16.34       -16.24      -16.126       -15.993       -15.227       -14.956       -14.644       -14.284       -13.869        -13.39 
    coh50=-14.9759     -16.399       -16.324       -16.238      -16.138      -16.023       -15.891       -15.124       -14.854       -14.542       -14.182       -13.767       -13.288 
    coh701=45.8652           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh702=45.9587           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh703=46.0522           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh704=46.1456           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh705=46.2391           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh706=46.3325           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh707=46.426            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh708=46.5195           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh709=46.6129           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh710=46.7064           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh711=46.7998           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh712=46.8933           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh713=46.9867           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh714=47.0802           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh715=47.1737           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh716=47.2671           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh717=47.3606           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh718=47.454            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh719=47.5475           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh720=47.6409           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh721=47.7344           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh722=47.8279           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh723=47.9213           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh724=48.0148           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh725=48.1082           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh726=48.2017           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh727=48.2952           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh728=48.3886           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh729=48.4821           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh730=48.5755           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh731=48.669            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh732=48.7624           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh733=48.8559           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh734=48.9494           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh735=49.0428           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh736=49.1363           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh737=49.2297           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh738=49.3232           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh739=49.4166           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh740=49.5101           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh741=49.6036           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh742=49.697            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh743=49.7905           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh744=49.8839           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh745=49.9774           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh746=50.0709           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh747=50.1643           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh748=50.2578           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh749=50.3512           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 
    coh750=50.4447           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0             0 

mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge_print: Informal loans that is not bridge loan
                      z1_0_34741    z2_0_40076    z3_0_4623    z4_0_5333    z5_0_61519    z6_0_70966    z10_1_2567    z11_1_4496    z12_1_6723    z13_1_9291    z14_2_2253    z15_2_567
                      __________    __________    _________    _________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    _________

    coh1=-19.5553             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0      -0.15398     -0.63294 
    coh2=-19.4619             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0      -0.25631     -0.73528 
    coh3=-19.3684             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0      -0.35865     -0.37033 
    coh4=-19.2749             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0     -0.045783      -0.46099     -0.37921 
    coh5=-19.1815             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0      -0.14812      -0.56332     -0.38808 
    coh6=-19.088              0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0      -0.25046      -0.66566     -0.39696 
    coh7=-18.9946             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0      -0.35279        -0.768     -0.40584 
    coh8=-18.9011             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0     -0.095197      -0.45513      -0.87033     -0.41472 
    coh9=-18.8077             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0      -0.19753      -0.55747             0      -0.4236 
    coh10=-18.7142            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0      -0.29987       -0.6598      -0.32734     -0.52594 
    coh11=-18.6207            0             0             0            0            0             0             0     -0.090189      -0.40221      -0.76214      -0.33622     -0.53481 
    coh12=-18.5273            0             0             0            0            0             0             0      -0.19253      -0.50454      -0.86447       -0.3451     -0.54369 
    coh13=-18.4338            0             0             0            0            0             0     -0.024381      -0.29486      -0.60688             0      -0.35398     -0.45911 
    coh14=-18.3404            0             0             0            0            0             0      -0.12672       -0.3972      -0.70922             0      -0.45631     -0.46799 
    coh15=-18.2469            0             0             0            0            0             0      -0.22905      -0.49953      -0.81155             0      -0.46519     -0.47687 
    coh16=-18.1534            0             0             0            0            0             0      -0.33139      -0.60187      -0.91389      -0.24578      -0.47407     -0.48575 
    coh17=-18.06              0             0             0            0     -0.59963             0      -0.43373      -0.70421             0      -0.34812      -0.57641     -0.58808 
    coh18=-17.9665            0             0             0     -0.58719            0             0      -0.53606      -0.80654             0        -0.357      -0.49183     -0.59696 
    coh19=-17.8731            0      -0.50376      -0.59002            0            0             0       -0.6384      -0.90888             0      -0.36588      -0.50071     -0.51238 
    coh20=-17.7796     -0.53132       -0.6061             0            0            0             0      -0.74074             0             0      -0.46821      -0.50959     -0.52126 
    coh21=-17.6862            0             0             0            0            0     -0.076392      -0.84307             0      -0.21062      -0.47709      -0.61192     -0.53014 
    coh22=-17.5927            0             0             0            0    -0.046317      -0.17873             0             0      -0.31295      -0.48597       -0.6208     -0.53902 
    coh23=-17.4992            0             0             0    -0.033868     -0.14865      -0.28106             0             0      -0.32183      -0.49485      -0.62968      -0.5479 
    coh24=-17.4058            0             0       -0.0367      -0.1362     -0.25099       -0.3834             0             0      -0.42417      -0.59718       -0.5451     -0.46332 
    coh25=-17.3123            0     -0.052779      -0.13904     -0.23854     -0.35333      -0.48574             0             0      -0.43305      -0.60606      -0.55398      -0.4722 
    coh26=-17.2189     -0.08034      -0.15512      -0.24137     -0.34088     -0.45566      -0.58807             0      -0.22337      -0.44193      -0.61494      -0.56286     -0.48108 
    coh27=-17.1254     -0.18268      -0.25745      -0.34371     -0.44321       -0.558      -0.69041             0       -0.3257      -0.54426      -0.71728      -0.47828     -0.48995 
    coh28=-17.032      -0.28501      -0.35979      -0.44605     -0.54555     -0.66034      -0.79275             0      -0.33458      -0.55314      -0.53924      -0.48716     -0.49883 
    coh29=-16.9385     -0.38735      -0.46212      -0.54838     -0.64789     -0.76267      -0.89508     -0.064264      -0.43692      -0.65548      -0.54812      -0.49603     -0.50771 
    coh30=-16.845      -0.48969      -0.56446      -0.65072     -0.75022     -0.86501             0      -0.26877       -0.4458      -0.66436      -0.65046      -0.50491     -0.51659 
    coh31=-16.7516     -0.59202       -0.6668      -0.75306     -0.85256            0             0      -0.27765      -0.54813      -0.67323      -0.65933      -0.51379     -0.52547 
    coh32=-16.6581     -0.69436      -0.76913      -0.85539            0            0             0      -0.37999      -0.55701      -0.58865       -0.4813      -0.52267     -0.53435 
    coh33=-16.5647      -0.7967      -0.87147             0            0            0             0      -0.38887      -0.65935      -0.69099      -0.49018      -0.53155     -0.54322 
    coh34=-16.4712     -0.89903             0             0            0            0             0       -0.4912      -0.66823      -0.69987      -0.59251      -0.54043      -0.5521 
    coh35=-16.3777            0             0             0            0            0             0      -0.50008       -0.6771      -0.70875      -0.50793      -0.54931     -0.46752 
    coh36=-16.2843            0             0             0            0            0     -0.013938      -0.60242      -0.68598      -0.53071      -0.51681      -0.55818      -0.4764 
    coh37=-16.1908            0             0             0            0            0      -0.11627       -0.6113      -0.69486      -0.63305      -0.52569      -0.56706     -0.48528 
    coh38=-16.0974            0             0             0            0      -0.0862      -0.21861      -0.62018       -0.7972      -0.64193      -0.53457      -0.57594     -0.49416 
    coh39=-16.0039            0             0             0    -0.073751     -0.18854      -0.32095      -0.72251      -0.80608      -0.55735      -0.54345      -0.49136     -0.50304 
    coh40=-15.9105            0             0     -0.076584     -0.17609     -0.29087      -0.15163      -0.73139      -0.62804      -0.56622      -0.55232      -0.50024     -0.51192 
    coh41=-15.817     -0.017887     -0.092662      -0.17892     -0.27842    -0.028092       -0.1605      -0.83373      -0.73038      -0.48165       -0.5612      -0.50912     -0.52079 
    coh42=-15.7235     -0.12022        -0.195      -0.28126     -0.38076     -0.13043      -0.26284      -0.84261      -0.73925      -0.49052      -0.57008        -0.518     -0.52967 
    coh43=-15.6301     -0.22256      -0.29733      -0.38359    -0.024522     -0.13931      -0.27172      -0.75803      -0.56122      -0.59286      -0.57896      -0.52688     -0.44509 
    coh44=-15.5366      -0.3249      -0.39967     -0.027355     -0.12686     -0.24164      -0.37406       -0.7669      -0.47664      -0.50828      -0.58784      -0.53575     -0.45397 
    coh45=-15.4432     -0.42723             0     -0.036233     -0.13574     -0.25052      -0.38293      -0.86924      -0.48552      -0.51716      -0.59672      -0.54463     -0.46285 
    coh46=-15.3497            0     -0.052312      -0.13857     -0.23807     -0.35286      -0.48527       -0.6912      -0.58785      -0.52604       -0.6056      -0.55351     -0.47173 
    coh47=-15.2563            0      -0.06119      -0.14745     -0.24695     -0.36174      -0.49415      -0.70008      -0.50327      -0.62837      -0.52102      -0.46893     -0.48061 
    coh48=-15.1628    -0.088751      -0.16353      -0.24978     -0.34929     -0.46407      -0.50303      -0.52204      -0.51215      -0.54379       -0.5299      -0.47781     -0.48949 
    coh49=-15.0693     -0.09763       -0.1724      -0.25866     -0.35817     -0.47295      -0.60536      -0.43747      -0.52103      -0.55267      -0.53877      -0.48669     -0.49836 
    coh50=-14.9759     -0.19997      -0.27474        -0.361      -0.4605     -0.57529      -0.61424      -0.44634      -0.52991      -0.56155      -0.54765      -0.49557     -0.50724 
    coh701=45.8652            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh702=45.9587            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh703=46.0522            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh704=46.1456            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh705=46.2391            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh706=46.3325            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh707=46.426             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh708=46.5195            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh709=46.6129            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh710=46.7064            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh711=46.7998            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh712=46.8933            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh713=46.9867            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh714=47.0802            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh715=47.1737            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh716=47.2671            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh717=47.3606            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh718=47.454             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh719=47.5475            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh720=47.6409            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh721=47.7344            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh722=47.8279            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh723=47.9213            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh724=48.0148            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh725=48.1082            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh726=48.2017            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh727=48.2952            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh728=48.3886            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh729=48.4821            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh730=48.5755            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh731=48.669             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh732=48.7624            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh733=48.8559            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh734=48.9494            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh735=49.0428            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh736=49.1363            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh737=49.2297            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh738=49.3232            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh739=49.4166            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh740=49.5101            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh741=49.6036            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh742=49.697             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh743=49.7905            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh744=49.8839            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh745=49.9774            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh746=50.0709            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh747=50.1643            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh748=50.2578            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh749=50.3512            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 
    coh750=50.4447            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0 

