Solve Save + Borr Dynamic Programming Problem (Vectorized)
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- FF_ABZ_VF_VEC solve infinite horizon exo shock + endo asset problem
- Default
- Parse Parameters 1
- Parse Parameters 2
- Display Parameters
- Initialize Output Matrixes
- Initialize Convergence Conditions
- Iterate Value Function
- Solve Optimization Problem Current Iteration
- Check Tolerance and Continuation
- Process Optimal Choices
function result_map = ff_abz_vf_vec(varargin)
FF_ABZ_VF_VEC solve infinite horizon exo shock + endo asset problem
This program solves the infinite horizon dynamic single asset and single shock problem with vectorized codes. ff_abz_vf shows looped codes. The solution is the same.
The borrowing problem is similar to the savings problem. The main addition here in comparison to the savings only code ff_az_vf_vec is the ability to deal with default, as well as an additional shock to the borrowing interest rate.
The vectorization takes advantage of implicit parallization that modern computers have when same instructions are given for different blocks of data With vectorization, we face a tradeoff between memory and speed. Suppose we have many shock points and many states points, if we build all states and choices into one single matrix and compute consumption, utility, etc over that entire matrix, that might be more efficient than computing consumption, utility, etc by subset of that matrix over a loop, but there is time required for generating that large input matrix, and if there are too many states, a computer could run out of memory.
The design philosophy here is that we vectorize the endogenous states and choices into matrixes, but do not include the exogeous states (shocks). The exogenous shocks remain looped. This means we can potentially have multiple shock variables discretized over a large number of shock states, and the computer would not run into memory problems. The speed gain from vectoring the rest of the problem conditional on shocks is very large compared to the pure looped version of the problem. Even if more memory is available, including the exogenous states in the vectorization process might not be speed improving.
Note one key issue is whether a programming language is row or column major depending on which, states should be rows or columns.
Another programming issue is the idea of broadcasting vs matrix algebra, both are used here. Since Matlab R2016b, matrix broadcasting has been allowed, which means the sum of a N by 1 and 1 by M is N by M. This is unrelated to matrix algebra. Matrix array broadcasting is very useful because it reduces the dimensionality of our model input state and choice and shock vectors, offering greater code clarity.
@param param_map container parameter container
@param support_map container support container
@param armt_map container container with states, choices and shocks grids that are inputs for grid based solution algorithm
@param func_map container container with function handles for consumption cash-on-hand etc.
@return result_map container contains policy function matrix, value function matrix, iteration results, and policy function, value function and iteration results tables.
keys included in result_map:
- mt_val matrix states_n by shock_n matrix of converged value function grid
- mt_pol_a matrix states_n by shock_n matrix of converged policy function grid
- ar_val_diff_norm array if bl_post = true it_iter_last by 1 val function difference between iteration
- ar_pol_diff_norm array if bl_post = true it_iter_last by 1 policy function difference between iterations
- mt_pol_perc_change matrix if bl_post = true it_iter_last by shock_n the proportion of grid points at which policy function changed between current and last iteration for each element of shock
% Get Default Parameters it_param_set = 2; [param_map, support_map] = ffs_abz_set_default_param(it_param_set); % Chnage param_map keys for borrowing param_map('fl_b_bd') = -20; % borrow bound param_map('bl_default') = false; % true if allow for default param_map('fl_c_min') = 0.0001; % u(c_min) when default % Change Keys in param_map param_map('it_a_n') = 500; param_map('fl_z_r_borr_n') = 5; param_map('it_z_wage_n') = 15; param_map('it_z_n') = param_map('it_z_wage_n') * param_map('fl_z_r_borr_n'); param_map('fl_a_max') = 100; param_map('fl_w') = 1.3; % Change Keys support_map support_map('bl_display') = false; support_map('bl_post') = true; support_map('bl_display_final') = false; % Call Program with external parameters that override defaults. ff_abz_vf_vec(param_map, support_map);
- save loop: ff_az_vf
- save vectorized: ff_az_vf_vec
- save optimized-vectorized: ff_az_vf_vecsv
- save + borr loop: ff_abz_vf
- save + borr vectorized: ff_abz_vf_vec
- save + borr optimized-vectorized: ff_abz_vf_vecsv
- it_param_set = 1: quick test
- it_param_set = 2: benchmark run
- it_param_set = 3: benchmark profile
- it_param_set = 4: press publish button
it_param_set = 4; bl_input_override = true; [param_map, support_map] = ffs_abz_set_default_param(it_param_set); % Note: param_map and support_map can be adjusted here or outside to override defaults % param_map('it_a_n') = 750; % param_map('fl_z_r_borr_n') = 5; % param_map('it_z_wage_n') = 15; % param_map('it_z_n') = param_map('it_z_wage_n') * param_map('fl_z_r_borr_n'); % param_map('fl_r_save') = 0.025; % param_map('fl_z_r_borr_poiss_mean') = 1.75; [armt_map, func_map] = ffs_abz_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map, bl_input_override); % 1 for override default_params = {param_map support_map armt_map func_map};
