Chapter 12 Coding and Development

12.1 Installation and Packages

12.1.1 R Installation and Set-Up

Install R new, or update an existing R installation.

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page. Uninstall r

Uninstall R, RStudio and RTools from Windows “Programs and Features” menu. After uninstaller finishes, check in the libPath folders to see if there are still stuff there, delete all, delete the folders.

If R was installed in a virtual environment, delete the environment. Otherwise, use system’s uninstaller. To check on this, from terminal/command-prompt for each virtual environment, type R, and .libPaths() to find paths. Do so inside conda main, outside of conda main, inside different environments, find all paths.

Inside R:

ls_spn_paths <- .libPaths()
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.3"
## [2] "C:/Program Files/R/R-4.3.1/library"
# C:/Users/fan/Documents/R/win-library/3.6
# C:/Program Files/R/R-3.6.1/library

Check which conda env is installed, if there is an env installed for R.

# Show All installed environments
conda info --envs

For Linux and for unsintalling inside conda:

# Exit Conda
conda deactivate
# where is R installed outside of Conda
which R
# /usr/bin/R
# To remove all
sudo apt-get remove r-base
sudo apt-get remove r-base-core

# Inside Conda base
conda activate
# Conda r_env
conda activate r_envr
# Where is it installed?
which R
# /home/wangfanbsg75/anaconda3/bin/R
conda uninstall r-base Install R Install R for the First Time
  1. download R
    • for debian: Johannes Ranke. For Linux/Debian installation, crucial to update the source.list to include sources that have more recent versions of R. If not, will get very old R versions that is not compatible with many packages.
    • add R to path for Windows. In Windows Path, add for example: C:/Program Files/R/R-3.6.2/bin/x64/ and C:/Rtools/bin
  2. Install Rtools for building R packages.
  3. download R-studio
  4. Open R-studio and auto-detect R
  5. Install additional packages Linux R Install

For linux/Debian, to Install latest R:

# Go to get latesdebian latest r sources.list
cat /etc/apt/sources.list
# Install this First (should already be installed)
sudo apt install dirmngr

# Debian R is maintained by Johannes Ranke, copied from
apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 'E19F5F87128899B192B1A2C2AD5F960A256A04AF'
# Add to source.list, for debian stretch (9)
# sudo su added for security issue as super-user
sudo su -c "sudo echo 'deb stretch-cran35/' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
# if added wrong lines, delete 3rd line
sudo sed '3d' /etc/apt/sources.list

# Update and Install R, should say updated from cloud.r
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev

# Also install these, otherwise r-packages do not install
# libxml2 seems need for tidymodels
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev Update R on Windows

First, use the updateR() function from the installr package.

  1. On windows, install the installr package, and use updateR()
  2. At the end, will ask if want to move all old packages to new R directory

New R will have new package directory, could keep all in old, should copy all to new, and not keep old. Can choose to copy all old packages to new folder, but still keep old packages in prior folder as they were

# update R from inside R (not Rstudio)
# this will open dialog boxes to take you through the steps.
# Set Rstudio to the Latest R

Second, after updating, might go into “Apps and Features” on Windows to unstaill the previous R version.

Third, update RTools. Uninstall RTools. Installation can be very large.

Fourth, update RStudio. Upon opening RStudio, if prior installations of R have been uninstalled, RStudio will auto-detect as ask if the latest version of R should be used. Choose yes. Upon entering RStudio, if there are updates, might prompt to RStudio website to download and update.

Fifth, follow the package installation directions below to update that. R Add to Path

To be able to use R via command line, make sure Windows knows where the path to R.exe is.

First, find where the installed R.exe path is. Open up the R installation, and then check path as below.

ls_spn_paths <- .libPaths()
# "C:/Users/fan/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.2"
# "C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.1/library"

Second, given the path found, the R.exe is at “C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.1/bin”. So now, in windows, System Properties -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System Variables -> Path -> Edit -> New -> Paste “C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.1/bin”

Third, now open up command-prompt/terminal/git-bash, enter R, this will take us into the R console via command-line.

