Derive Distributions for Risky + Safe Asets + Interpolated Distribution (Loop)

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function [result_map] = ff_iwkz_ds(varargin)

FF_IWKZ_DS finds the stationary asset distributions

Building on the Two Assets Two-Step Interpolated Dynamic Programming Problem ff_iwkz_vf_vecsv, here we solve for the asset distribution. This version of the program uses loops.

This is the two-stage with interpolation version of ff_akz_ds. See that file, as well as ff_az_ds for additional descriptions and comparisons. These two functions are different. Specifically, the code here works when we are looking for the distribution of f(a,z), where a'(a,z,z'), meaning that the a next period is determined by choices last period and some z last period, but also z' this period. a here specifically cash-on-hand. This contrasts with ff_az_ds, which works for a'(a,z), a' can not be a function of z'.


  % Get Default Parameters
  it_param_set = 6;
  [param_map, support_map] = ffs_az_set_default_param(it_param_set);
  % Change Keys in param_map
  param_map('it_w_n') = 750;
  param_map('it_ak_n') = param_map('it_w_n');
  param_map('it_z_n') = 11;
  param_map('fl_a_max') = 100;
  param_map('fl_w') = 1.3;
  % Change Keys support_map
  support_map('bl_display') = false;
  support_map('bl_post') = true;
  support_map('bl_display_final') = false;
  % Call Program with external parameters that override defaults
  ff_iwkz_ds(param_map, support_map);




Program can be externally invoked with az, abz or various other programs. By default, program invokes using az model programs:

  1. it_subset = 5 is basic invoke quick test
  2. it_subset = 6 is invoke full test
  3. it_subset = 7 is profiling invoke
  4. it_subset = 8 is matlab publish
  5. it_subset = 9 is invoke operational (only final stats) and coh graph
if (~isempty(varargin))

    % override when called from outside
    [param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map, result_map] = varargin{:};


    % default invoke
    close all;

    it_param_set = 8;
    st_akz_or_iwkz = 'iwkz';

    % 1. Generate Parameters
    [param_map, support_map] = ffs_akz_set_default_param(it_param_set);

    % Note: param_map and support_map can be adjusted here or outside to override defaults
    % param_map('it_w_n') = 50;
    % param_map('it_z_n') = 15;

    % 2. Generate function and grids
    [armt_map, func_map] = ffs_akz_get_funcgrid(param_map, support_map); % 1 for override

    % 3. Solve value and policy function using ff_iwkz_vf_vecsv
    if (strcmp(st_akz_or_iwkz, 'iwkz'))
        [result_map] = ff_iwkz_vf_vecsv(param_map, support_map, armt_map, func_map);
Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 41
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = bl_display ; val = false
pos = 2 ; key = bl_display_defparam ; val = true
pos = 3 ; key = bl_display_dist ; val = false
pos = 4 ; key = bl_display_evf ; val = false
pos = 5 ; key = bl_display_final ; val = false
pos = 6 ; key = bl_display_final_dist ; val = true
pos = 7 ; key = bl_display_final_dist_detail ; val = true
pos = 8 ; key = bl_display_funcgrids ; val = false
pos = 9 ; key = bl_graph ; val = true
pos = 10 ; key = bl_graph_coh_t_coh ; val = true
pos = 11 ; key = bl_graph_evf ; val = false
pos = 12 ; key = bl_graph_funcgrids ; val = false
pos = 13 ; key = bl_graph_onebyones ; val = true
pos = 14 ; key = bl_graph_pol_lvl ; val = false
pos = 15 ; key = bl_graph_pol_pct ; val = false
pos = 16 ; key = bl_graph_val ; val = false
pos = 17 ; key = bl_img_save ; val = false
pos = 18 ; key = bl_mat ; val = false
pos = 19 ; key = bl_post ; val = true
pos = 20 ; key = bl_profile ; val = false
pos = 21 ; key = bl_profile_dist ; val = false
pos = 22 ; key = bl_time ; val = false
pos = 23 ; key = it_display_every ; val = 20
pos = 24 ; key = it_display_final_colmax ; val = 12
pos = 25 ; key = it_display_final_rowmax ; val = 100
pos = 26 ; key = it_display_summmat_colmax ; val = 7
pos = 27 ; key = it_display_summmat_rowmax ; val = 7
pos = 28 ; key = st_img_name_main ; val = ff_iwkz_vf_vecsv_default
pos = 29 ; key = st_img_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_akz//solve/img/
pos = 30 ; key = st_img_prefix ; val = 
pos = 31 ; key = st_img_suffix ; val = _p8.png
pos = 32 ; key = st_mat_name_main ; val = ff_iwkz_vf_vecsv_default
pos = 33 ; key = st_mat_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_akz//solve/mat/
pos = 34 ; key = st_mat_prefix ; val = 
pos = 35 ; key = st_mat_suffix ; val = _p8
pos = 36 ; key = st_matimg_path_root ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_akz/
pos = 37 ; key = st_profile_name_main ; val = ff_iwkz_vf_vecsv_default
pos = 38 ; key = st_profile_path ; val = C:/Users/fan/CodeDynaAsset//m_akz//solve/profile/
pos = 39 ; key = st_profile_prefix ; val = 
pos = 40 ; key = st_profile_suffix ; val = _p8
pos = 41 ; key = st_title_prefix ; val = 
Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                    i     idx    value
                                    __    ___    _____

    bl_display                       1     1        0 
    bl_display_defparam              2     2        1 
    bl_display_dist                  3     3        0 
    bl_display_evf                   4     4        0 
    bl_display_final                 5     5        0 
    bl_display_final_dist            6     6        1 
    bl_display_final_dist_detail     7     7        1 
    bl_display_funcgrids             8     8        0 
    bl_graph                         9     9        1 
    bl_graph_coh_t_coh              10    10        1 
    bl_graph_evf                    11    11        0 
    bl_graph_funcgrids              12    12        0 
    bl_graph_onebyones              13    13        1 
    bl_graph_pol_lvl                14    14        0 
    bl_graph_pol_pct                15    15        0 
    bl_graph_val                    16    16        0 
    bl_img_save                     17    17        0 
    bl_mat                          18    18        0 
    bl_post                         19    19        1 
    bl_profile                      20    20        0 
    bl_profile_dist                 21    21        0 
    bl_time                         22    22        0 
    it_display_every                23    23       20 
    it_display_final_colmax         24    24       12 
    it_display_final_rowmax         25    25      100 
    it_display_summmat_colmax       26    26        7 
    it_display_summmat_rowmax       27    27        7 

Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                            i     idx
                            __    ___

    st_img_name_main         1    28 
    st_img_path              2    29 
    st_img_prefix            3    30 
    st_img_suffix            4    31 
    st_mat_name_main         5    32 
    st_mat_path              6    33 
    st_mat_prefix            7    34 
    st_mat_suffix            8    35 
    st_matimg_path_root      9    36 
    st_profile_name_main    10    37 
    st_profile_path         11    38 
    st_profile_prefix       12    39 
    st_profile_suffix       13    40 
    st_title_prefix         14    41 

Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 17
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = ar_a_meshk ;rown= 568 ,coln= 1
ar_a_meshk :mu= 28.8604 ,sd= 16.4498 ,min= 0.44365 ,max= 57.2772

    zi_1_R1        0.44365
    zi_2_R2        0.54388
    zi_3_R3        0.64412
    zi_284_r284      28.81
    zi_566_r566     57.077
    zi_567_r567     57.177
    zi_568_r568     57.277

pos = 2 ; key = ar_a_mw_wth_na ;rown= 2500 ,coln= 1
ar_a_mw_wth_na :mu= NaN ,sd= NaN ,min= 0 ,max= 50

    zi_1_R1               0 
    zi_2_R2             NaN 
    zi_3_R3             NaN 
    zi_1250_r1250       NaN 
    zi_2498_r2498    2.0408 
    zi_2499_r2499    1.0204 
    zi_2500_r2500         0 

pos = 3 ; key = ar_interp_c_grid ;rown= 1 ,coln= 572761
ar_interp_c_grid :mu= 28.6391 ,sd= 16.5342 ,min= 0.001 ,max= 57.2772
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_286381_c286381    zi_572759_c572759    zi_572760_c572760    zi_572761_c572761
               _______    _______    _______    _________________    _________________    _________________    _________________

    zi_1_r1     0.001     0.0011     0.0012          28.639               57.277               57.277               57.277      

pos = 4 ; key = ar_interp_coh_grid ;rown= 1 ,coln= 568
ar_interp_coh_grid :mu= 28.8604 ,sd= 16.4498 ,min= 0.44365 ,max= 57.2772
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_284_c284    zi_566_c566    zi_567_c567    zi_568_c568
               _______    _______    _______    ___________    ___________    ___________    ___________

    zi_1_r1    0.44365    0.54388    0.64412       28.81         57.077         57.177         57.277   

pos = 5 ; key = ar_k ;rown= 1 ,coln= 50
ar_k :mu= 25 ,sd= 14.8749 ,min= 0 ,max= 50
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_25_c25    zi_48_c48    zi_49_c49    zi_50_c50
               _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_r1       0       1.0204     2.0408       24.49       47.959        48.98         50    

pos = 6 ; key = ar_k_mesha ;rown= 568 ,coln= 1
ar_k_mesha :mu= 0 ,sd= 0 ,min= 0 ,max= 0

    zi_1_R1           0   
    zi_2_R2           0   
    zi_3_R3           0   
    zi_284_r284       0   
    zi_566_r566       0   
    zi_567_r567       0   
    zi_568_r568       0   

pos = 7 ; key = ar_k_mw_wth_na ;rown= 2500 ,coln= 1
ar_k_mw_wth_na :mu= NaN ,sd= NaN ,min= 0 ,max= 50

    zi_1_R1               0 
    zi_2_R2             NaN 
    zi_3_R3             NaN 
    zi_1250_r1250       NaN 
    zi_2498_r2498    47.959 
    zi_2499_r2499     48.98 
    zi_2500_r2500        50 

pos = 8 ; key = ar_stationary ;rown= 1 ,coln= 15
ar_stationary :mu= 0.066667 ,sd= 0.060897 ,min= 0.0027089 ,max= 0.16757
                zi_1_C1      zi_2_C2     zi_3_C3     zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
               _________    _________    ________    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_r1    0.0027089    0.0069499    0.018507    0.16757    0.018507     0.0069499    0.0027089

pos = 9 ; key = ar_w ;rown= 1 ,coln= 50
ar_w :mu= 25 ,sd= 14.8749 ,min= 0 ,max= 50
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_25_c25    zi_48_c48    zi_49_c49    zi_50_c50
               _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_r1       0       1.0204     2.0408       24.49       47.959        48.98         50    

pos = 10 ; key = ar_z ;rown= 1 ,coln= 15
ar_z :mu= 1.1347 ,sd= 0.69878 ,min= 0.34741 ,max= 2.567
               zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
               _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_r1    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  

pos = 11 ; key = it_ameshk_n ; val = 568
pos = 12 ; key = mt_coh_wkb ;rown= 568 ,coln= 15
mt_coh_wkb :mu= 28.8604 ,sd= 16.4363 ,min= 0.44365 ,max= 57.2772
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1        0.44365    0.44365    0.44365    0.44365     0.44365      0.44365      0.44365 
    zi_2_R2        0.54388    0.54388    0.54388    0.54388     0.54388      0.54388      0.54388 
    zi_3_R3        0.64412    0.64412    0.64412    0.64412     0.64412      0.64412      0.64412 
    zi_284_r284      28.81      28.81      28.81      28.81       28.81        28.81        28.81 
    zi_566_r566     57.077     57.077     57.077     57.077      57.077       57.077       57.077 
    zi_567_r567     57.177     57.177     57.177     57.177      57.177       57.177       57.177 
    zi_568_r568     57.277     57.277     57.277     57.277      57.277       57.277       57.277 

pos = 13 ; key = mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_z ;rown= 568 ,coln= 15
mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_z :mu= 28.8604 ,sd= 16.4363 ,min= 0.44365 ,max= 57.2772
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1        0.44365    0.44365    0.44365    0.44365     0.44365      0.44365      0.44365 
    zi_2_R2        0.54388    0.54388    0.54388    0.54388     0.54388      0.54388      0.54388 
    zi_3_R3        0.64412    0.64412    0.64412    0.64412     0.64412      0.64412      0.64412 
    zi_284_r284      28.81      28.81      28.81      28.81       28.81        28.81        28.81 
    zi_566_r566     57.077     57.077     57.077     57.077      57.077       57.077       57.077 
    zi_567_r567     57.177     57.177     57.177     57.177      57.177       57.177       57.177 
    zi_568_r568     57.277     57.277     57.277     57.277      57.277       57.277       57.277 