Parse Parameters 1
% if varargin only has param_map and support_map, params_len = length(varargin); [default_params{1:params_len}] = varargin{:}; param_map = [param_map; default_params{1}]; support_map = [support_map; default_params{2}]; if params_len >= 1 && params_len <= 2 % If override param_map, re-generate armt and func if they are not % provided bl_input_override = true; [armt_map, func_map] = ffs_abz_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map, bl_input_override); else % Override all armt_map = [armt_map; default_params{3}]; func_map = [func_map; default_params{4}]; end % append function name st_func_name = 'ff_abz_vf_vec'; support_map('st_profile_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_profile_name_main')]; support_map('st_mat_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_mat_name_main')]; support_map('st_img_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_img_name_main')];
Parse Parameters 2
% armt_map params_group = values(armt_map, {'ar_a', 'mt_z_trans', 'ar_z_r_borr_mesh_wage', 'ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr'}); [ar_a, mt_z_trans, ar_z_r_borr_mesh_wage, ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr] = params_group{:}; % func_map params_group = values(func_map, {'f_util_log', 'f_util_crra', 'f_cons_checkcmin', 'f_awithr_to_anor', 'f_coh', 'f_cons_coh'}); [f_util_log, f_util_crra, f_cons_checkcmin, f_awithr_to_anor, f_coh, f_cons_coh] = params_group{:}; % param_map params_group = values(param_map, {'it_a_n', 'it_z_n', 'fl_crra', 'fl_beta', 'fl_c_min',... 'fl_nan_replace', 'bl_default', 'fl_default_aprime'}); [it_a_n, it_z_n, fl_crra, fl_beta, fl_c_min, ... fl_nan_replace, bl_default, fl_default_aprime] = params_group{:}; params_group = values(param_map, {'it_maxiter_val', 'fl_tol_val', 'fl_tol_pol', 'it_tol_pol_nochange'}); [it_maxiter_val, fl_tol_val, fl_tol_pol, it_tol_pol_nochange] = params_group{:}; % support_map params_group = values(support_map, {'bl_profile', 'st_profile_path', ... 'st_profile_prefix', 'st_profile_name_main', 'st_profile_suffix',... 'bl_time', 'bl_display_defparam', 'bl_display', 'it_display_every', 'bl_post'}); [bl_profile, st_profile_path, ... st_profile_prefix, st_profile_name_main, st_profile_suffix, ... bl_time, bl_display_defparam, bl_display, it_display_every, bl_post] = params_group{:};
Display Parameters
if(bl_display_defparam) fft_container_map_display(param_map); fft_container_map_display(support_map); end
---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: PARAM_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 35 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 32 ; key = st_analytical_stationary_type ; val = eigenvector pos = 33 ; key = st_model ; val = abz pos = 34 ; key = st_z_r_borr_drv_ele_type ; val = unif pos = 35 ; key = st_z_r_borr_drv_prb_type ; val = poiss ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx value __ ___ ______ bl_b_is_principle 1 1 1 bl_default 2 2 1 bl_loglin 3 3 0 fl_a_max 4 4 50 fl_a_min 5 5 0 fl_b_bd 6 6 -20 fl_beta 7 7 0.94 fl_c_min 8 8 0.01 fl_crra 9 9 1.5 fl_default_aprime 10 10 0 fl_loglin_threshold 11 11 1 fl_nan_replace 12 12 -99999 fl_r_save 13 13 0.025 fl_tol_dist 14 14 1e-05 fl_tol_pol 15 15 1e-05 fl_tol_val 16 16 1e-05 fl_w 17 17 1.28 fl_z_r_borr_max 18 18 0.095 fl_z_r_borr_min 19 19 0.025 fl_z_r_borr_n 20 20 5 fl_z_r_borr_poiss_mean 21 21 10 fl_z_wage_mu 22 22 0 fl_z_wage_rho 23 23 0.8 fl_z_wage_sig 24 24 0.2 it_a_n 25 25 750 it_maxiter_dist 26 26 1000 it_maxiter_val 27 27 1000 it_tol_pol_nochange 28 28 25 it_trans_power_dist 29 29 1000 it_z_n 30 30 55 it_z_wage_n 31 31 11 ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container CONTAINER NAME: SUPPORT_MAP ---------------------------------------- Map with properties: Count: 40 KeyType: char ValueType: any xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- pos = 26 ; key = st_img_name_main ; val = ff_abz_vf_vec_default pos = 27 ; key = st_img_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_abz//solve/img/ pos = 28 ; key = st_img_prefix ; val = pos = 29 ; key = st_img_suffix ; val = _p4.png pos = 30 ; key = st_mat_name_main ; val = ff_abz_vf_vec_default pos = 31 ; key = st_mat_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_abz//solve/mat/ pos = 32 ; key = st_mat_prefix ; val = pos = 33 ; key = st_mat_suffix ; val = _p4 pos = 34 ; key = st_mat_test_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_abz//test/ff_az_ds_vecsv/mat/ pos = 35 ; key = st_matimg_path_root ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_abz/ pos = 36 ; key = st_profile_name_main ; val = ff_abz_vf_vec_default pos = 37 ; key = st_profile_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_abz//solve/profile/ pos = 38 ; key = st_profile_prefix ; val = pos = 39 ; key = st_profile_suffix ; val = _p4 pos = 40 ; key = st_title_prefix ; val = ---------------------------------------- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i idx value __ ___ _____ bl_display 1 1 0 bl_display_defparam 2 2 1 bl_display_dist 3 3 0 bl_display_final 4 4 1 bl_display_final_dist 5 5 0 bl_display_final_dist_detail 6 6 0 bl_display_funcgrids 7 7 0 bl_graph 8 8 1 bl_graph_coh_t_coh 9 9 1 bl_graph_funcgrids 10 10 0 bl_graph_onebyones 11 11 1 bl_graph_pol_lvl 12 12 1 bl_graph_pol_pct 13 13 1 bl_graph_val 14 14 1 bl_img_save 15 15 0 bl_mat 16 16 0 bl_post 17 17 1 bl_profile 18 18 0 bl_profile_dist 19 19 0 bl_time 20 20 1 it_display_every 21 21 5 it_display_final_colmax 22 22 15 it_display_final_rowmax 23 23 100 it_display_summmat_colmax 24 24 5 it_display_summmat_rowmax 25 25 5