mt_pol_for_borr_print: formal borrowing
                      z1_0_34741    z2_0_40076    z3_0_4623    z4_0_5333    z5_0_61519    z6_0_70966    z10_1_2567    z11_1_4496    z12_1_6723    z13_1_9291    z14_2_2253    z15_2_567
                      __________    __________    _________    _________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    _________

    coh1=-19.5553            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh2=-19.4619            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh3=-19.3684            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh4=-19.2749            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh5=-19.1815            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh6=-19.088             0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh7=-18.9946            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh8=-18.9011            0             0             0            0            0             0             0        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh9=-18.8077            0             0             0            0            0             0             0        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625       -1.065  
    coh10=-18.7142           0             0             0            0            0             0        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh11=-18.6207           0             0             0            0            0             0        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh12=-18.5273           0             0             0            0            0             0        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh13=-18.4338           0             0             0            0            0             0        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh14=-18.3404           0             0             0            0            0             0        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh15=-18.2469           0             0             0            0            0             0        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh16=-18.1534           0             0             0            0            0        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh17=-18.06             0             0             0            0            0        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh18=-17.9665           0             0             0            0       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh19=-17.8731           0             0             0       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh20=-17.7796           0             0        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh21=-17.6862      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh22=-17.5927      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh23=-17.4992      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh24=-17.4058      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh25=-17.3123      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh26=-17.2189      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh27=-17.1254      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh28=-17.032       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh29=-16.9385      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh30=-16.845       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh31=-16.7516      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065      -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh32=-16.6581      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065      -2.6625      -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh33=-16.5647      -1.065        -1.065       -2.6625      -2.6625      -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh34=-16.4712      -1.065       -2.6625       -2.6625      -2.6625      -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh35=-16.3777     -2.6625       -2.6625       -2.6625      -2.6625      -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh36=-16.2843     -2.6625       -2.6625       -2.6625      -2.6625      -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh37=-16.1908     -2.6625       -2.6625       -2.6625      -2.6625      -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh38=-16.0974     -2.6625       -2.6625       -2.6625      -2.6625      -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh39=-16.0039     -2.6625       -2.6625       -2.6625      -2.6625      -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh40=-15.9105     -2.6625       -2.6625       -2.6625      -2.6625      -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh41=-15.817      -2.6625       -2.6625       -2.6625      -2.6625       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh42=-15.7235     -2.6625       -2.6625       -2.6625      -2.6625       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh43=-15.6301     -2.6625       -2.6625       -2.6625       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh44=-15.5366     -2.6625       -2.6625        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh45=-15.4432     -2.6625        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh46=-15.3497      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh47=-15.2563      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh48=-15.1628      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh49=-15.0693      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh50=-14.9759      -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065        -1.065       -1.065  
    coh701=45.8652           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh702=45.9587           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh703=46.0522           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh704=46.1456           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh705=46.2391           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh706=46.3325           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh707=46.426            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh708=46.5195           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh709=46.6129           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh710=46.7064           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh711=46.7998           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh712=46.8933           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh713=46.9867           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh714=47.0802           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh715=47.1737           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh716=47.2671           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh717=47.3606           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh718=47.454            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh719=47.5475           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh720=47.6409           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh721=47.7344           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh722=47.8279           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh723=47.9213           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh724=48.0148           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh725=48.1082           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh726=48.2017           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh727=48.2952           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh728=48.3886           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh729=48.4821           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh730=48.5755           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh731=48.669            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh732=48.7624           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh733=48.8559           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh734=48.9494           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh735=49.0428           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh736=49.1363           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh737=49.2297           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh738=49.3232           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh739=49.4166           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh740=49.5101           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh741=49.6036           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh742=49.697            0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh743=49.7905           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh744=49.8839           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh745=49.9774           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh746=50.0709           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh747=50.1643           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh748=50.2578           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh749=50.3512           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  
    coh750=50.4447           0             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0  

mt_pol_for_save_print: formal savings
                      z1_0_34741    z2_0_40076    z3_0_4623    z4_0_5333    z5_0_61519    z6_0_70966    z10_1_2567    z11_1_4496    z12_1_6723    z13_1_9291    z14_2_2253    z15_2_567
                      __________    __________    _________    _________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    _________