pos = 14 ; key = mt_k_wth_na ;rown= 50 ,coln= 50
mt_k_wth_na :mu= NaN ,sd= NaN ,min= 0 ,max= 50
                 zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_25_c25    zi_48_c48    zi_49_c49    zi_50_c50
                 _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1          0           0          0           0            0            0            0  
    zi_2_R2        NaN      1.0204     1.0204      1.0204       1.0204       1.0204       1.0204  
    zi_3_R3        NaN         NaN     2.0408      2.0408       2.0408       2.0408       2.0408  
    zi_25_r25      NaN         NaN        NaN       24.49        24.49        24.49        24.49  
    zi_48_r48      NaN         NaN        NaN         NaN       47.959       47.959       47.959  
    zi_49_r49      NaN         NaN        NaN         NaN          NaN        48.98        48.98  
    zi_50_r50      NaN         NaN        NaN         NaN          NaN          NaN           50  

pos = 15 ; key = mt_z_mesh_coh_interp_grid ;rown= 568 ,coln= 15
mt_z_mesh_coh_interp_grid :mu= 1.1347 ,sd= 0.67512 ,min= 0.34741 ,max= 2.567
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1        0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_2_R2        0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_3_R3        0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_284_r284    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_566_r566    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_567_r567    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_568_r568    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  

pos = 16 ; key = mt_z_mesh_coh_wkb ;rown= 1275 ,coln= 15
mt_z_mesh_coh_wkb :mu= 1.1347 ,sd= 0.6751 ,min= 0.34741 ,max= 2.567
                     zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                     _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1          0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_2_R2          0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_3_R3          0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_638_R638      0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_1273_r1273    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_1274_r1274    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  
    zi_1275_r1275    0.34741    0.40076    0.4623     0.94436     1.9291       2.2253        2.567  

pos = 17 ; key = mt_z_trans ;rown= 15 ,coln= 15
mt_z_trans :mu= 0.066667 ,sd= 0.095337 ,min= 0 ,max= 0.27902
                  zi_1_C1       zi_2_C2       zi_3_C3       zi_8_C8      zi_13_c13     zi_14_c14     zi_15_c15 
                 __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________    __________

    zi_1_R1         0.26016       0.26831       0.25551    0.00012823    2.7001e-13    1.1102e-15             0
    zi_2_R2         0.11232       0.19622        0.2763    0.00098855    1.5289e-11    9.3592e-14    3.3307e-16
    zi_3_R3        0.037073       0.10492        0.2185     0.0055558    6.2811e-10    5.7438e-12    3.1863e-14
    zi_8_R8      1.7181e-06    4.1008e-05    0.00061112       0.27902    0.00061112    4.1008e-05    1.7181e-06
    zi_13_r13    3.1909e-14    5.7438e-12    6.2811e-10     0.0055558        0.2185       0.10492      0.037073
    zi_14_r14     3.474e-16    9.3597e-14    1.5289e-11    0.00098855        0.2763       0.19622       0.11232
    zi_15_r15    2.7412e-18    1.1057e-15    2.6998e-13    0.00012823       0.25551       0.26831       0.26016

Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                 i     idx    rowN       colN         mean        std          min         max  
                                 __    ___    ____    __________    ________    ________    _________    _______

    ar_a_meshk                    1     1      568             1       28.86       16.45      0.44365     57.277
    ar_a_mw_wth_na                2     2     2500             1         NaN         NaN            0         50
    ar_interp_c_grid              3     3        1    5.7276e+05      28.639      16.534        0.001     57.277
    ar_interp_coh_grid            4     4        1           568       28.86       16.45      0.44365     57.277
    ar_k                          5     5        1            50          25      14.875            0         50
    ar_k_mesha                    6     6      568             1           0           0            0          0
    ar_k_mw_wth_na                7     7     2500             1         NaN         NaN            0         50
    ar_stationary                 8     8        1            15    0.066667    0.060897    0.0027089    0.16757
    ar_w                          9     9        1            50          25      14.875            0         50
    ar_z                         10    10        1            15      1.1347     0.69878      0.34741      2.567
    mt_coh_wkb                   11    12      568            15       28.86      16.436      0.44365     57.277
    mt_interp_coh_grid_mesh_z    12    13      568            15       28.86      16.436      0.44365     57.277
    mt_k_wth_na                  13    14       50            50         NaN         NaN            0         50
    mt_z_mesh_coh_interp_grid    14    15      568            15      1.1347     0.67512      0.34741      2.567
    mt_z_mesh_coh_wkb            15    16     1275            15      1.1347      0.6751      0.34741      2.567
    mt_z_trans                   16    17       15            15    0.066667    0.095337            0    0.27902

Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                   i    idx    value
                   _    ___    _____

    it_ameshk_n    1    11      568 

Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 31
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = bl_default ; val = 0
pos = 2 ; key = fl_Amean ; val = 1
pos = 3 ; key = fl_alpha ; val = 0.36
pos = 4 ; key = fl_b_bd ; val = 0
pos = 5 ; key = fl_beta ; val = 0.94
pos = 6 ; key = fl_c_min ; val = 0.001
pos = 7 ; key = fl_coh_interp_grid_gap ; val = 0.1
pos = 8 ; key = fl_crra ; val = 1.5
pos = 9 ; key = fl_default_aprime ; val = 0
pos = 10 ; key = fl_delta ; val = 0.08
pos = 11 ; key = fl_k_min ; val = 0
pos = 12 ; key = fl_nan_replace ; val = -9999
pos = 13 ; key = fl_r_borr ; val = 0.025
pos = 14 ; key = fl_r_save ; val = 0.025
pos = 15 ; key = fl_tol_dist ; val = 1e-05
pos = 16 ; key = fl_tol_pol ; val = 1e-05
pos = 17 ; key = fl_tol_val ; val = 1e-05
pos = 18 ; key = fl_w ; val = 0.44365
pos = 19 ; key = fl_w_max ; val = 50
pos = 20 ; key = fl_z_mu ; val = 0
pos = 21 ; key = fl_z_rho ; val = 0.8
pos = 22 ; key = fl_z_sig ; val = 0.2
pos = 23 ; key = it_ak_n ; val = 50
pos = 24 ; key = it_c_interp_grid_gap ; val = 0.0001
pos = 25 ; key = it_maxiter_dist ; val = 1000
pos = 26 ; key = it_maxiter_val ; val = 250
pos = 27 ; key = it_tol_pol_nochange ; val = 25
pos = 28 ; key = it_w_n ; val = 50
pos = 29 ; key = it_z_n ; val = 15
pos = 30 ; key = st_analytical_stationary_type ; val = eigenvector
pos = 31 ; key = st_model ; val = akz_wkz_iwkz
Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                              i     idx     value 
                              __    ___    _______