Initialize Output Matrixes
include mt_pol_idx which we did not have in looped code
mt_val_cur = zeros(length(ar_a),it_z_n); mt_val = mt_val_cur - 1; mt_pol_a = zeros(length(ar_a),it_z_n); mt_pol_a_cur = mt_pol_a - 1; mt_pol_idx = zeros(length(ar_a),it_z_n);
Initialize Convergence Conditions
bl_vfi_continue = true; it_iter = 0; ar_val_diff_norm = zeros([it_maxiter_val, 1]); ar_pol_diff_norm = zeros([it_maxiter_val, 1]); mt_pol_perc_change = zeros([it_maxiter_val, it_z_n]);
Iterate Value Function
Loop solution with 4 nested loops
- loop 1: over exogenous states
- loop 2: over endogenous states
- loop 3: over choices
- loop 4: add future utility, integration--loop over future shocks
% Start Profile if (bl_profile) close all; profile off; profile on; end % Start Timer if (bl_time) tic; end % Value Function Iteration while bl_vfi_continue
it_iter = it_iter + 1;
Solve Optimization Problem Current Iteration
Only this segment of code differs between ff_abz_vf and ff_abz_vf_vec
% loop 1: over exogenous states % incorporating these shocks into vectorization has high memory burden % but insignificant speed gains. Keeping this loop allows for large % number of shocks without overwhelming memory for it_z_i = 1:it_z_n % Current Shock fl_z_r_borr = ar_z_r_borr_mesh_wage(it_z_i); fl_z_wage = ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr(it_z_i); % cash-on-hand ar_coh = f_coh(fl_z_wage, ar_a); % Consumption: fl_z = 1 by 1, ar_a = 1 by N, ar_a' = N by 1 % mt_c is N by N: matrix broadcasting, expand to matrix from arrays mt_c = f_cons_coh(ar_coh, fl_z_r_borr, ar_a'); % EVAL current utility: N by N, f_util defined earlier if (fl_crra == 1) mt_utility = f_util_log(mt_c); fl_u_cmin = f_util_log(fl_c_min); else mt_utility = f_util_crra(mt_c); fl_u_cmin = f_util_crra(fl_c_min); end % f(z'|z) ar_z_trans_condi = mt_z_trans(it_z_i,:); % EVAL EV((A',K'),Z'|Z) = V((A',K'),Z') x p(z'|z)', (N by Z) x (Z by 1) = N by 1 % Note: transpose ar_z_trans_condi from 1 by Z to Z by 1 % Note: matrix multiply not dot multiply mt_evzp_condi_z = mt_val_cur * ar_z_trans_condi'; % EVAL add on future utility, N by N + N by 1, broadcast again mt_utility = mt_utility + fl_beta*mt_evzp_condi_z; if (bl_default) % if default: only today u(cmin), transition out next period, debt wiped out mt_utility(mt_c <= fl_c_min) = fl_u_cmin + fl_beta*mt_evzp_condi_z(ar_a == fl_default_aprime); else % if default is not allowed: v = u(cmin) mt_utility(mt_c <= fl_c_min) = fl_nan_replace; end % Optimization: remember matlab is column major, rows must be % choices, columns must be states % < COLUMN-MAJOR> % mt_utility is N by N, rows are choices, cols are states. [ar_opti_val_z, ar_opti_idx_z] = max(mt_utility); ar_opti_aprime_z = ar_a(ar_opti_idx_z); ar_opti_c_z = f_cons_coh(ar_coh, fl_z_r_borr, ar_opti_aprime_z); % Handle Default is optimal or not if (bl_default) % if defaulting is optimal choice, at these states, not required % to default, non-default possible, but default could be optimal ar_opti_aprime_z(ar_opti_c_z <= fl_c_min) = fl_default_aprime; ar_opti_idx_z(ar_opti_c_z <= fl_c_min) = find(ar_a == fl_default_aprime); else % if default is not allowed, then next period same state as now % this is absorbing state, this is the limiting case, single % state space point, lowest a and lowest shock has this. ar_opti_aprime_z(ar_opti_c_z <= fl_c_min) = ar_a(ar_opti_c_z <= fl_c_min); end % store optimal values mt_val(:,it_z_i) = ar_opti_val_z; mt_pol_a(:,it_z_i) = ar_opti_aprime_z; if (it_iter == (it_maxiter_val + 1)) mt_pol_idx(:,it_z_i) = ar_opti_idx_z; end end
Check Tolerance and Continuation
% Difference across iterations ar_val_diff_norm(it_iter) = norm(mt_val - mt_val_cur); ar_pol_diff_norm(it_iter) = norm(mt_pol_a - mt_pol_a_cur); mt_pol_perc_change(it_iter, :) = sum((mt_pol_a ~= mt_pol_a_cur))/(it_a_n); % Update mt_val_cur = mt_val; mt_pol_a_cur = mt_pol_a; % Print Iteration Results if (bl_display && (rem(it_iter, it_display_every)==0)) fprintf('VAL it_iter:%d, fl_diff:%d, fl_diff_pol:%d\n', ... it_iter, ar_val_diff_norm(it_iter), ar_pol_diff_norm(it_iter)); tb_valpol_iter = array2table([mean(mt_val_cur,1); mean(mt_pol_a_cur,1); ... mt_val_cur(it_a_n,:); mt_pol_a_cur(it_a_n,:)]); tb_valpol_iter.Properties.VariableNames = strcat('z', string((1:size(mt_val_cur,2)))); tb_valpol_iter.Properties.RowNames = {'mval', 'map', 'Hval', 'Hap'}; disp('mval = mean(mt_val_cur,1), average value over a') disp('map = mean(mt_pol_a_cur,1), average choice over a') disp('Hval = mt_val_cur(it_a_n,:), highest a state val') disp('Hap = mt_pol_a_cur(it_a_n,:), highest a state choice') disp(tb_valpol_iter); end % Continuation Conditions: % 1. if value function convergence criteria reached % 2. if policy function variation over iterations is less than % threshold if (it_iter == (it_maxiter_val + 1)) bl_vfi_continue = false; elseif ((it_iter == it_maxiter_val) || ... (ar_val_diff_norm(it_iter) < fl_tol_val) || ... (sum(ar_pol_diff_norm(max(1, it_iter-it_tol_pol_nochange):it_iter)) < fl_tol_pol)) % Fix to max, run again to save results if needed it_iter_last = it_iter; it_iter = it_maxiter_val; end
end % End Timer if (bl_time) toc; end % End Profile if (bl_profile) profile off profile viewer st_file_name = [st_profile_prefix st_profile_name_main st_profile_suffix]; profsave(profile('info'), strcat(st_profile_path, st_file_name)); end
Elapsed time is 345.177068 seconds.