    coh1=-19.5553             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh2=-19.4619             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh3=-19.3684             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0      0.056554            0            0  
    coh4=-19.2749             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh5=-19.1815             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh6=-19.088              0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0       0.10948             0            0            0  
    coh7=-18.9946             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0     0.0071398             0            0            0  
    coh8=-18.9011             0             0            0            0             0             0             0       0.21682             0             0            0            0  
    coh9=-18.8077             0             0            0            0             0             0             0       0.11448             0             0      0.62483            0  
    coh10=-18.7142            0             0            0            0             0             0       0.28263      0.012148             0             0            0            0  
    coh11=-18.6207            0             0            0            0             0             0       0.18029             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh12=-18.5273            0             0            0            0             0             0      0.077955             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh13=-18.4338            0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0       0.63069            0            0  
    coh14=-18.3404            0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0       0.52835            0            0  
    coh15=-18.2469            0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0       0.42602            0            0  
    coh16=-18.1534            0             0            0            0             0       0.43529             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh17=-18.06              0             0            0            0             0       0.33295             0             0       0.58128             0            0            0  
    coh18=-17.9665            0             0            0            0       0.36303       0.23062             0             0       0.47894             0            0            0  
    coh19=-17.8731            0             0            0      0.37548       0.26069       0.12828             0             0        0.3766             0            0            0  
    coh20=-17.7796            0             0      0.37265      0.27314       0.15836      0.025945             0       0.58628       0.27427             0            0            0  
    coh21=-17.6862      0.43134       0.35657      0.27031       0.1708       0.05602             0             0       0.48395             0             0            0            0  
    coh22=-17.5927      0.32901       0.25423      0.16797     0.068468             0             0       0.65209       0.38161             0             0            0            0  
    coh23=-17.4992      0.22667       0.15189     0.065636            0             0             0       0.54975       0.27927             0             0            0            0  
    coh24=-17.4058      0.12433      0.049558            0            0             0             0       0.44742       0.17694             0             0            0            0  
    coh25=-17.3123     0.021996             0            0            0             0             0       0.34508      0.074601             0             0            0            0  
    coh26=-17.2189            0             0            0            0             0             0       0.24275             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh27=-17.1254            0             0            0            0             0             0       0.14041             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh28=-17.032             0             0            0            0             0             0      0.038072             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh29=-16.9385            0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh30=-16.845             0             0            0            0             0       0.60008             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh31=-16.7516            0             0            0            0       0.63016       0.49774             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh32=-16.6581            0             0            0       0.6426       0.52782       0.39541             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh33=-16.5647            0             0      0.63977      0.54027       0.42548       0.29307             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh34=-16.4712            0       0.62369      0.53744      0.43793       0.32315       0.19073             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh35=-16.3777      0.59613       0.52136       0.4351      0.33559       0.22081      0.088398             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh36=-16.2843       0.4938       0.41902      0.33276      0.23326       0.11847             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh37=-16.1908      0.39146       0.31668      0.23043      0.13092      0.016137             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh38=-16.0974      0.28912       0.21435      0.12809     0.028585             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh39=-16.0039      0.18679       0.11201     0.025753            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh40=-15.9105      0.08445     0.0096745            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh41=-15.817             0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh42=-15.7235            0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh43=-15.6301            0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh44=-15.5366            0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh45=-15.4432            0      0.050025            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh46=-15.3497     0.022464             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh47=-15.2563     0.013585             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh48=-15.1628            0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh49=-15.0693            0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh50=-14.9759            0             0            0            0             0             0             0             0             0             0            0            0  
    coh701=45.8652       42.897        42.897       42.991       42.991        43.084        43.178        43.738        43.925        44.206        44.393       44.766        45.14  
    coh702=45.9587       42.991        42.991       43.084       43.084        43.178        43.271        43.832        44.019        44.299        44.486        44.86       45.234  
    coh703=46.0522       43.084        43.084       43.178       43.178        43.271        43.364        43.925        44.112        44.299        44.579       44.953       45.327  
    coh704=46.1456       43.178        43.178       43.271       43.271        43.364        43.458        44.019        44.206        44.393        44.673       45.047       45.421  
    coh705=46.2391       43.178        43.271       43.364       43.364        43.458        43.551        44.112        44.299        44.486        44.766        45.14       45.514  
    coh706=46.3325       43.271        43.364       43.458       43.458        43.551        43.645        44.206        44.393        44.579         44.86       45.234       45.607  
    coh707=46.426        43.364        43.458       43.458       43.551        43.645        43.738        44.299        44.486        44.673        44.953       45.327       45.701  
    coh708=46.5195       43.458        43.551       43.551       43.645        43.738        43.832        44.393        44.579        44.766        45.047       45.421       45.794  
    coh709=46.6129       43.551        43.645       43.645       43.738        43.832        43.925        44.486        44.673         44.86         45.14       45.514       45.888  
    coh710=46.7064       43.645        43.738       43.738       43.832        43.925        44.019        44.579        44.766        44.953        45.234       45.607       45.981  
    coh711=46.7998       43.738        43.832       43.832       43.925        44.019        44.112        44.673         44.86        45.047        45.327       45.701       46.075  
    coh712=46.8933       43.832        43.925       43.925       44.019        44.112        44.206        44.766        44.953         45.14        45.421       45.794       46.168  
    coh713=46.9867       43.925        44.019       44.019       44.112        44.206        44.299         44.86        45.047        45.234        45.514       45.888       46.262  
    coh714=47.0802       44.019        44.112       44.112       44.206        44.299        44.393        44.953         45.14        45.327        45.607       45.981       46.355  
    coh715=47.1737       44.112        44.206       44.206       44.299        44.393        44.486        44.953        45.234        45.421        45.701       46.075       46.449  
    coh716=47.2671       44.206        44.299       44.299       44.393        44.486        44.579        45.047        45.327        45.514        45.794       46.075       46.542  
    coh717=47.3606       44.299        44.393       44.393       44.486        44.579        44.673         45.14        45.421        45.607        45.888       46.168       46.636  
    coh718=47.454        44.393        44.486       44.486       44.579        44.673        44.766        45.234        45.514        45.701        45.981       46.262       46.729  
    coh719=47.5475       44.486        44.579       44.579       44.673        44.766         44.86        45.327        45.607        45.794        46.075       46.355       46.729  
    coh720=47.6409       44.579        44.673       44.673       44.766         44.86        44.953        45.421        45.607        45.888        46.168       46.449       46.822  
    coh721=47.7344       44.673        44.766       44.766        44.86        44.953        45.047        45.514        45.701        45.981        46.262       46.542       46.916  
    coh722=47.8279       44.766        44.766        44.86       44.953        45.047        45.047        45.607        45.794        46.075        46.355       46.636       47.009  
    coh723=47.9213        44.86         44.86       44.953       45.047        45.047         45.14        45.701        45.888        46.168        46.449       46.729       47.103  
    coh724=48.0148       44.953        44.953       45.047        45.14         45.14        45.234        45.794        45.981        46.262        46.542       46.822       47.196  
    coh725=48.1082       45.047        45.047        45.14       45.234        45.234        45.327        45.888        46.075        46.355        46.636       46.916        47.29  
    coh726=48.2017        45.14         45.14       45.234       45.327        45.327        45.421        45.981        46.168        46.449        46.729       47.009       47.383  
    coh727=48.2952       45.234        45.234       45.327       45.421        45.421        45.514        46.075        46.262        46.542        46.822       47.103       47.477  
    coh728=48.3886       45.327        45.327       45.421       45.514        45.514        45.607        46.168        46.355        46.636        46.916       47.196        47.57  
    coh729=48.4821       45.421        45.421       45.514       45.607        45.607        45.701        46.262        46.449        46.729        47.009        47.29       47.664  
    coh730=48.5755       45.514        45.514       45.607       45.607        45.701        45.794        46.355        46.542        46.822        47.103       47.383       47.757  
    coh731=48.669        45.607        45.607       45.701       45.701        45.794        45.888        46.449        46.636        46.916        47.196       47.477        47.85  
    coh732=48.7624       45.701        45.701       45.794       45.794        45.888        45.981        46.542        46.729        47.009         47.29        47.57       47.944  
    coh733=48.8559       45.794        45.794       45.888       45.888        45.981        46.075        46.636        46.822        47.103        47.383       47.664       48.037  
    coh734=48.9494       45.888        45.888       45.981       45.981        46.075        46.168        46.729        46.916        47.196        47.477       47.757       48.131  
    coh735=49.0428       45.981        45.981       46.075       46.075        46.168        46.262        46.822        47.009         47.29         47.57        47.85       48.224  
    coh736=49.1363       46.075        46.075       46.168       46.168        46.262        46.355        46.916        47.103        47.383         47.57       47.944       48.318  
    coh737=49.2297       46.168        46.168       46.262       46.262        46.355        46.449        47.009        47.196        47.477        47.664       48.037       48.411  
    coh738=49.3232       46.262        46.262       46.355       46.355        46.449        46.542        47.103         47.29        47.477        47.757       48.131       48.505  
    coh739=49.4166       46.262        46.355       46.449       46.449        46.542        46.636        47.196        47.383         47.57         47.85       48.224       48.598  
    coh740=49.5101       46.355        46.449       46.542       46.542        46.636        46.729         47.29        47.477        47.664        47.944       48.318       48.692  
    coh741=49.6036       46.449        46.542       46.542       46.636        46.729        46.822        47.383         47.57        47.757        48.037       48.411       48.785  
    coh742=49.697        46.542        46.636       46.636       46.729        46.822        46.916        47.477        47.664         47.85        48.131       48.505       48.879  
    coh743=49.7905       46.636        46.729       46.729       46.822        46.916        47.009         47.57        47.757        47.944        48.224       48.598       48.972  
    coh744=49.8839       46.729        46.822       46.822       46.916        47.009        47.103        47.664         47.85        48.037        48.318       48.692       49.065  
    coh745=49.9774       46.822        46.916       46.916       47.009        47.103        47.196        47.757        47.944        48.131        48.411       48.785       49.159  
    coh746=50.0709       46.916        47.009       47.009       47.103        47.196         47.29         47.85        48.037        48.224        48.505       48.879       49.252  
    coh747=50.1643       47.009        47.103       47.103       47.196         47.29        47.383        47.944        48.131        48.318        48.598       48.972       49.346  
    coh748=50.2578       47.103        47.196       47.196        47.29        47.383        47.477        48.037        48.224        48.411        48.692       49.065       49.439  
    coh749=50.3512       47.196         47.29        47.29       47.383        47.477         47.57        48.131        48.318        48.505        48.785       49.159       49.533  
    coh750=50.4447        47.29        47.383       47.383       47.477         47.57        47.664        48.131        48.411        48.598        48.879       49.252       49.626  