# To exit command line:
q() R Package Installations Update R Install Directory

After installing R, change the path sequence so that packages install for all users.

ls_spn_paths <- .libPaths()
# [1] "C:/Users/fan/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.2" "C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.1/library"
ls_spn_paths <- c(ls_spn_paths[2], ls_spn_paths[1])
ls_spn_paths <- .libPaths()
# [1] "C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.1/library"           "C:/Users/fan/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.2" Install vearious directory

After updating R, sometimes, old packages are not copied over to new directory, so need to reinstall all packages.

Having set the directories earlier so that packages do not install in user’s personal folder, but the library folder where the R version is installed, we can find all installed packages in the C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.1/library folder.

# Install RTools First!

# Install system tools

# Install tidyverse
install.packages(c("tidyverse", "tidymodels", "vroom"))

# Install Packaging tools
install.packages(c("devtools", "pkgdown", "roxygen2", "bookdown", "knitr", "kableExtra", "formatR", "revealjs"))

# Install Statistics models
install.packages(c("AER", "minpack.lm"))

# Install Tools to Work with Other Packages
# matconv: converts matlab programs to R
install.packages(c("reticulate", "JuliaCall", "matconv"))
# for reticulate errors, install directly from: devtools::install_github("rstudio/reticulate")

# Install Paralell Tools
install.packages(c("parallel", "doParallel", "foreach"))

# Install personal Packages

# Stata in Rmd
# devtools::install_github("Hemken/Statamarkdown")

# VScode integration and also sublime r-ide

Temp Installs:

# 2020-10-19
# Temp install development version due to but
devtools::install_github("rstudio/reticulate") R Tests

Test the following file to see if we can execute a R file. Do it inside r_env and inside a r session.

# # A simple file with summary statistics using tidyverse
# source('C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/summarize/dist/htmlpdfr/fst_hist_onevar.R')
# source('G:/repos/R4Econ/summarize/dist/htmlpdfr/fst_hist_onevar.R')
# # Another simple file with summary statistics using tidyverse
# source('C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/support/tibble/htmlpdfr/fs_tib_basics.R')
# source('G:/repos/R4Econ/support/tibble/htmlpdfr/fs_tib_basics.R')
# # A file involving estimation
# source('C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/optimization/cesloglin/htmlpdfr/fst_ces_plan_linlog.R')
# C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/summarize/dist/fst_hist_onevar.Rmd
# C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/support/tibble/fs_tib_basics.Rmd
# C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/optimization/cesloglin/fst_ces_plan_linlog.Rmd R with Radian

R with Radian: Running R Inside VSCode

Rstudio seems laggy sometimes, nice to be able to run R from VSCode, use VSCode as an alternative editor.

To Run .R scripts from inside VSCode. Here is the offical guide: R in Visual Studio Code.

  1. Install R following prior steps.
  2. Make sure that the package languageserver is installed, check “require(languageserver)”.
  3. Install R Extension for Visual Studio Code
  • change setting for “” to “C:/Program Files/R/R-4.2.1/bin/R.exe”
  1. Click File -> Open Folder -> Select the folder where the “.R” file to run is located at, this way, the Terminal will be directred to the folder that is currently open, rather than home default for example. By default, the terminal will open at the folder that is opened in the Explorer
  2. Run individual files in the folder just opened. RMD in VSCode

Steps for RMD:

  1. VSCode already has default markdown editor
  2. Install Markdown Preview ehance, which generates a table of content bar on the side, and has math preview correclty
  3. In file, F1, and type markdown preview and open up preview RMD and MARKDOWN File Associations

Change File Extension Association

  • Working with RMD file, sometimes want to preview as MD file to view equations, sometimes want to view as RMD file to edit the R code. See How to make VS Code to treat other file extensions as certain language?
  • change extension association between md and Rmd for Rmd files for example: “Ctrl + shift + p” and “change language mode” from one file association to another.
  • Additionally, if there is a standard association we want for RMD, for it to be markdown for example, can add to JSON settings for file.associations.
"files.associations": {
     "*.Rmd": "markdown"

12.2 Files In and Out

12.2.1 File Path

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page. Check if File or Directory Exists on Computer

Take different string-based actions if some path exists on a computer.