Process Optimal Choices
result_map = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any'); result_map('mt_val') = mt_val; result_map('mt_pol_idx') = mt_pol_idx; result_map('cl_mt_val') = {mt_val, zeros(1)}; result_map('cl_mt_coh') = {f_coh(ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr, ar_a'), zeros(1)}; result_map('cl_mt_pol_a') = {f_awithr_to_anor(ar_z_r_borr_mesh_wage, mt_pol_a), zeros(1)}; result_map('cl_mt_pol_c') = {f_cons_checkcmin(ar_z_r_borr_mesh_wage, ar_z_wage_mesh_r_borr, ar_a', mt_pol_a), zeros(1)}; result_map('ar_st_pol_names') = ["cl_mt_val", "cl_mt_pol_a", "cl_mt_coh", "cl_mt_pol_c"]; if (bl_post) bl_input_override = true; result_map('ar_val_diff_norm') = ar_val_diff_norm(1:it_iter_last); result_map('ar_pol_diff_norm') = ar_pol_diff_norm(1:it_iter_last); result_map('mt_pol_perc_change') = mt_pol_perc_change(1:it_iter_last, :); result_map = ff_az_vf_post(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map, bl_input_override); end
valgap = norm(mt_val - mt_val_cur): value function difference across iterations polgap = norm(mt_pol_a - mt_pol_a_cur): policy function difference across iterations z1 = z1 perc change: sum((mt_pol_a ~= mt_pol_a_cur))/(it_a_n): percentage of state space points conditional on shock where the policy function is changing across iterations valgap polgap zi1_zr_0_025_zw_0_34664 zi2_zr_0_025_zw_0_42338 zi3_zr_0_025_zw_0_51712 zi4_zr_0_025_zw_0_63162 zi5_zr_0_025_zw_0_77146 zi6_zr_0_025_zw_0_94226 zi7_zr_0_025_zw_1_1509 zi8_zr_0_025_zw_1_4057 zi48_zr_0_095_zw_0_63162 zi49_zr_0_095_zw_0_77146 zi50_zr_0_095_zw_0_94226 zi51_zr_0_095_zw_1_1509 zi52_zr_0_095_zw_1_4057 zi53_zr_0_095_zw_1_7169 zi54_zr_0_095_zw_2_097 zi55_zr_0_095_zw_2_5613 ________ _______ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ iter=1 352.78 3846.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iter=2 302.85 4213.3 0.99867 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.98533 0.988 0.99067 0.99333 0.99733 1 1 1 iter=3 247.45 1370.3 0.984 0.98667 0.99067 0.99467 0.99733 0.99867 0.99867 1 0.976 0.98 0.98667 0.99467 0.996 1 1 1 iter=4 205.06 685.13 0.97067 0.97467 0.98 0.98133 0.98667 0.99333 0.99467 0.99467 0.968 0.97067 0.97733 0.988 0.996 0.98933 0.99867 1 iter=5 173.89 403.37 0.95467 0.956 0.96533 0.96933 0.97733 0.98667 0.99467 0.996 0.95333 0.96267 0.96933 0.98267 0.99467 0.98667 0.996 1 iter=6 149.47 269.7 0.94133 0.94133 0.94933 0.96 0.97067 0.984 0.984 0.988 0.94 0.95067 0.96533 0.96933 0.98667 0.98 0.99467 0.99733 iter=7 129.24 193.98 0.92667 0.93733 0.94533 0.95733 0.95333 0.96533 0.97867 0.98533 0.93867 0.93867 0.95067 0.95733 0.97467 0.98533 0.98667 0.98667 iter=8 112.61 144.55 0.91467 0.92267 0.93333 0.94267 0.956 0.95867 0.976 0.98667 0.92667 0.94267 0.94533 0.95867 0.96133 0.984 0.976 0.972 iter=9 98.571 110.61 0.90933 0.91867 0.92267 0.93067 0.952 0.95467 0.964 0.98 0.92267 0.936 0.95067 0.95467 0.968 0.97333 0.968 0.98267 iter=10 86.561 88.402 0.90133 0.91333 0.92267 0.92667 0.94267 0.95467 0.95733 0.96267 0.912 0.91333 0.93333 0.94 0.95467 0.95733 0.976 0.96667 iter=11 76.23 71.99 0.88667 0.89467 0.908 0.92133 0.92133 0.936 0.94667 0.95733 0.89867 0.92 0.91467 0.94267 0.94 0.97067 0.972 0.956 iter=12 67.259 59.599 0.884 0.88267 0.88933 0.91867 0.90933 0.92267 0.94133 0.95333 0.89733 0.904 0.92 0.92267 0.94267 0.94667 0.94533 0.964 iter=13 59.469 49.538 0.86533 0.86667 0.87867 0.88267 0.896 0.90267 0.92533 0.93333 0.872 0.88533 0.90267 0.90933 0.924 0.92933 0.952 0.94533 iter=14 52.672 42.341 0.836 0.85333 0.86533 0.864 0.88133 0.89733 0.912 0.92 0.856 0.88 0.87067 0.89733 0.89733 0.92533 0.92533 0.924 iter=15 46.718 36.325 0.82 0.82667 0.83467 0.85067 0.85333 0.86933 0.86667 0.89867 0.844 0.84 0.86 0.87067 0.88533 0.89333 0.89067 0.92267 iter=16 41.497 31.568 0.788 0.81067 0.80667 0.812 0.83067 0.832 0.84267 0.84133 0.808 0.82133 0.832 0.83733 0.852 