Display Various Containers

bl_display_defparam = true;
if (bl_display_defparam)

Display 1 support_map

Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 42
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = bl_display ; val = false
pos = 2 ; key = bl_display_dist ; val = false
pos = 3 ; key = bl_display_final ; val = true
pos = 4 ; key = bl_display_final_dist ; val = false
pos = 5 ; key = bl_display_final_dist_detail ; val = false
pos = 6 ; key = bl_display_funcgrids ; val = false
pos = 7 ; key = bl_display_infbridge ; val = false
pos = 8 ; key = bl_display_minccost ; val = false
pos = 9 ; key = bl_graph ; val = true
pos = 10 ; key = bl_graph_coh_t_coh ; val = true
pos = 11 ; key = bl_graph_discrete ; val = true
pos = 12 ; key = bl_graph_forinf_discrete ; val = true
pos = 13 ; key = bl_graph_forinf_pol_lvl ; val = true
pos = 14 ; key = bl_graph_forinf_pol_pct ; val = true
pos = 15 ; key = bl_graph_funcgrids ; val = false
pos = 16 ; key = bl_graph_onebyones ; val = true
pos = 17 ; key = bl_graph_pol_lvl ; val = true
pos = 18 ; key = bl_graph_pol_pct ; val = true
pos = 19 ; key = bl_graph_val ; val = true
pos = 20 ; key = bl_img_save ; val = false
pos = 21 ; key = bl_mat ; val = false
pos = 22 ; key = bl_post ; val = true
pos = 23 ; key = bl_profile ; val = false
pos = 24 ; key = bl_profile_dist ; val = false
pos = 25 ; key = bl_time ; val = false
pos = 26 ; key = it_display_every ; val = 5
pos = 27 ; key = it_display_final_colmax ; val = 12
pos = 28 ; key = it_display_final_rowmax ; val = 100
pos = 29 ; key = st_img_name_main ; val = ff_abz_fibs_vf_vecsv_default
pos = 30 ; key = st_img_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_fibs//m_abz_solve/img/
pos = 31 ; key = st_img_prefix ; val = 
pos = 32 ; key = st_img_suffix ; val = _p4.png
pos = 33 ; key = st_mat_name_main ; val = ff_abz_fibs_vf_vecsv_default
pos = 34 ; key = st_mat_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_fibs//m_abz_solve/mat/
pos = 35 ; key = st_mat_prefix ; val = 
pos = 36 ; key = st_mat_suffix ; val = _p4
pos = 37 ; key = st_matimg_path_root ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_fibs/
pos = 38 ; key = st_profile_name_main ; val = ff_abz_fibs_vf_vecsv_default
pos = 39 ; key = st_profile_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_fibs//m_abz_solve/profile/
pos = 40 ; key = st_profile_prefix ; val = 
pos = 41 ; key = st_profile_suffix ; val = _p4
pos = 42 ; key = st_title_prefix ; val = 
Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                    i     idx    value
                                    __    ___    _____

    bl_display                       1     1        0 
    bl_display_dist                  2     2        0 
    bl_display_final                 3     3        1 
    bl_display_final_dist            4     4        0 
    bl_display_final_dist_detail     5     5        0 
    bl_display_funcgrids             6     6        0 
    bl_display_infbridge             7     7        0 
    bl_display_minccost              8     8        0 
    bl_graph                         9     9        1 
    bl_graph_coh_t_coh              10    10        1 
    bl_graph_discrete               11    11        1 
    bl_graph_forinf_discrete        12    12        1 
    bl_graph_forinf_pol_lvl         13    13        1 
    bl_graph_forinf_pol_pct         14    14        1 
    bl_graph_funcgrids              15    15        0 
    bl_graph_onebyones              16    16        1 
    bl_graph_pol_lvl                17    17        1 
    bl_graph_pol_pct                18    18        1 
    bl_graph_val                    19    19        1 
    bl_img_save                     20    20        0 
    bl_mat                          21    21        0 
    bl_post                         22    22        1 
    bl_profile                      23    23        0 
    bl_profile_dist                 24    24        0 
    bl_time                         25    25        0 
    it_display_every                26    26        5 
    it_display_final_colmax         27    27       12 
    it_display_final_rowmax         28    28      100 

Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                            i     idx
                            __    ___

    st_img_name_main         1    29 
    st_img_path              2    30 
    st_img_prefix            3    31 
    st_img_suffix            4    32 
    st_mat_name_main         5    33 
    st_mat_path              6    34 
    st_mat_prefix            7    35 
    st_mat_suffix            8    36 
    st_matimg_path_root      9    37 
    st_profile_name_main    10    38 
    st_profile_path         11    39 
    st_profile_prefix       12    40 
    st_profile_suffix       13    41 
    st_title_prefix         14    42 

Display 2 armt_map

Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 6
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = ar_a ;rown= 1 ,coln= 750
ar_a :mu= 15 ,sd= 20.2477 ,min= -20 ,max= 50
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_375_c375    zi_748_c748    zi_749_c749    zi_750_c750
               _______    _______    _______    ___________    ___________    ___________    ___________

    zi_1_r1      -20      -19.907    -19.813      14.953         49.813         49.907           50     

pos = 2 ; key = ar_forbrblk ;rown= 1 ,coln= 9
ar_forbrblk :mu= -7.0556 ,sd= 6.3809 ,min= -19 ,max= 0
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_5_c5    zi_7_c7    zi_8_c8    zi_9_c9
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1      -19       -14.5       -10       -5.5       -2.5        -1          0   

pos = 3 ; key = ar_forbrblk_r ;rown= 1 ,coln= 9
ar_forbrblk_r :mu= 0.065 ,sd= 0 ,min= 0.065 ,max= 0.065
               zi_1_c1    zi_2_c2    zi_3_c3    zi_5_c5    zi_7_c7    zi_8_c8    zi_9_c9
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______    _______

    zi_1_r1     0.065      0.065      0.065      0.065      0.065      0.065      0.065 

pos = 4 ; key = ar_stationary ;rown= 1 ,coln= 15
ar_stationary :mu= 0.066667 ,sd= 0.060897 ,min= 0.0027089 ,max= 0.16757
                zi_1_C1      zi_2_C2     zi_3_C3     zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
               _________    _________    ________    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_r1    0.0027089    0.0069499    0.018507    0.16757    0.018507     0.0069499    0.0027089

pos = 5 ; key = ar_z ;rown= 1 ,coln= 15
ar_z :mu= 1.1347 ,sd= 0.69878 ,min= 0.34741 ,max= 2.567
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_r1    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  

pos = 6 ; key = mt_z_trans ;rown= 15 ,coln= 15
mt_z_trans :mu= 0.066667 ,sd= 0.095337 ,min= 0 ,max= 0.27902
                  zi_1_C1       zi_2_C2       zi_3_C3       zi_8_C8      zi_13_c13     zi_14_c14     zi_15_c15 
                 __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________

    zi_1_R1         0.26016       0.26831       0.25551    0.00012823    2.7001e-13    1.1102e-15             0
    zi_2_R2         0.11232       0.19622        0.2763    0.00098855    1.5289e-11    9.3592e-14    3.3307e-16
    zi_3_R3        0.037073       0.10492        0.2185     0.0055558    6.2811e-10    5.7438e-12    3.1863e-14
    zi_4_R4       0.0092081      0.040998       0.12635      0.022782    1.8732e-08    2.5567e-10    2.1255e-12
    zi_5_R5       0.0017026      0.011702      0.053403      0.068209     4.058e-07    8.2598e-09    1.0277e-10
    zi_11_r11    1.0277e-10    8.2598e-09     4.058e-07      0.068209      0.053403      0.011702     0.0017026
    zi_12_r12    2.1256e-12    2.5567e-10    1.8732e-08      0.022782       0.12635      0.040998     0.0092081
    zi_13_r13    3.1909e-14    5.7438e-12    6.2811e-10     0.0055558        0.2185       0.10492      0.037073
    zi_14_r14     3.474e-16    9.3597e-14    1.5289e-11    0.00098855        0.2763       0.19622       0.11232
    zi_15_r15    2.7412e-18    1.1057e-15    2.6998e-13    0.00012823       0.25551       0.26831       0.26016

Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                     i    idx    rowN    colN      mean        std          min         max  
                     _    ___    ____    ____    ________    ________    _________    _______

    ar_a             1     1       1     750           15      20.248          -20         50
    ar_forbrblk      2     2       1       9      -7.0556      6.3809          -19          0
    ar_forbrblk_r    3     3       1       9        0.065           0        0.065      0.065
    ar_stationary    4     4       1      15     0.066667    0.060897    0.0027089    0.16757
    ar_z             5     5       1      15       1.1347     0.69878      0.34741      2.567
    mt_z_trans       6     6      15      15     0.066667    0.095337            0    0.27902

Display 3 param_map

Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 37
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = bl_b_is_principle ; val = false
pos = 2 ; key = bl_bridge ; val = true
pos = 3 ; key = bl_default ; val = true
pos = 4 ; key = bl_loglin ; val = false
pos = 5 ; key = bl_rollover ; val = true
pos = 6 ; key = fl_a_max ; val = 50
pos = 7 ; key = fl_a_min ; val = 0
pos = 8 ; key = fl_b_bd ; val = -20
pos = 9 ; key = fl_beta ; val = 0.94
pos = 10 ; key = fl_c_min ; val = 0.02
pos = 11 ; key = fl_crra ; val = 1.5
pos = 12 ; key = fl_default_aprime ; val = 0
pos = 13 ; key = fl_forbrblk_brleast ; val = -1
pos = 14 ; key = fl_forbrblk_brmost ; val = -19
pos = 15 ; key = fl_forbrblk_gap ; val = -1.5
pos = 16 ; key = fl_loglin_threshold ; val = 1
pos = 17 ; key = fl_nan_replace ; val = -99999
pos = 18 ; key = fl_r_fbr ; val = 0.065
pos = 19 ; key = fl_r_fsv ; val = 0.025
pos = 20 ; key = fl_r_inf ; val = 0.095
pos = 21 ; key = fl_r_inf_bridge ; val = 0.095
pos = 22 ; key = fl_tol_dist ; val = 1e-05
pos = 23 ; key = fl_tol_pol ; val = 1e-05
pos = 24 ; key = fl_tol_val ; val = 1e-05
pos = 25 ; key = fl_w ; val = 1.28
pos = 26 ; key = fl_z_mu ; val = 0
pos = 27 ; key = fl_z_rho ; val = 0.8
pos = 28 ; key = fl_z_sig ; val = 0.2
pos = 29 ; key = it_a_n ; val = 750
pos = 30 ; key = it_maxiter_dist ; val = 1000
pos = 31 ; key = it_maxiter_val ; val = 1000
pos = 32 ; key = it_tol_pol_nochange ; val = 25
pos = 33 ; key = it_trans_power_dist ; val = 1000
pos = 34 ; key = it_z_n ; val = 15
pos = 35 ; key = st_analytical_stationary_type ; val = eigenvector
pos = 36 ; key = st_forbrblk_type ; val = seg3
pos = 37 ; key = st_model ; val = abz_fibs
Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                           i     idx    value 
                           __    ___    ______

    bl_b_is_principle       1     1          0
    bl_bridge               2     2          1
    bl_default              3     3          1
    bl_loglin               4     4          0
    bl_rollover             5     5          1
    fl_a_max                6     6         50
    fl_a_min                7     7          0
    fl_b_bd                 8     8        -20
    fl_beta                 9     9       0.94
    fl_c_min               10    10       0.02
    fl_crra                11    11        1.5
    fl_default_aprime      12    12          0
    fl_forbrblk_brleast    13    13         -1
    fl_forbrblk_brmost     14    14        -19
    fl_forbrblk_gap        15    15       -1.5
    fl_loglin_threshold    16    16          1
    fl_nan_replace         17    17     -99999
    fl_r_fbr               18    18      0.065
    fl_r_fsv               19    19      0.025
    fl_r_inf               20    20      0.095
    fl_r_inf_bridge        21    21      0.095
    fl_tol_dist            22    22      1e-05
    fl_tol_pol             23    23      1e-05
    fl_tol_val             24    24      1e-05
    fl_w                   25    25       1.28
    fl_z_mu                26    26          0
    fl_z_rho               27    27        0.8
    fl_z_sig               28    28        0.2
    it_a_n                 29    29        750
    it_maxiter_dist        30    30       1000
    it_maxiter_val         31    31       1000
    it_tol_pol_nochange    32    32         25
    it_trans_power_dist    33    33       1000
    it_z_n                 34    34         15

Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                     i    idx
                                     _    ___

    st_analytical_stationary_type    1    35 
    st_forbrblk_type                 2    36 
    st_model                         3    37 

Display 4 func_map

Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 8
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = f_bprime ; val = @(fl_r_inf,ar_for_borr,ar_inf_borr,ar_for_save)(ar_for_borr./(1+fl_r_fbr)+ar_inf_borr./(1+fl_r_inf)+ar_for_save./(1+fl_r_fsv))
pos = 2 ; key = f_coh ; val = @(ar_z,ar_b)(ar_z*fl_w+ar_b)
pos = 3 ; key = f_cons_coh_fbis ; val = @(coh,ar_bprime_in_c)(coh+ar_bprime_in_c)
pos = 4 ; key = f_cons_coh_save ; val = @(coh,ar_for_save)(coh-ar_for_save./(1+fl_r_fsv))
pos = 5 ; key = f_inc ; val = @(ar_z,fl_r_inf,ar_for_borr,ar_inf_borr,ar_for_save)(ar_z*fl_w+((ar_for_borr./(1+fl_r_fbr))*fl_r_fbr+(ar_inf_borr./(1+fl_r_inf))*fl_r_inf+(ar_for_save./(1+fl_r_fsv))*fl_r_fsv))
pos = 6 ; key = f_util_crra ; val = @(c)(((c).^(1-fl_crra)-1)./(1-fl_crra))
pos = 7 ; key = f_util_log ; val = @(c)log(c)
pos = 8 ; key = f_util_standin ; val = @(z,b)f_util_log(f_coh_simple(z,b).*(f_coh_simple(z,b)>0)+fl_c_min.*(f_coh_simple(z,b)<=0))
Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                       i    idx    xFunction
                       _    ___    _________

    f_bprime           1     1         1    
    f_coh              2     2         2    
    f_cons_coh_fbis    3     3         3    
    f_cons_coh_save    4     4         4    
    f_inc              5     5         5    
    f_util_crra        6     6         6    
    f_util_log         7     7         7    
    f_util_standin     8     8         8    

Display 5 result_map

Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 22
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = ar_pol_diff_norm ;rown= 118 ,coln= 1
ar_pol_diff_norm :mu= 53.0996 ,sd= 280.7213 ,min= 0 ,max= 2189.8514

    zi_1_R1          2002 
    zi_2_R2        2189.9 
    zi_3_R3        721.95 
    zi_4_R4        364.17 
    zi_5_R5        214.04 
    zi_114_r114         0 
    zi_115_r115         0 
    zi_116_r116         0 
    zi_117_r117         0 
    zi_118_r118         0 

pos = 2 ; key = ar_st_pol_names ; val = cl_mt_pol_a cl_mt_coh cl_mt_pol_c cl_mt_pol_b_bridge cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge cl_mt_pol_for_borr cl_mt_pol_for_save
pos = 3 ; key = ar_val_diff_norm ;rown= 118 ,coln= 1
ar_val_diff_norm :mu= 10.7496 ,sd= 28.8376 ,min= 0.027852 ,max= 193.1614

    zi_1_R1          193.16
    zi_2_R2          147.46
    zi_3_R3          119.38
    zi_4_R4          98.645
    zi_5_R5          83.341
    zi_114_r114    0.035672
    zi_115_r115    0.033532
    zi_116_r116    0.031521
    zi_117_r117     0.02963
    zi_118_r118    0.027852

pos = 4 ; key = cl_mt_coh ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
cl_mt_coh :mu= 16.4525 ,sd= 20.2536 ,min= -19.5553 ,max= 53.2858
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1        -19.555    -19.487    -19.408    -18.791     -17.531      -17.152      -16.714 
    zi_2_R2        -19.462    -19.394    -19.315    -18.698     -17.437      -17.058      -16.621 
    zi_3_R3        -19.368      -19.3    -19.221    -18.604     -17.344      -16.965      -16.527 
    zi_4_R4        -19.275    -19.207    -19.128    -18.511      -17.25      -16.871      -16.434 
    zi_5_R5        -19.181    -19.113    -19.034    -18.417     -17.157      -16.778       -16.34 
    zi_746_r746     50.071     50.139     50.218     50.835      52.095       52.475       52.912 
    zi_747_r747     50.164     50.233     50.311     50.928      52.189       52.568       53.005 
    zi_748_r748     50.258     50.326     50.405     51.022      52.282       52.661       53.099 
    zi_749_r749     50.351      50.42     50.498     51.115      52.376       52.755       53.192 
    zi_750_r750     50.445     50.513     50.592     51.209      52.469       52.848       53.286 

pos = 5 ; key = cl_mt_pol_a ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
cl_mt_pol_a :mu= 14.2841 ,sd= 19.5603 ,min= -20 ,max= 49.6262
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1             0          0          0          0           0          -20           -20 
    zi_2_R2             0          0          0          0           0          -20           -20 
    zi_3_R3             0          0          0          0         -20          -20       -19.533 
    zi_4_R4             0          0          0          0         -20          -20       -19.439 
    zi_5_R5             0          0          0          0         -20          -20       -19.346 
    zi_746_r746    46.916     47.009     47.009     47.477      48.505       48.879        49.252 
    zi_747_r747    47.009     47.103     47.103      47.57      48.598       48.972        49.346 
    zi_748_r748    47.103     47.196     47.196     47.664      48.692       49.065        49.439 
    zi_749_r749    47.196      47.29      47.29     47.757      48.785       49.159        49.533 
    zi_750_r750     47.29     47.383     47.383      47.85      48.879       49.252        49.626 

pos = 6 ; key = cl_mt_pol_b_bridge ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
cl_mt_pol_b_bridge :mu= -2.4126 ,sd= 5.0145 ,min= -19.4962 ,max= 0
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1           0          0          0          0              0      -18.781      -18.302 
    zi_2_R2           0          0          0          0              0      -18.679        -18.2 
    zi_3_R3           0          0          0          0        -18.992      -18.576      -18.097 
    zi_4_R4           0          0          0          0        -18.889      -18.474      -17.995 
    zi_5_R5           0          0          0          0        -18.787      -18.372      -17.893 
    zi_746_r746       0          0          0          0              0            0            0 
    zi_747_r747       0          0          0          0              0            0            0 
    zi_748_r748       0          0          0          0              0            0            0 
    zi_749_r749       0          0          0          0              0            0            0 
    zi_750_r750       0          0          0          0              0            0            0 