    bl_default                 1     1           0
    fl_Amean                   2     2           1
    fl_alpha                   3     3        0.36
    fl_b_bd                    4     4           0
    fl_beta                    5     5        0.94
    fl_c_min                   6     6       0.001
    fl_coh_interp_grid_gap     7     7         0.1
    fl_crra                    8     8         1.5
    fl_default_aprime          9     9           0
    fl_delta                  10    10        0.08
    fl_k_min                  11    11           0
    fl_nan_replace            12    12       -9999
    fl_r_borr                 13    13       0.025
    fl_r_save                 14    14       0.025
    fl_tol_dist               15    15       1e-05
    fl_tol_pol                16    16       1e-05
    fl_tol_val                17    17       1e-05
    fl_w                      18    18     0.44365
    fl_w_max                  19    19          50
    fl_z_mu                   20    20           0
    fl_z_rho                  21    21         0.8
    fl_z_sig                  22    22         0.2
    it_ak_n                   23    23          50
    it_c_interp_grid_gap      24    24      0.0001
    it_maxiter_dist           25    25        1000
    it_maxiter_val            26    26         250
    it_tol_pol_nochange       27    27          25
    it_w_n                    28    28          50
    it_z_n                    29    29          15

Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                                     i    idx
                                     _    ___

    st_analytical_stationary_type    1    30 
    st_model                         2    31 

Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 7
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = f_coh ; val = @(z,b,k)(f_prod(z,k)+k*(1-fl_delta)+fl_w+b.*(1+fl_r_save).*(b>0)+b.*(1+fl_r_borr).*(b<=0))
pos = 2 ; key = f_cons ; val = @(coh,bprime,kprime)(coh-kprime-bprime)
pos = 3 ; key = f_inc ; val = @(z,b,k)(f_prod(z,k)-(fl_delta)*k+fl_w+b.*(fl_r_save).*(b>0)+b.*(fl_r_borr).*(b<=0))
pos = 4 ; key = f_prod ; val = @(z,k)((fl_Amean.*(z)).*(k.^(fl_alpha)))
pos = 5 ; key = f_util_crra ; val = @(c)(((c).^(1-fl_crra)-1)./(1-fl_crra))
pos = 6 ; key = f_util_log ; val = @(c)log(c)
pos = 7 ; key = f_util_standin ; val = @(z,b,k)f_util_log(f_coh(z,b,k).*(f_coh(z,b,k)>0)+fl_c_min.*(f_coh(z,b,k)<=0))
Scalars in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                      i    idx    xFunction
                      _    ___    _________

    f_coh             1     1         1    
    f_cons            2     2         2    
    f_inc             3     3         3    
    f_prod            4     4         4    
    f_util_crra       5     5         5    
    f_util_log        6     6         6    
    f_util_standin    7     7         7    

Begin: Show all key and value pairs from container
  Map with properties:

        Count: 12
      KeyType: char
    ValueType: any

pos = 1 ; key = ar_pol_diff_norm ;rown= 110 ,coln= 1
ar_pol_diff_norm :mu= 34.0952 ,sd= 167.118 ,min= 0 ,max= 1643.1596

    zi_1_R1        184.61 
    zi_2_R2        1643.2 
    zi_3_R3        546.99 
    zi_55_R55      1.0204 
    zi_108_r108         0 
    zi_109_r109         0 
    zi_110_r110         0 

pos = 2 ; key = ar_st_pol_names ; val = cl_mt_pol_coh cl_mt_pol_a cl_mt_pol_k cl_mt_pol_c
pos = 3 ; key = ar_val_diff_norm ;rown= 110 ,coln= 1
ar_val_diff_norm :mu= 10.7296 ,sd= 23.3812 ,min= 0.041929 ,max= 142.9489

    zi_1_R1          142.95
    zi_2_R2             111
    zi_3_R3          92.611
    zi_55_R55        1.2869
    zi_108_r108    0.047454
    zi_109_r109    0.044606
    zi_110_r110    0.041929

pos = 4 ; key = cl_mt_coh ;rown= 568 ,coln= 15
cl_mt_coh :mu= 30.0256 ,sd= 16.8472 ,min= 0.89839 ,max= 59.1527
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1        0.89839    0.89839    0.89839    0.89839     0.89839      0.89839      0.89839 
    zi_2_R2         1.0011     1.0011     1.0011     1.0011      1.0011       1.0011       1.0011 
    zi_3_R3         1.1039     1.1039     1.1039     1.1039      1.1039       1.1039       1.1039 
    zi_284_r284     29.974     29.974     29.974     29.974      29.974       29.974       29.974 
    zi_566_r566     58.947     58.947     58.947     58.947      58.947       58.947       58.947 
    zi_567_r567      59.05      59.05      59.05      59.05       59.05        59.05        59.05 
    zi_568_r568     59.153     59.153     59.153     59.153      59.153       59.153       59.153 

pos = 5 ; key = cl_mt_cons ;rown= 568 ,coln= 15
cl_mt_cons :mu= 3.6107 ,sd= 1.3536 ,min= 0.024653 ,max= 7.2772
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1        0.44365    0.44365    0.44365    0.44365     0.44365      0.44365      0.44365 
    zi_2_R2        0.54388    0.54388    0.54388    0.54388     0.54388      0.54388      0.54388 
    zi_3_R3        0.64412    0.64412    0.64412    0.64412     0.64412      0.64412      0.64412 
    zi_284_r284     3.3001     3.3001     3.3001     3.3001      4.3205       4.3205       4.3205 
    zi_566_r566     7.0767     7.0767     7.0767     7.0767      7.0767       7.0767       7.0767 
    zi_567_r567     7.1769     7.1769     7.1769     7.1769      7.1769       7.1769       7.1769 
    zi_568_r568     7.2772     7.2772     7.2772     7.2772      7.2772       7.2772       7.2772 

pos = 6 ; key = cl_mt_pol_a ;rown= 568 ,coln= 15
cl_mt_pol_a :mu= 18.0175 ,sd= 14.6604 ,min= 0 ,max= 47.9592
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1             0          0          0          0           0            0            0  
    zi_2_R2             0          0          0          0           0            0            0  
    zi_3_R3             0          0          0          0           0            0            0  
    zi_284_r284    23.469     23.469     22.449     19.388      9.1837       6.1224       3.0612  
    zi_566_r566    47.959     47.959     46.939     43.878      34.694       31.633       28.571  
    zi_567_r567    47.959     47.959     46.939     43.878      34.694       31.633       28.571  
    zi_568_r568    47.959     47.959     46.939     43.878      34.694       31.633       28.571  