# Check if either of the path exists on the computer
spt_root_computer_a <- 'G:/repos/R4Econ/'
spt_root_computer_b <- 'C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/'

# Checking if directory exists
if (dir.exists(spt_root_computer_a)) {
  print(paste(spt_root_computer_a, 'exists'))
} else if (dir.exists(spt_root_computer_b)) {
  print(paste(spt_root_computer_b, 'exists', spt_root_computer_a, 'does not exist'))
} else {
  print(paste(spt_root_computer_b, spt_root_computer_a, 'both do does not exist'))
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/ exists G:/repos/R4Econ/ does not exist"

Now, we check if a particular file exists.

# Check if either of the files exists on the computer
spn_root_computer_a <- 'G:/repos/R4Econ/index.Rmd'
spn_root_computer_b <- 'C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/index.Rmd'

# Checking if file exists
if (file.exists(spn_root_computer_a)) {
  print(paste(spn_root_computer_a, 'exists'))
} else if (file.exists(spn_root_computer_b)) {
  print(paste(spn_root_computer_b, 'exists', spn_root_computer_a, 'does not exist'))
} else {
  print(paste(spn_root_computer_b, spn_root_computer_a, 'both do does not exist'))
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/index.Rmd exists G:/repos/R4Econ/index.Rmd does not exist" Compose a Path

File Path might contain information related to the file, decompose the file path, keep the final N folder names, to be possibled stored as a variable in the datafile stored inside.

# Compose together a path
print(paste0('.Platform$file.sep=', .Platform$file.sep))
## [1] ".Platform$file.sep=/"
spn_file_path = file.path("C:", "Users", "fan", "R4Econ", "amto", "tibble",
                          fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
# print
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_basics.Rmd" Substring and File Name

From path, get file name without suffix.

st_example <- 'C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_basics.Rmd'
st_file_wth_suffix_s <- tail(strsplit(st_example, "/")[[1]],n=1)
st_file_wno_suffix_s <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(st_example))
st_fullpath_nosufx_s <- sub('\\.Rmd$', '', st_example)
st_fullpath_noname_s <- dirname(st_example)

print(paste0('st_file_wth_suffix_s:', st_file_wth_suffix_s))
## [1] "st_file_wth_suffix_s:fs_tib_basics.Rmd"
print(paste0('st_file_wno_suffix_s:', st_file_wno_suffix_s))
## [1] "st_file_wno_suffix_s:fs_tib_basics"
print(paste0('st_fullpath_nosufx_s:', st_fullpath_nosufx_s))
## [1] "st_fullpath_nosufx_s:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_basics"
print(paste0('st_fullpath_noname_s:', st_fullpath_noname_s))
## [1] "st_fullpath_noname_s:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble" Get Subset of Path Folder Names

File Path might contain information related to the file, decompose the file path, keep the final N folder names, to be possibled stored as a variable in the datafile stored inside.

# Compose together a path
spn_example <- 'C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_basics.Rmd'
# Replace default system slash, assume spn was generated by system.
ls_srt_folders_file <- strsplit(st_example, .Platform$file.sep)[[1]]
# Keep the last N layers
it_folders_names_to_keep = 2
snm_file_name <- tail(strsplit(st_example, "/")[[1]],n=1)
ls_srt_folders_keep <- head(tail(ls_srt_folders_file, it_folders_names_to_keep+1),
# Show folder names
print(paste0('snm_file_name:', snm_file_name))
## [1] "snm_file_name:fs_tib_basics.Rmd"
print(paste0('last ', it_folders_names_to_keep, ' folders:'))
## [1] "last 2 folders:"
## [1] "amto"   "tibble"

Shorter lines, to make copying easier.