0.848 0.88133 0.88533 iter=17 36.931 27.298 0.76133 0.76267 0.784 0.78 0.80267 0.79867 0.8 0.81067 0.76267 0.78133 0.78133 0.80267 0.79867 0.83067 0.84 0.84133 iter=18 32.935 23.985 0.73733 0.74933 0.75467 0.74533 0.756 0.77067 0.77067 0.77333 0.76133 0.752 0.77467 0.78 0.77333 0.788 0.796 0.82533 iter=19 29.427 22.92 0.696 0.696 0.704 0.71467 0.70667 0.72267 0.724 0.74133 0.7 0.72133 0.71467 0.72 0.74667 0.74267 0.76133 0.78667 iter=20 26.354 18.398 0.648 0.656 0.66267 0.66533 0.66667 0.67333 0.69733 0.696 0.66933 0.64667 0.67867 0.67733 0.7 0.70667 0.74267 0.748 iter=21 23.673 20.326 0.62133 0.612 0.61333 0.628 0.62533 0.64133 0.64667 0.66667 0.59467 0.652 0.61067 0.65333 0.64 0.692 0.696 0.676 iter=22 21.331 14.676 0.57733 0.564 0.568 0.59467 0.58133 0.59733 0.61067 0.61733 0.61867 0.588 0.64133 0.624 0.632 0.63333 0.63067 0.70667 iter=23 19.278 13.103 0.52 0.51467 0.51867 0.52933 0.544 0.544 0.56267 0.57467 0.528 0.52133 0.536 0.54267 0.588 0.56267 0.616 0.636 iter=24 17.484 20.103 0.46267 0.468 0.48267 0.48667 0.49067 0.5 0.516 0.528 0.46533 0.46933 0.484 0.492 0.50933 0.55333 0.58133 0.56533 iter=25 15.919 10.708 0.41067 0.42267 0.43467 0.44133 0.45067 0.45333 0.46667 0.48533 0.42933 0.496 0.44267 0.496 0.46933 0.51733 0.49867 0.524 iter=26 14.549 9.6377 0.372 0.37067 0.38533 0.384 0.396 0.4 0.42533 0.43067 0.41867 0.38133 0.43867 0.42533 0.43733 0.44267 0.46133 0.52267 iter=27 13.349 8.7583 0.32933 0.34667 0.34133 0.34933 0.35733 0.364 0.37467 0.392 0.34933 0.35333 0.36267 0.36267 0.40933 0.39067 0.40533 0.444 iter=28 12.293 20.055 0.30667 0.30267 0.30933 0.30933 0.32533 0.336 0.34267 0.35333 0.304 0.31733 0.324 0.332 0.34667 0.35333 0.404 0.39867 iter=29 11.365 20.119 0.264 0.27467 0.28 0.28533 0.284 0.29733 0.30667 0.316 0.27733 0.27867 0.29067 0.296 0.31467 0.33067 0.348 0.35467 iter=30 10.546 20.046 0.244 0.25067 0.25467 0.25733 0.264 0.268 0.27867 0.28533 0.26133 0.28 0.26267 0.26933 0.27467 0.308 0.31467 0.31867 iter=31 9.8215 20.038 0.22 0.21733 0.22667 0.22533 0.236 0.24267 0.25067 0.26133 0.22133 0.24267 0.23733 0.26667 0.25733 0.27733 0.27733 0.28933 iter=32 9.177 6.0135 0.19867 0.20667 0.20933 0.20667 0.216 0.22 0.22933 0.22933 0.204 0.21733 0.21733 0.23333 0.22133 0.24667 0.25467 0.264 iter=33 8.601 5.4548 0.17733 0.17733 0.18 0.188 0.192 0.196 0.20267 0.22 0.19467 0.19067 0.21467 0.204 0.21733 0.22 0.23067 0.252 iter=34 8.0824 5.1358 0.16267 0.17067 0.168 0.17333 0.18 0.18133 0.19067 0.19333 0.17867 0.17733 0.184 0.188 0.196 0.204 0.21067 0.24267 iter=35 7.612 4.6977 0.144 0.14533 0.15467 0.152 0.152 0.16267 0.17067 0.176 0.15467 0.14933 0.16533 0.16933 0.18533 0.17467 0.19333 0.20267 iter=36 7.1826 4.3323 0.13867 0.14 0.13333 0.144 0.14933 0.14667 0.15467 0.16 0.144 0.148 0.14533 0.152 0.16267 0.168 0.172 0.18933 iter=37 6.7888 4.0273 0.112 0.12933 0.128 0.12267 0.13467 0.14133 0.14267 0.15067 0.12667 0.13467 0.14267 0.14 0.152 0.15333 0.15867 0.16933 iter=38 6.4262 3.6336 0.108 0.10933 0.112 0.11867 0.116 0.12133 0.128 0.13333 0.11333 0.11467 0.12267 0.12667 0.13467 0.13733 0.144 0.15867 iter=39 6.091 3.3142 0.097333 0.10267 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.112 0.112 0.116 0.10133 0.1 0.10933 0.112 0.11733 0.12667 0.136 0.136 iter=40 5.7799 3.1979 0.092 0.092 0.096 0.10133 0.11067 0.10267 0.11333 0.112 0.10267 0.10933 0.10133 0.11333 0.108 0.11867 0.11733 0.13467 iter=41 5.4897 3.0676 0.076 0.085333 0.088 0.085333 0.088 0.092 0.094667 0.10533 0.088 0.086667 0.092 0.094667 0.10667 0.1 0.11467 0.12133 iter=42 5.2179 2.8667 0.074667 0.070667 0.076 0.081333 0.077333 0.084 0.084 0.086667 0.08 0.078667 0.084 0.082667 0.088 0.094667 0.098667 0.104 iter=43 4.9625 2.6699 0.066667 0.066667 0.065333 0.069333 0.077333 0.070667 0.08 0.084 0.070667 0.073333 0.069333 0.077333 0.085333 0.090667 0.098667 0.1 iter=44 4.7217 2.5725 0.062667 0.065333 0.062667 0.06 0.068 0.072 0.076 