pos = 7 ; key = cl_mt_pol_c ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
cl_mt_pol_c :mu= 2.618 ,sd= 1.1332 ,min= 0.02 ,max= 4.87
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1          0.02       0.02       0.02       0.02         0.02      1.1406        1.578  
    zi_2_R2          0.02       0.02       0.02       0.02         0.02      1.2341       1.6715  
    zi_3_R3          0.02       0.02       0.02       0.02      0.94483      1.3275       1.3382  
    zi_4_R4          0.02       0.02       0.02       0.02       1.0418       1.421       1.3463  
    zi_5_R5          0.02       0.02       0.02       0.02       1.1353      1.5145       1.3544  
    zi_746_r746    4.2993     4.2764     4.3551     4.5163       4.7737      4.7882       4.8609  
    zi_747_r747    4.3015     4.2786     4.3574     4.5186        4.776      4.7905       4.8632  
    zi_748_r748    4.3038     4.2809     4.3597     4.5208       4.7783      4.7928       4.8655  
    zi_749_r749    4.3061     4.2832      4.362     4.5231       4.7806       4.795       4.8677  
    zi_750_r750    4.3084     4.2855     4.3643     4.5254       4.7829      4.7973         4.87  

pos = 8 ; key = cl_mt_pol_for_borr ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
cl_mt_pol_for_borr :mu= -0.30038 ,sd= 0.5387 ,min= -2.6625 ,max= 0
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1           0          0          0          0             0       -1.065       -1.065  
    zi_2_R2           0          0          0          0             0       -1.065       -1.065  
    zi_3_R3           0          0          0          0        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065  
    zi_4_R4           0          0          0          0        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065  
    zi_5_R5           0          0          0          0        -1.065       -1.065       -1.065  
    zi_746_r746       0          0          0          0             0            0            0  
    zi_747_r747       0          0          0          0             0            0            0  
    zi_748_r748       0          0          0          0             0            0            0  
    zi_749_r749       0          0          0          0             0            0            0  
    zi_750_r750       0          0          0          0             0            0            0  

pos = 9 ; key = cl_mt_pol_for_save ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
cl_mt_pol_for_save :mu= 17.0926 ,sd= 15.977 ,min= 0 ,max= 49.6262
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1             0          0          0          0            0           0            0  
    zi_2_R2             0          0          0          0            0           0            0  
    zi_3_R3             0          0          0          0     0.056554           0            0  
    zi_4_R4             0          0          0          0            0           0            0  
    zi_5_R5             0          0          0          0            0           0            0  
    zi_746_r746    46.916     47.009     47.009     47.477       48.505      48.879       49.252  
    zi_747_r747    47.009     47.103     47.103      47.57       48.598      48.972       49.346  
    zi_748_r748    47.103     47.196     47.196     47.664       48.692      49.065       49.439  
    zi_749_r749    47.196      47.29      47.29     47.757       48.785      49.159       49.533  
    zi_750_r750     47.29     47.383     47.383      47.85       48.879      49.252       49.626  

pos = 10 ; key = cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge :mu= -0.095582 ,sd= 0.19098 ,min= -0.92595 ,max= 0
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1           0          0          0          0               0    -0.15398     -0.63294 
    zi_2_R2           0          0          0          0               0    -0.25631     -0.73528 
    zi_3_R3           0          0          0          0               0    -0.35865     -0.37033 
    zi_4_R4           0          0          0          0       -0.045783    -0.46099     -0.37921 
    zi_5_R5           0          0          0          0        -0.14812    -0.56332     -0.38808 
    zi_746_r746       0          0          0          0               0           0            0 
    zi_747_r747       0          0          0          0               0           0            0 
    zi_748_r748       0          0          0          0               0           0            0 
    zi_749_r749       0          0          0          0               0           0            0 
    zi_750_r750       0          0          0          0               0           0            0 

pos = 11 ; key = mt_it_b_bridge_idx ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
mt_it_b_bridge_idx :mu= 0.25076 ,sd= 0.43347 ,min= 0 ,max= 1
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1         false      false      false      false       false        true         true   
    zi_2_R2         false      false      false      false       false        true         true   
    zi_3_R3         false      false      false      false       true         true         true   
    zi_4_R4         false      false      false      false       true         true         true   
    zi_5_R5         false      false      false      false       true         true         true   
    zi_746_r746     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_747_r747     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_748_r748     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_749_r749     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_750_r750     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  

pos = 12 ; key = mt_it_for_only_nbdg ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
mt_it_for_only_nbdg :mu= 0 ,sd= 0 ,min= 0 ,max= 0
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_2_R2         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_3_R3         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_4_R4         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_5_R5         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_746_r746     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_747_r747     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_748_r748     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_749_r749     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_750_r750     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  

pos = 13 ; key = mt_it_fr_brrsv_nbdg ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
mt_it_fr_brrsv_nbdg :mu= 0.022844 ,sd= 0.14941 ,min= 0 ,max= 1
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_2_R2         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_3_R3         false      false      false      false       true         false        false  
    zi_4_R4         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_5_R5         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_746_r746     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_747_r747     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_748_r748     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_749_r749     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_750_r750     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  

pos = 14 ; key = mt_it_frin_brr_nbdg ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
mt_it_frin_brr_nbdg :mu= 0.23787 ,sd= 0.4258 ,min= 0 ,max= 1
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1         false      false      false      false       false        true         true   
    zi_2_R2         false      false      false      false       false        true         true   
    zi_3_R3         false      false      false      false       false        true         true   
    zi_4_R4         false      false      false      false       true         true         true   
    zi_5_R5         false      false      false      false       true         true         true   
    zi_746_r746     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_747_r747     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_748_r748     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_749_r749     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_750_r750     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  

pos = 15 ; key = mt_it_frmsavng_only ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
mt_it_frmsavng_only :mu= 0.71413 ,sd= 0.45185 ,min= 0 ,max= 1
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_2_R2         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_3_R3         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_4_R4         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_5_R5         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_746_r746     true       true       true       true        true         true         true   
    zi_747_r747     true       true       true       true        true         true         true   
    zi_748_r748     true       true       true       true        true         true         true   
    zi_749_r749     true       true       true       true        true         true         true   
    zi_750_r750     true       true       true       true        true         true         true   

pos = 16 ; key = mt_it_inf_only_nbdg ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
mt_it_inf_only_nbdg :mu= 0.0085333 ,sd= 0.091985 ,min= 0 ,max= 1
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_2_R2         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_3_R3         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_4_R4         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_5_R5         false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_746_r746     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_747_r747     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_748_r748     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_749_r749     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  
    zi_750_r750     false      false      false      false       false        false        false  

pos = 17 ; key = mt_pol_idx ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
mt_pol_idx :mu= 367.8396 ,sd= 209.2957 ,min= 1 ,max= 746
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1          215        215        215        215         215            1            1   
    zi_2_R2          215        215        215        215         215            1            1   
    zi_3_R3          215        215        215        215           1            1            6   
    zi_4_R4          215        215        215        215           1            1            7   
    zi_5_R5          215        215        215        215           1            1            8   
    zi_746_r746      717        718        718        723         734          738          742   
    zi_747_r747      718        719        719        724         735          739          743   
    zi_748_r748      719        720        720        725         736          740          744   
    zi_749_r749      720        721        721        726         737          741          745   
    zi_750_r750      721        722        722        727         738          742          746   