pos = 7 ; key = cl_mt_pol_c ;rown= 568 ,coln= 15
cl_mt_pol_c :mu= 3.6107 ,sd= 1.3536 ,min= 0.024653 ,max= 7.2772
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1        0.44365    0.44365    0.44365    0.44365     0.44365      0.44365      0.44365 
    zi_2_R2        0.54388    0.54388    0.54388    0.54388     0.54388      0.54388      0.54388 
    zi_3_R3        0.64412    0.64412    0.64412    0.64412     0.64412      0.64412      0.64412 
    zi_284_r284     3.3001     3.3001     3.3001     3.3001      4.3205       4.3205       4.3205 
    zi_566_r566     7.0767     7.0767     7.0767     7.0767      7.0767       7.0767       7.0767 
    zi_567_r567     7.1769     7.1769     7.1769     7.1769      7.1769       7.1769       7.1769 
    zi_568_r568     7.2772     7.2772     7.2772     7.2772      7.2772       7.2772       7.2772 

pos = 8 ; key = cl_mt_pol_coh ;rown= 568 ,coln= 15
cl_mt_pol_coh :mu= 28.8604 ,sd= 16.4363 ,min= 0.44365 ,max= 57.2772
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1        0.44365    0.44365    0.44365    0.44365     0.44365      0.44365      0.44365 
    zi_2_R2        0.54388    0.54388    0.54388    0.54388     0.54388      0.54388      0.54388 
    zi_3_R3        0.64412    0.64412    0.64412    0.64412     0.64412      0.64412      0.64412 
    zi_284_r284      28.81      28.81      28.81      28.81       28.81        28.81        28.81 
    zi_566_r566     57.077     57.077     57.077     57.077      57.077       57.077       57.077 
    zi_567_r567     57.177     57.177     57.177     57.177      57.177       57.177       57.177 
    zi_568_r568     57.277     57.277     57.277     57.277      57.277       57.277       57.277 

pos = 9 ; key = cl_mt_pol_k ;rown= 568 ,coln= 15
cl_mt_pol_k :mu= 7.2322 ,sd= 5.5189 ,min= 0 ,max= 22.449
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1             0          0          0          0           0            0            0  
    zi_2_R2             0          0          0          0           0            0            0  
    zi_3_R3             0          0          0          0           0            0            0  
    zi_284_r284    2.0408     2.0408     3.0612     6.1224      15.306       18.367       21.429  
    zi_566_r566    2.0408     2.0408     3.0612     6.1224      15.306       18.367       21.429  
    zi_567_r567    2.0408     2.0408     3.0612     6.1224      15.306       18.367       21.429  
    zi_568_r568    2.0408     2.0408     3.0612     6.1224      15.306       18.367       21.429  

pos = 10 ; key = mt_pol_idx ;rown= 568 ,coln= 15
mt_pol_idx :mu= 25.7447 ,sd= 14.8708 ,min= 1 ,max= 50
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1           1          1          1          1           1            1            1    
    zi_2_R2           1          1          1          1           1            1            1    
    zi_3_R3           1          1          1          1           1            1            1    
    zi_284_r284      26         26         26         26          25           25           25    
    zi_566_r566      50         50         50         50          50           50           50    
    zi_567_r567      50         50         50         50          50           50           50    
    zi_568_r568      50         50         50         50          50           50           50    

pos = 11 ; key = mt_pol_perc_change ;rown= 110 ,coln= 15
mt_pol_perc_change :mu= 0.054135 ,sd= 0.15854 ,min= 0 ,max= 1
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3     zi_8_C8      zi_13_c13     zi_14_c14     zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    __________    __________    __________    _________

    zi_1_R1              1          1          1             1             1             1           1 
    zi_2_R2         0.9419    0.94102    0.92165       0.86092       0.67958        0.6206     0.55986 
    zi_3_R3        0.64789    0.64789    0.51408       0.57746        0.5713       0.53169     0.54577 
    zi_55_R55            0          0          0    0.00088028    0.00088028    0.00088028           0 
    zi_108_r108          0          0          0             0             0             0           0 
    zi_109_r109          0          0          0             0             0             0           0 
    zi_110_r110          0          0          0             0             0             0           0 

pos = 12 ; key = mt_val ;rown= 568 ,coln= 15
mt_val :mu= 11.9863 ,sd= 4.2293 ,min= -16.6941 ,max= 16.6028
                   zi_1_C1    zi_2_C2    zi_3_C3    zi_8_C8    zi_13_c13    zi_14_c14    zi_15_c15
                   _______    _______    _______    _______    _________    _________    _________

    zi_1_R1        -16.694    -16.694    -16.694    -16.694     -16.694      -16.694      -16.694 
    zi_2_R2        -16.403    -16.403    -16.403    -16.403     -16.403      -16.403      -16.403 
    zi_3_R3        -16.183    -16.183    -16.183    -16.183     -16.183      -16.183      -16.183 
    zi_284_r284     12.123     12.198     12.284      12.85      13.689       13.889       14.084 
    zi_566_r566     15.412     15.455     15.505     15.841       16.35       16.473       16.592 
    zi_567_r567     15.417      15.46      15.51     15.847      16.355       16.478       16.598 
    zi_568_r568     15.422     15.465     15.516     15.852      16.361       16.483       16.603 

Matrix in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                          i     idx    rowN    colN      mean        std        min        max  
                          __    ___    ____    ____    ________    _______    ________    ______

    ar_pol_diff_norm       1     1     110       1       34.095     167.12           0    1643.2
    ar_val_diff_norm       2     3     110       1        10.73     23.381    0.041929    142.95
    cl_mt_coh              3     4     568      15       30.026     16.847     0.89839    59.153
    cl_mt_cons             4     5     568      15       3.6107     1.3536    0.024653    7.2772
    cl_mt_pol_a            5     6     568      15       18.018      14.66           0    47.959
    cl_mt_pol_c            6     7     568      15       3.6107     1.3536    0.024653    7.2772
    cl_mt_pol_coh          7     8     568      15        28.86     16.436     0.44365    57.277
    cl_mt_pol_k            8     9     568      15       7.2322     5.5189           0    22.449
    mt_pol_idx             9    10     568      15       25.745     14.871           1        50
    mt_pol_perc_change    10    11     110      15     0.054135    0.15854           0         1
    mt_val                11    12     568      15       11.986     4.2293     -16.694    16.603

Strings in Container and Sizes and Basic Statistics
                       i    idx
                       _    ___

    ar_st_pol_names    1     2 

Parse Parameters

% append function name
st_func_name = 'ff_iwkz_ds';
support_map('st_profile_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_profile_name_main')];
support_map('st_mat_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_mat_name_main')];
support_map('st_img_name_main') = [st_func_name support_map('st_img_name_main')];