0.08 0.06 0.068 0.072 0.076 0.077333 0.08 0.085333 0.093333 iter=45 4.494 2.4152 0.056 0.057333 0.056 0.065333 0.065333 0.068 0.070667 0.068 0.064 0.065333 0.066667 0.069333 0.066667 0.073333 0.070667 0.08 iter=46 4.2781 2.2213 0.053333 0.049333 0.054667 0.052 0.049333 0.057333 0.057333 0.068 0.050667 0.050667 0.057333 0.057333 0.068 0.065333 0.073333 0.08 iter=47 4.073 1.9928 0.04 0.048 0.049333 0.053333 0.048 0.052 0.052 0.062667 0.052 0.048 0.052 0.053333 0.061333 0.06 0.066667 0.066667 iter=48 3.8779 1.7916 0.04 0.04 0.048 0.042667 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.046667 0.042667 0.049333 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.054667 0.058667 0.06 iter=49 3.692 1.6427 0.036 0.033333 0.036 0.04 0.041333 0.042667 0.049333 0.045333 0.04 0.041333 0.042667 0.049333 0.045333 0.049333 0.056 0.056 iter=50 3.5146 1.5439 0.034667 0.036 0.034667 0.038667 0.036 0.038667 0.038667 0.041333 0.038667 0.036 0.037333 0.038667 0.042667 0.049333 0.045333 0.056 iter=79 0.73574 0.36196 0.0013333 0 0 0.0013333 0 0.0026667 0 0.0026667 0.0013333 0 0.0026667 0 0.0026667 0.0026667 0.004 0 iter=80 0.69375 0.29554 0.0013333 0.0013333 0 0.0013333 0 0 0.0013333 0.0026667 0.0013333 0 0 0.0013333 0.0026667 0.0013333 0 0.0026667 iter=81 0.65401 0.29554 0 0 0.0013333 0 0.0026667 0 0.0013333 0.0013333 0 0.0026667 0 0.0013333 0.0013333 0.0026667 0.0026667 0.0013333 iter=82 0.6164 0.41796 0 0.0053333 0.004 0.0013333 0.0013333 0 0.0026667 0.0013333 0.0013333 0.0013333 0 0.0026667 0.0013333 0.0013333 0.0026667 0.0013333 iter=83 0.58083 0.36196 0 0 0 0.0026667 0.0013333 0.0026667 0 0.0013333 0.0026667 0.0013333 0.0026667 0 0.0013333 0 0 0.004 iter=84 0.5472 0.29554 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0026667 0 0 0 0 0.0026667 0 0 0.0026667 0.0013333 iter=85 0.51542 0.20898 0 0.0013333 0 0 0.0013333 0.0013333 0 0 0 0.0013333 0.0013333 0 0 0.0013333 0.0013333 0.0013333 iter=86 0.48541 0.20898 0 0 0.0013333 0.0013333 0.0013333 0 0 0 0.0013333 0.0013333 0 0 0 0 0 0.0013333 iter=87 0.45706 0.29554 0.0013333 0 0.0013333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0026667 iter=88 0.43031 0.20898 0 0 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0.0013333 0 0 0.0013333 0 0.0013333 0.0013333 0 0.0013333 iter=89 0.40506 0.29554 0 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0 0 0.0026667 0 0 iter=90 0.38125 0.20898 0 0 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0.0013333 0 0 0.0013333 0 0.0013333 0.0013333 0.0013333 0 iter=91 0.35879 0.20898 0 0.0013333 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0.0013333 0 0 0.0013333 0 0.0013333 0 0 0 iter=92 0.33762 0.20898 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0 0 0.0013333 0.0013333 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0.0013333 0 iter=93 0.31766 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=94 0.29886 0.20898 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0 0 iter=95 0.28114 0.20898 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0 iter=96 0.26446 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=97 0.24874 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=98 0.23395 0.20898 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0013333 iter=99 0.22002 0.20898 0.0013333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=100 0.20692 0.20898 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0013333 iter=101 0.19458 0.20898 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=102 0.18297 0.20898 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0 0 0 0.0013333 0 0 0 0 iter=103 0.17205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=104 0.16178 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=105 0.15211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=106 0.14302 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=107 0.13446 