pos = 18 ; key = mt_pol_perc_change ;rown= 118 ,coln= 15
mt_pol_perc_change :mu= 0.20847 ,sd= 0.33438 ,min= 0 ,max= 1
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1              1          1          1          1           1            1            1 
    zi_2_R2           0.98    0.98133    0.98267      0.992           1            1            1 
    zi_3_R3        0.96267    0.96533    0.96667    0.98133           1            1            1 
    zi_4_R4        0.94933    0.95333      0.956      0.972     0.99467            1            1 
    zi_5_R5          0.932    0.93467    0.93733      0.964     0.99067      0.99867      0.99733 
    zi_114_r114          0          0          0          0           0            0            0 
    zi_115_r115          0          0          0          0           0            0            0 
    zi_116_r116          0          0          0          0           0            0            0 
    zi_117_r117          0          0          0          0           0            0            0 
    zi_118_r118          0          0          0          0           0            0            0 

pos = 19 ; key = mt_val ;rown= 750 ,coln= 15
mt_val :mu= 6.3492 ,sd= 7.0755 ,min= -11.4101 ,max= 14.9196
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1        -11.41     -11.157    -10.871    -9.1936      -7.378      -6.7979      -6.1925 
    zi_2_R2        -11.41     -11.157    -10.871    -9.1936      -7.378      -6.7256      -6.1474 
    zi_3_R3        -11.41     -11.157    -10.871    -9.1936     -7.2987      -6.6611      -6.0954 
    zi_4_R4        -11.41     -11.157    -10.871    -9.1936     -7.2005       -6.603      -6.0336 
    zi_5_R5        -11.41     -11.157    -10.871    -9.1936     -7.1182      -6.5504      -5.9757 
    zi_746_r746    13.685      13.735     13.791     14.148      14.648       14.766       14.885 
    zi_747_r747    13.696      13.746     13.802     14.157      14.657       14.775       14.894 
    zi_748_r748    13.706      13.756     13.812     14.167      14.666       14.784       14.902 
    zi_749_r749    13.717      13.766     13.823     14.177      14.675       14.792       14.911 
    zi_750_r750    13.728      13.777     13.833     14.187      14.684       14.801        14.92 

pos = 20 ; key = tb_pol_a ;rown= 100 ,coln= 12
tb_pol_a :mu= 15.5562 ,sd= 30.8702 ,min= -20 ,max= 49.6262
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_6_C6    zi_10_c10    zi_11_c11    zi_12_c12
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1             0          0          0          0           0          -20           -20 
    zi_2_R2             0          0          0          0           0          -20           -20 
    zi_3_R3             0          0          0          0         -20          -20       -19.533 
    zi_4_R4             0          0          0          0         -20          -20       -19.439 
    zi_5_R5             0          0          0          0         -20          -20       -19.346 
    zi_96_R96      46.916     47.009     47.009      47.29      48.505       48.879        49.252 
    zi_97_R97      47.009     47.103     47.103     47.383      48.598       48.972        49.346 
    zi_98_R98      47.103     47.196     47.196     47.477      48.692       49.065        49.439 
    zi_99_R99      47.196      47.29      47.29      47.57      48.785       49.159        49.533 
    zi_100_r100     47.29     47.383     47.383     47.664      48.879       49.252        49.626 

pos = 21 ; key = tb_val ;rown= 100 ,coln= 12
tb_val :mu= 3.0056 ,sd= 11.1075 ,min= -11.4101 ,max= 14.9196
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_6_C6    zi_10_c10    zi_11_c11    zi_12_c12
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1        -11.41     -11.157    -10.871    -9.8987      -7.378      -6.7979      -6.1925 
    zi_2_R2        -11.41     -11.157    -10.871    -9.8987      -7.378      -6.7256      -6.1474 
    zi_3_R3        -11.41     -11.157    -10.871    -9.8987     -7.2987      -6.6611      -6.0954 
    zi_4_R4        -11.41     -11.157    -10.871    -9.8987     -7.2005       -6.603      -6.0336 
    zi_5_R5        -11.41     -11.157    -10.871    -9.8987     -7.1182      -6.5504      -5.9757 
    zi_96_R96      13.685      13.735     13.791      13.99      14.648       14.766       14.885 
    zi_97_R97      13.696      13.746     13.802         14      14.657       14.775       14.894 
    zi_98_R98      13.706      13.756     13.812      14.01      14.666       14.784       14.902 
    zi_99_R99      13.717      13.766     13.823      14.02      14.675       14.792       14.911 
    zi_100_r100    13.728      13.777     13.833      14.03      14.684       14.801        14.92 

pos = 22 ; key = tb_valpol_alliter ;rown= 100 ,coln= 14
tb_valpol_alliter :mu= 5.5725 ,sd= 82.9258 ,min= 0 ,max= 2189.8514
                   zi_1_C1     zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_7_C7    zi_12_c12    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14
                   ________    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1          193.16      2002           1          1           1            1            1 
    zi_2_R2          147.46    2189.9        0.98    0.98533           1            1            1 
    zi_3_R3          119.38    721.95     0.96267      0.972           1            1            1 
    zi_4_R4          98.645    364.17     0.94933      0.964     0.99467            1            1 
    zi_5_R5          83.341    214.04       0.932    0.94667     0.99067      0.99867      0.99733 
    zi_96_R96      0.035672         0           0          0           0            0            0 
    zi_97_R97      0.033532         0           0          0           0            0            0 
    zi_98_R98      0.031521         0           0          0           0            0            0 
    zi_99_R99       0.02963         0           0          0           0            0            0 
    zi_100_r100    0.027852         0           0          0           0            0            0 

Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                   i     idx    rowN    colN      mean         std         min        max  
                                   __    ___    ____    ____    _________    ________    ________    ______

    ar_pol_diff_norm                1     1     118       1          53.1      280.72           0    2189.9
    ar_val_diff_norm                2     3     118       1         10.75      28.838    0.027852    193.16
    cl_mt_coh                       3     4     750      15        16.452      20.254     -19.555    53.286
    cl_mt_pol_a                     4     5     750      15        14.284       19.56         -20    49.626
    cl_mt_pol_b_bridge              5     6     750      15       -2.4126      5.0145     -19.496         0
    cl_mt_pol_c                     6     7     750      15         2.618      1.1332        0.02      4.87
    cl_mt_pol_for_borr              7     8     750      15      -0.30038      0.5387     -2.6625         0
    cl_mt_pol_for_save              8     9     750      15        17.093      15.977           0    49.626
    cl_mt_pol_inf_borr_nobridge     9    10     750      15     -0.095582     0.19098    -0.92595         0
    mt_it_b_bridge_idx             10    11     750      15       0.25076     0.43347           0         1
    mt_it_for_only_nbdg            11    12     750      15             0           0           0         0
    mt_it_fr_brrsv_nbdg            12    13     750      15      0.022844     0.14941           0         1
    mt_it_frin_brr_nbdg            13    14     750      15       0.23787      0.4258           0         1
    mt_it_frmsavng_only            14    15     750      15       0.71413     0.45185           0         1
    mt_it_inf_only_nbdg            15    16     750      15     0.0085333    0.091985           0         1
    mt_pol_idx                     16    17     750      15        367.84       209.3           1       746
    mt_pol_perc_change             17    18     118      15       0.20847     0.33438           0         1
    mt_val                         18    19     750      15        6.3492      7.0755      -11.41     14.92
    tb_pol_a                       19    20     100      12        15.556       30.87         -20    49.626
    tb_val                         20    21     100      12        3.0056      11.108      -11.41     14.92
    tb_valpol_alliter              21    22     100      14        5.5725      82.926           0    2189.9

Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                       i    idx
                       _    ___

    ar_st_pol_names    1     2 

ans = 

  Map with properties:

        Count: 22
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any