% result_map
% ar_st_pol_names is from section _Process Optimal Choices_ in the value
% function code.
params_group = values(result_map, {'cl_mt_pol_a', 'cl_mt_pol_k'});
[cl_mt_pol_a, cl_mt_pol_k] = params_group{:};
[mt_pol_a, mt_pol_k] = deal(cl_mt_pol_a{1}, cl_mt_pol_k{1});

% func_map
params_group = values(func_map, {'f_coh'});
[f_coh] = params_group{:};

% armt_map
params_group = values(armt_map, {'mt_z_trans', 'ar_z'});
[mt_z_trans, ar_z] = params_group{:};
params_group = values(armt_map, {'ar_interp_coh_grid'});
[ar_interp_coh_grid] = params_group{:};

% param_map
params_group = values(param_map, {'it_z_n', 'it_maxiter_dist', 'fl_tol_dist'});
[it_z_n, it_maxiter_dist, fl_tol_dist] = params_group{:};

% support_map
params_group = values(support_map, {'bl_profile_dist', 'st_profile_path', ...
    'st_profile_prefix', 'st_profile_name_main', 'st_profile_suffix',...
    'bl_time', 'bl_display_dist', 'it_display_every'});
[bl_profile_dist, st_profile_path, ...
    st_profile_prefix, st_profile_name_main, st_profile_suffix, ...
    bl_time, bl_display_dist, it_display_every] = params_group{:};

Start Profiler and Timer

% Start Profile
if (bl_profile_dist)
    close all;
    profile off;
    profile on;

% Start Timer
if (bl_time)

A. Get Size of Endogenous and Exogenous State

it_endostates_n = length(ar_interp_coh_grid);
it_exostates_n = length(ar_z);

B. f({a,k},z): Initialize Output Matrixes

Initialize the distribution to be uniform

mt_dist_akz_init = ones(it_endostates_n,it_exostates_n)/it_endostates_n/it_exostates_n;
mt_dist_akz_cur = mt_dist_akz_init;
mt_dist_akz_zeros = zeros(it_endostates_n,it_exostates_n);

C. f({a,k},z): Initialize Convergence Conditions

bl_histiter_continue = true;
it_iter = 0;
ar_dist_diff_norm = zeros([it_maxiter_dist, 1]);
mt_dist_perc_change = zeros([it_maxiter_dist, it_z_n]);

D. f({a,k},z): Derive Stationary Distribution

Iterate over the discrete joint random variable variables ({a,k},z)

We are looking for the distribution of: $p({a,k},z)$ where $a'({a,k},z)$ and $k'({a,k},z)$, meaning that $a'$ and $k'$ are determined by $a$ and $k$ and $z$, but not $z'$.

while (bl_histiter_continue)
    it_iter = it_iter + 1;

f({a,k},z): Iterate over Probability mass for Discrete Random Variable

compared to ff_akz_vf, we basically have the same set of loops. There, there were four loops, here there are three loops. We eliminated the loop over next period choices, because here we already know optimal choices

    % initialize empty
    mt_dist_akz = mt_dist_akz_zeros;

    % loop 1: over exogenous states
    for it_z_i = 1:it_exostates_n

        % loop 2: over endogenous states
        for it_coh_grid_j = 1:it_endostates_n

            % f(a'|a) = 1 for only one a'
            % in dynamic programming problem, had a loop over choices, now
            % already have optimal choices, do not need to loop
            fl_aprime = mt_pol_a(it_coh_grid_j, it_z_i);
            fl_kprime = mt_pol_k(it_coh_grid_j, it_z_i);

            % loop 3: loop over future shocks
            % E_{coh,z}(f(coh'(a',k',z'),z'|coh,z)*f(coh,z))
            for it_zp_q = 1:it_exostates_n

                % A. Get the index that the index for coh' based on coh,z,z'
                % current shock
                fl_zprime = ar_z(it_zp_q);
                % cash-on-hand next period which is a function also of z'
                fl_coh_prime = f_coh(fl_zprime, fl_aprime, fl_kprime);
                % next period index
                [~, it_coh_prime_on_grid_idx] = min(abs(fl_coh_prime - ar_interp_coh_grid));

                % B. prob of going to coh'(coh,z,z')
                % current probablity at (a,z)
                fl_cur_zak_prob = mt_dist_akz_cur(it_coh_grid_j, it_z_i);
                % f(z'|z) transition
                fl_ztoz_trans =  mt_z_trans(it_z_i, it_zp_q);
                % f(a',z'|a,z)*f({a,k},z)
                fl_zfromzak = fl_cur_zak_prob*fl_ztoz_trans;

                % cumulating
                mt_dist_akz(it_coh_prime_on_grid_idx, it_zp_q) = ...
                    mt_dist_akz(it_coh_prime_on_grid_idx, it_zp_q) + fl_zfromzak;



f({a,k},z): Check Tolerance and Continuation

    % Difference across iterations
    ar_dist_diff_norm(it_iter) = norm(mt_dist_akz - mt_dist_akz_cur);
    mt_dist_perc_change(it_iter, :) = sum((mt_dist_akz ~= mt_dist_akz))/it_endostates_n;

    % Update
    mt_dist_akz_cur = mt_dist_akz;

    % Print Iteration Results
    if (bl_display_dist && (rem(it_iter, it_display_every)==0))
        fprintf('Dist it_iter:%d, fl_dist_diff:%d\n', it_iter, ar_dist_diff_norm(it_iter));
        tb_hist_iter = array2table([sum(mt_dist_akz_cur,1); std(mt_dist_akz_cur,1); ...
                                    mt_dist_akz_cur(1,:); mt_dist_akz_cur(it_endostates_n,:)]);
        tb_hist_iter.Properties.VariableNames = strcat('z', string((1:size(mt_dist_akz,2))));
        tb_hist_iter.Properties.RowNames = {'mdist','sddist', 'Ldist', 'Hdist'};
        disp('mdist = sum(mt_dist_akz_cur,1) = sum_{a,k}(p({a,k})|z)')
        disp('sddist = std(mt_pol_ak_cur,1) = std_{a,k}(p({a,k})|z)')
        disp('Ldist = mt_dist_akz_cur(1,:) = p(min({a,k})|z)')
        disp('Hdist = mt_dist_akz_cur(it_a_n,:) = p(max({a,k})|z)')