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=108 0.12642 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=109 0.11886 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=110 0.11174 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=111 0.10505 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=112 0.098761 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=113 0.092846 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=114 0.087284 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=115 0.082055 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=116 0.077138 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=117 0.072516 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=118 0.06817 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=119 0.064083 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=120 0.060242 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=121 0.056631 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=122 0.053235 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=123 0.050043 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=124 0.047043 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=125 0.044222 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=126 0.04157 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=127 0.039077 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 iter=128 0.036733 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tb_val: V(a,z) value at each state space point zi1_zr_0_025_zw_0_34664 zi2_zr_0_025_zw_0_42338 zi3_zr_0_025_zw_0_51712 zi4_zr_0_025_zw_0_63162 zi5_zr_0_025_zw_0_77146 zi6_zr_0_025_zw_0_94226 zi7_zr_0_025_zw_1_1509 zi8_zr_0_025_zw_1_4057 zi48_zr_0_095_zw_0_63162 zi49_zr_0_095_zw_0_77146 zi50_zr_0_095_zw_0_94226 zi51_zr_0_095_zw_1_1509 zi52_zr_0_095_zw_1_4057 zi53_zr_0_095_zw_1_7169 zi54_zr_0_095_zw_2_097 zi55_zr_0_095_zw_2_5613 _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ a1=-20 -17.865 -17.407 -16.896 -16.363 -15.598 -14.718 -13.953 -13.232 -16.363 -15.822 -15.278 -14.738 -14.203 -13.672 -12.314 -10.919 a2=-19.9065 -17.865 -17.407 -16.896 -16.283 -15.365 -14.578 -13.863 -13.172 -16.363 -15.822 -15.278 -14.738 -14.203 -13.628 -12.22 -10.827 a3=-19.8131 -17.865 -17.407 -16.896 -15.982 -15.182 -14.46 -13.785 -13.119 -16.363 -15.822 -15.278 -14.738 -14.203 -13.427 -12.137 -10.738 a4=-19.7196 -17.865 -17.407 -16.542 -15.754 -15.033 -14.359 -13.716 -13.07 -16.363 -15.822 -15.278 -14.738 -14.203 -13.266 -12.042 -10.65 a5=-19.6262 -17.794 -17.019 -16.277 -15.575 -14.908 -14.272 -13.653 -13.026 -16.363 -15.822 -15.278 -14.738 -14.203 -13.132 -11.951 -10.565 a6=-19.5327 -17.385 -16.731 -16.073 -15.428 -14.802 -14.195 -13.597 -12.985 -16.363 -15.822 -15.278 -14.738 -14.203 -13.02 -11.862 -10.477 a7=-19.4393 -17.093 -16.512 -15.908 -15.305 -14.71 -14.126 -13.546 -12.907 -16.363 -15.822 -15.278 -14.738 -14.015 -12.923 -11.763 -10.388 a8=-19.3458 -16.871 -16.338 -15.773 -15.2 -14.63 -14.065 -13.5 -12.812 -16.363 -15.822 -15.278 -14.738 -13.845 -12.838 -11.666 -10.301 a9=-19.2523 -16.695 -16.195 -15.658 -15.11 -14.559 -14.01 -13.457 -12.715 -16.363 -15.822 -15.278 -14.738 -13.705 -12.763 -11.576 -10.214 a10=-19.1589 -16.551 -16.076 -15.56 -15.03 -14.495 -13.959 -13.418 -12.623 -16.363 -15.822 -15.278 -14.566 -13.587 -12.697 -11.484 -10.128 a11=-19.0654 -16.43 -15.973 -15.475 -14.96 -14.438 -13.913 -13.381 -12.536 -16.363 -15.822 -15.278 -14.377 -13.486 -12.636 -11.398 -10.043 a12=-18.972 -16.327 -15.884 -15.399 -14.897 -14.386 -13.871 -13.347 -12.456 -16.363 -15.822 -15.189 -14.223 -13.399 -12.56 -11.311 -9.958 a13=-18.8785 -16.237 -15.806 -15.332 -14.84 -14.339 -13.832 -13.266 -12.376 -16.363 -15.822 -14.956 -14.095 -13.322 -12.46 -11.221 -9.8713 a14=-18.785 -16.159 -15.737 -15.272 -14.789 -14.296 -13.796 -13.168 -12.302 -16.363 -15.694 -14.773 -13.987 -13.253 -12.37 -11.135 -9.7857 