    % Continuation Conditions:
    if (it_iter == (it_maxiter_dist + 1))
        bl_histiter_continue = false;
    elseif ((it_iter == it_maxiter_dist) || ...
            (ar_dist_diff_norm(it_iter) < fl_tol_dist))
        it_iter_last = it_iter;
        it_iter = it_maxiter_dist;

End Time and Profiler

% End Timer
if (bl_time)

% End Profile
if (bl_profile_dist)
    profile off
    profile viewer
    st_file_name = [st_profile_prefix st_profile_name_main st_profile_suffix];
    profsave(profile('info'), strcat(st_profile_path, st_file_name));

f(y), f(c), f(a), f(k): Generate Key Distributional Statistics for Each outcome

Having derived f({a,k},z) the probability mass function of the joint discrete random variables, we now obtain distributional statistics. Note that we know f({a,k},z), and we also know relevant policy functions a'(a,z), c(a,z), or other policy functions. We can simulate any choices that are a function of the random variables (a,z), using f({a,k},z). We call function ff_az_ds_post_stats which uses fft_disc_rand_var_stats and fft_disc_rand_var_mass2outcomes to compute various statistics of interest.

result_map = ff_az_ds_post_stats(support_map, result_map, mt_dist_akz);
Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_coh







    cl_mt_pol_cohDiscreteVal    cl_mt_pol_cohDiscreteValProbMass     CDF      cumsumFrac
    ________________________    ________________________________    ______    __________

            0.44365                         0.010563                1.0563    0.00070632
            0.54388                                0                1.0563    0.00070632
            0.64412                                0                1.0563    0.00070632
            0.74435                                0                1.0563    0.00070632
            0.84459                                0                1.0563    0.00070632
            0.94483                                0                1.0563    0.00070632
             1.0451                                0                1.0563    0.00070632
             1.1453                                0                1.0563    0.00070632
             1.2455                                0                1.0563    0.00070632
             1.3458                                0                1.0563    0.00070632

    cl_mt_pol_cohDiscreteVal    cl_mt_pol_cohDiscreteValProbMass    CDF    cumsumFrac
    ________________________    ________________________________    ___    __________

             56.375                                 0               100        1     
             56.475                                 0               100        1     
             56.576                                 0               100        1     
             56.676                                 0               100        1     
             56.776                                 0               100        1     
             56.876                                 0               100        1     
             56.976                        3.9823e-13               100        1     
             57.077                        1.0205e-12               100        1     
             57.177                        5.9749e-12               100        1     
             57.277                                 0               100        1     

    percentiles    cl_mt_pol_cohDiscreteValPercentileValues    fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile
    ___________    ________________________________________    ________________________________

        0.1                        0.44365                                0.00070632           
          1                        0.44365                                0.00070632           
          5                         3.2502                                  0.022288           
         10                         3.7514                                  0.045512           
         15                         4.1524                                  0.086704           
         20                         4.3528                                   0.11199           
         25                         4.6535                                   0.16932           
         35                         5.1547                                   0.21498           
         50                         5.7561                                   0.34178           
         65                         6.8587                                   0.50581           
         75                         7.6606                                   0.59072           
         80                         8.1618                                   0.65133           
         85                         9.2644                                   0.72317           
         90                         10.668                                   0.79505           
         95                         13.174                                   0.88519           
         99                         17.985                                   0.96997           
       99.9                         24.701                                   0.99642           

Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_a







    cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteVal    cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteValProbMass     CDF      cumsumFrac
    ______________________    ______________________________    ______    __________

                 0                         0.88283              88.283            0 
            1.0204                       0.0051213              88.795     0.017091 
            1.0204                         0.02935               91.73      0.11504 
            1.0204                       0.0038709              92.117      0.12796 
            1.0204                        0.013456              93.463      0.17287 
            1.0204                      2.1193e-05              93.465      0.17294 
            2.0408                      5.0286e-05               93.47      0.17327 
            2.0408                       0.0078633              94.256      0.22576 
            2.0408                       0.0016302              94.419      0.23664 
            2.0408                        0.014069              95.826      0.33054 

    cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteVal    cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteValProbMass    CDF    cumsumFrac
    ______________________    ______________________________    ___    __________

            41.837                      1.2612e-13              100        1     
            42.857                      5.4603e-16              100        1     
            42.857                      4.5359e-18              100        1     
            43.878                      4.8574e-19              100        1     
            44.898                               0              100        1     
            44.898                               0              100        1     
            45.918                               0              100        1     
            45.918                               0              100        1     
            46.939                               0              100        1     
            47.959                               0              100        1     

    percentiles    cl_mt_pol_aDiscreteValPercentileValues    fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile
    ___________    ______________________________________    ________________________________

        0.1                             0                                      0             
          1                             0                                      0             
          5                             0                                      0             
         10                             0                                      0             
         15                             0                                      0             
         20                             0                                      0             
         25                             0                                      0             
         35                             0                                      0             
         50                             0                                      0             
         65                             0                                      0             
         75                             0                                      0             
         80                             0                                      0             
         85                             0                                      0             
         90                        1.0204                                0.11504             
         95                        2.0408                                0.33054             
         99                        6.1224                                0.75805             
       99.9                        11.224                                 0.9602             

Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_k







    cl_mt_pol_kDiscreteVal    cl_mt_pol_kDiscreteValProbMass     CDF      cumsumFrac
    ______________________    ______________________________    ______    __________

                 0                        0.010563              1.0563             0
            1.0204                      9.7408e-07              1.0564    2.1951e-07
            2.0408                      1.3578e-11              1.0564    2.1952e-07
            2.0408                      7.8984e-05              1.0643    3.5818e-05
            2.0408                         0.10029              11.094      0.045238
            2.0408                      0.00011735              11.105      0.045291
            2.0408                      1.4899e-07              11.105      0.045291
            3.0612                      0.00047808              11.153      0.045614
            3.0612                         0.24602              35.755       0.21194
            3.0612                      0.00083722              35.839        0.2125

    cl_mt_pol_kDiscreteVal    cl_mt_pol_kDiscreteValProbMass     CDF      cumsumFrac
    ______________________    ______________________________    ______    __________

            14.286                       0.0010657              99.688      0.9887  
            15.306                       0.0018811              99.876     0.99506  
            15.306                      1.3953e-06              99.876     0.99506  
            16.327                      0.00031013              99.907     0.99618  
            17.347                      0.00026805              99.934     0.99721  
            18.367                      0.00046971              99.981     0.99911  
            19.388                      5.3677e-05              99.986     0.99934  
            20.408                      4.3832e-05               99.99     0.99954  
            21.429                      9.6646e-05                 100           1  
            22.449                      9.0646e-08                 100           1  

    percentiles    cl_mt_pol_kDiscreteValPercentileValues    fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile
    ___________    ______________________________________    ________________________________