a15=-18.6916 -16.089 -15.675 -15.218 -14.742 -14.256 -13.763 -13.071 -12.231 -16.363 -15.439 -14.623 -13.893 -13.192 -12.27 -11.048 -9.7008 a16=-18.5981 -16.027 -15.619 -15.168 -14.698 -14.219 -13.731 -12.984 -12.16 -16.076 -15.241 -14.499 -13.811 -13.137 -12.176 -10.966 -9.6161 a17=-18.5047 -15.971 -15.568 -15.123 -14.659 -14.184 -13.7 -12.899 -12.094 -15.827 -15.081 -14.392 -13.739 -13.087 -12.084 -10.882 -9.5322 a18=-18.4112 -15.92 -15.522 -15.082 -14.622 -14.152 -13.589 -12.821 -12.025 -15.633 -14.949 -14.301 -13.674 -13.041 -11.992 -10.8 -9.4474 a19=-18.3178 -15.873 -15.48 -15.043 -14.588 -14.122 -13.491 -12.747 -11.954 -15.476 -14.837 -14.22 -13.616 -12.982 -11.906 -10.718 -9.3629 a20=-18.2243 -15.83 -15.44 -15.008 -14.556 -14.094 -13.396 -12.677 -11.884 -15.345 -14.741 -14.149 -13.563 -12.88 -11.823 -10.632 -9.2787 a21=-18.1308 -15.791 -15.404 -14.974 -14.526 -14.023 -13.312 -12.61 -11.815 -15.235 -14.657 -14.085 -13.515 -12.777 -11.741 -10.547 -9.195 a22=-18.0374 -15.754 -15.37 -14.943 -14.498 -13.915 -13.229 -12.544 -11.745 -15.14 -14.583 -14.028 -13.472 -12.677 -11.663 -10.463 -9.1116 a23=-17.9439 -15.721 -15.339 -14.914 -14.472 -13.815 -13.155 -12.478 -11.676 -15.057 -14.517 -13.976 -13.431 -12.584 -11.585 -10.38 -9.0269 a24=-17.8505 -15.689 -15.309 -14.887 -14.381 -13.723 -13.082 -12.415 -11.599 -14.983 -14.457 -13.929 -13.394 -12.497 -11.509 -10.296 -8.9423 a25=-17.757 -15.659 -15.281 -14.862 -14.267 -13.637 -13.013 -12.355 -11.522 -14.918 -14.404 -13.885 -13.325 -12.412 -11.427 -10.212 -8.8581 a26=-17.6636 -15.631 -15.255 -14.788 -14.167 -13.556 -12.948 -12.293 -11.448 -14.859 -14.355 -13.845 -13.218 -12.334 -11.344 -10.129 -8.7738 a27=-17.5701 -15.605 -15.231 -14.664 -14.07 -13.481 -12.886 -12.235 -11.376 -14.806 -14.31 -13.808 -13.115 -12.257 -11.262 -10.046 -8.689 a28=-17.4766 -15.581 -15.126 -14.558 -13.984 -13.41 -12.828 -12.167 -11.3 -14.757 -14.269 -13.774 -13.023 -12.184 -11.181 -9.9649 -8.6044 a29=-17.3832 -15.512 -15 -14.454 -13.899 -13.343 -12.77 -12.095 -11.225 -14.713 -14.231 -13.742 -12.933 -12.113 -11.102 -9.8823 -8.5199 a30=-17.2897 -15.381 -14.889 -14.362 -13.824 -13.279 -12.714 -12.026 -11.151 -14.672 -14.196 -13.632 -12.849 -12.037 -11.021 -9.7999 -8.4356 a31=-17.1963 -15.258 -14.784 -14.273 -13.75 -13.219 -12.66 -11.954 -11.078 -14.634 -14.163 -13.528 -12.772 -11.961 -10.937 -9.7177 -8.351 a32=-17.1028 -15.147 -14.689 -14.193 -13.684 -13.161 -12.605 -11.878 -11.006 -14.599 -14.132 -13.428 -12.697 -11.887 -10.855 -9.6361 -8.2659 a33=-17.0093 -15.043 -14.599 -14.116 -13.618 -13.107 -12.543 -11.804 -10.934 -14.567 -14.062 -13.338 -12.627 -11.813 -10.775 -9.5547 -8.1805 a34=-16.9159 -14.948 -14.516 -14.046 -13.558 -13.052 -12.484 -11.731 -10.862 -14.536 -13.947 -13.252 -12.555 -11.741 -10.694 -9.4719 -8.0949 a35=-16.8224 -14.859 -14.438 -13.977 -13.499 -13.001 -12.414 -11.657 -10.79 -14.508 -13.843 -13.172 -12.488 -11.659 -10.614 -9.389 -8.009 a36=-16.729 -14.776 -14.365 -13.914 -13.444 -12.951 -12.343 -11.585 -10.72 -14.409 -13.744 -13.097 -12.422 -11.577 -10.533 -9.3068 -7.923 a37=-16.6355 -14.699 -14.296 -13.853 -13.391 -12.899 -12.27 -11.514 -10.648 -14.291 -13.655 -13.024 -12.357 -11.498 -10.454 -9.2237 -7.837 a38=-16.5421 -14.626 -14.231 -13.797 -13.341 -12.848 -12.191 -11.443 -10.574 -14.185 -13.57 -12.957 -12.292 -11.422 -10.375 -9.1406 -7.751 a39=-16.4486 -14.558 -14.17 -13.742 -13.292 -12.787 -12.117 -11.374 -10.502 -14.084 -13.492 -12.892 -12.223 -11.34 -10.294 -9.0578 -7.6648 a40=-16.3551 -14.493 -14.112 -13.691 -13.243 -12.716 -12.044 -11.306 -10.43 -13.993 -13.417 -12.83 -12.146 -11.26 -10.214 -8.9755 -7.5784 a41=-16.2617 -14.432 -14.056 -13.64 -13.197 -12.642 -11.972 -11.237 -10.356 -13.907 -13.349 -12.77 -12.073 -11.181 -10.134 -8.8928 -7.491 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ans = Map with properties: Count: 13 KeyType: char ValueType: any