        0.1                             0                                       0            
          1                             0                                       0            
          5                        2.0408                                0.045238            
         10                        2.0408                                0.045238            
         15                        3.0612                                 0.21194            
         20                        3.0612                                 0.21194            
         25                        3.0612                                 0.21194            
         35                        3.0612                                 0.21194            
         50                        4.0816                                 0.45126            
         65                         5.102                                 0.64408            
         75                         5.102                                 0.64408            
         80                        6.1224                                 0.75752            
         85                        6.1224                                 0.75752            
         90                        7.1429                                 0.81493            
         95                        9.1837                                 0.91764            
         99                        12.245                                 0.97389            
       99.9                        16.327                                 0.99618            

Summary Statistics for: cl_mt_pol_c







    cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteVal    cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteValProbMass     CDF      cumsumFrac
    ______________________    ______________________________    ______    __________

           0.024653                              0                   0            0 
            0.12489                              0                   0            0 
            0.22512                              0                   0            0 
            0.32536                              0                   0            0 
            0.42559                              0                   0            0 
            0.44365                       0.010563              1.0563    0.0026018 
            0.50778                              0              1.0563    0.0026018 
            0.52583                              0              1.0563    0.0026018 
            0.54388                              0              1.0563    0.0026018 
            0.60801                     5.9137e-08              1.0563    0.0026018 

    cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteVal    cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteValProbMass    CDF    cumsumFrac
    ______________________    ______________________________    ___    __________

            6.8762                               0              100        1     
            6.8762                               0              100        1     
            6.9764                               0              100        1     
            6.9764                      3.9823e-13              100        1     
            7.0767                      1.0205e-12              100        1     
            7.0767                               0              100        1     
            7.1769                               0              100        1     
            7.1769                      5.9749e-12              100        1     
            7.2772                               0              100        1     
            7.2772                               0              100        1     

    percentiles    cl_mt_pol_cDiscreteValPercentileValues    fracOfSumHeldBelowThisPercentile
    ___________    ______________________________________    ________________________________

        0.1                       0.44365                               0.0026018            
          1                       0.44365                               0.0026018            
          5                         1.009                                0.026023            
         10                        1.1733                                0.065093            
         15                        1.2736                                0.098025            
         20                        1.2916                                 0.12565            
         25                        1.3918                                 0.18942            
         35                        1.5382                                  0.2474            
         50                        1.7567                                 0.39882            
         65                        1.9571                                  0.5379            
         75                        2.1757                                 0.68582            
         80                        2.2579                                 0.72548            
         85                        2.4222                                 0.78094            
         90                        2.5405                                 0.84178            
         95                        2.8051                                 0.91426            
         99                        3.2982                                 0.98041            
       99.9                        3.9195                                 0.99768            

    OriginalVariableNames     cl_mt_pol_coh    cl_mt_pol_a    cl_mt_pol_k    cl_mt_pol_c
    ______________________    _____________    ___________    ___________    ___________

    'mean'                          6.635        0.30576          4.5281         1.8012 
    'sd'                           3.1472         1.1327          2.1664        0.55884 
    'coefofvar'                   0.47433         3.7047         0.47844        0.31026 
    'min'                         0.44365              0               0       0.024653 
    'max'                          57.277         47.959          22.449         7.2772 
    'pYis0'                             0        0.88283        0.010563              0 
    'pYls0'                             0              0               0              0 
    'pYgr0'                             1        0.11717         0.98944              1 
    'pYisMINY'                   0.010563        0.88283        0.010563              0 
    'pYisMAXY'                          0              0      9.0646e-08              0 
    'p0_1'                        0.44365              0               0        0.44365 
    'p1'                          0.44365              0               0        0.44365 
    'p5'                           3.2502              0          2.0408          1.009 
    'p10'                          3.7514              0          2.0408         1.1733 
    'p15'                          4.1524              0          3.0612         1.2736 
    'p20'                          4.3528              0          3.0612         1.2916 
    'p25'                          4.6535              0          3.0612         1.3918 
    'p35'                          5.1547              0          3.0612         1.5382 
    'p50'                          5.7561              0          4.0816         1.7567 
    'p65'                          6.8587              0           5.102         1.9571 
    'p75'                          7.6606              0           5.102         2.1757 
    'p80'                          8.1618              0          6.1224         2.2579 
    'p85'                          9.2644              0          6.1224         2.4222 
    'p90'                          10.668         1.0204          7.1429         2.5405 
    'p95'                          13.174         2.0408          9.1837         2.8051 
    'p99'                          17.985         6.1224          12.245         3.2982 
    'p99_9'                        24.701         11.224          16.327         3.9195 
    'fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_coh'         9.9047         2.1905          6.2606         1.4536 
    'fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_coh'              1        0.61446         0.91823        0.82651 
    'fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_a'           2.1905         1.2831         0.66664        0.24077 
    'fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_a'          0.61446              1         0.27165        0.38035 
    'fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_k'           6.2606        0.66664          4.6934        0.90058 
    'fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_k'          0.91823        0.27165               1        0.74386 
    'fl_cov_cl_mt_pol_c'           1.4536        0.24077         0.90058         0.3123 
    'fl_cor_cl_mt_pol_c'          0.82651        0.38035         0.74386              1 
    'fracByP0_1'               0.00070632              0               0      0.0026018 
    'fracByP1'                 0.00070632              0               0      0.0026018 
    'fracByP5'                   0.022288              0        0.045238       0.026023 
    'fracByP10'                  0.045512              0        0.045238       0.065093 
    'fracByP15'                  0.086704              0         0.21194       0.098025 
    'fracByP20'                   0.11199              0         0.21194        0.12565 
    'fracByP25'                   0.16932              0         0.21194        0.18942 
    'fracByP35'                   0.21498              0         0.21194         0.2474 
    'fracByP50'                   0.34178              0         0.45126        0.39882 
    'fracByP65'                   0.50581              0         0.64408         0.5379 
    'fracByP75'                   0.59072              0         0.64408        0.68582 
    'fracByP80'                   0.65133              0         0.75752        0.72548 
    'fracByP85'                   0.72317              0         0.75752        0.78094 
    'fracByP90'                   0.79505        0.11504         0.81493        0.84178 
    'fracByP95'                   0.88519        0.33054         0.91764        0.91426 
    'fracByP99'                   0.96997        0.75805         0.97389        0.98041 
    'fracByP99_9'                 0.99642         0.9602         0.99618        0.99768 