# inputs
it_folders_names_to_keep = 2
spn_example <- 'C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_basics.Rmd'
# copy these
ls_srt_folders_name_keep <- tail(strsplit(st_example, "/")[[1]], n=it_folders_names_to_keep+1)
snm_file_name <- tail(ls_srt_folders_name_keep, 1)
ls_srt_folders_keep <- head(ls_srt_folders_name_keep, it_folders_names_to_keep)
# print
print(paste0('snm_file_name:', snm_file_name))
## [1] "snm_file_name:fs_tib_basics.Rmd"
print(paste0('last ', it_folders_names_to_keep, ' folders:'))
## [1] "last 2 folders:"
## [1] "amto"   "tibble"

12.2.2 Text to File

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page. Latex Table to File

Tabular outputs, text outputs, etc are saved as variables, which could be printed in console. They can also be saved to file for future re-used. For example, latex outputs need to be saved to file.

# Load Data
dt <- mtcars[1:4, 1:6]
# Generate latex string variable
st_out_tex <- kable(dt, "latex")
# File out
# fileConn <- file("./../../_file/tex/tex_sample_a_tab.tex")
fileConn <- file("_file/tex/tex_sample_a_tab.tex")
writeLines(st_out_tex, fileConn)
close(fileConn) Create a Text File from Strings

st_file <- "\\documentclass[12pt,english]{article}
\\title{A Latex Testing File}
\\author{\\href{}{Fan Wang} \\thanks{See information \\href{}{Tex4Econ} for more.}}
Ipsum information dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer Latex placerat nunc orci.
Village closure information is taken from a village head survey.\\footnote{Generally students went to schools.}
    pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_pdf.yaml'
      in_header: '..//..//preamble.tex'
    pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_html.yaml'
      in_header: '..//..//hdga.html'

## [1] "\\documentclass[12pt,english]{article}\n\\usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}\n\\usepackage[urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}\n\\begin{document}\n\\title{A Latex Testing File}\n\\author{\\href{}{Fan Wang} \\thanks{See information \\href{}{Tex4Econ} for more.}}\n\\maketitle\nIpsum information dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer Latex placerat nunc orci.\n\\paragraph{\\href{}{Data}}\nVillage closure information is taken from a village head survey.\\footnote{Generally students went to schools.}\noutput:\n  pdf_document:\n    pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_pdf.yaml'\n    includes:\n      in_header: '..//..//preamble.tex'\n  html_document:\n    pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_html.yaml'\n    includes:\n      in_header: '..//..//hdga.html'\n\\end{document}"
fl_test_tex <- "_file/tex/test_fan.tex"
fileConn <- file(fl_test_tex)
writeLines(st_file, fileConn)
close(fileConn) Open A File and Read Lines

Open and Replace Text in File:

fileConn <- file(fl_test_tex, "r")
st_file_read <- readLines(fileConn)
##  [1] "\\documentclass[12pt,english]{article}"                                                                                                                 
##  [2] "\\usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}"                                                                                                                         
##  [3] "\\usepackage[urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}"                                                                                                                  
##  [4] "\\begin{document}"                                                                                                                                      
##  [5] "\\title{A Latex Testing File}"                                                                                                                          
##  [6] "\\author{\\href{}{Fan Wang} \\thanks{See information \\href{}{Tex4Econ} for more.}}"
##  [7] "\\maketitle"                                                                                                                                            
##  [8] "Ipsum information dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer Latex placerat nunc orci."                                                       
##  [9] "\\paragraph{\\href{}{Data}}"                                                                 
## [10] "Village closure information is taken from a village head survey.\\footnote{Generally students went to schools.}"                                        
## [11] "output:"                                                                                                                                                
## [12] "  pdf_document:"                                                                                                                                        
## [13] "    pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_pdf.yaml'"                                                                                                      
## [14] "    includes:"                                                                                                                                          
## [15] "      in_header: '..//..//preamble.tex'"                                                                                                                
## [16] "  html_document:"                                                                                                                                       
## [17] "    pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_html.yaml'"                                                                                                     
## [18] "    includes:"                                                                                                                                          
## [19] "      in_header: '..//..//hdga.html'"                                                                                                                   
## [20] "\\end{document}"
close(fileConn) Open a File and Replace Some Lines

Append additional strings into the file after html_document with proper spacings:

# Read in Lines from existing file
fileConn <- file(fl_test_tex, "r")
st_file_read <- readLines(fileConn)

# Search and Replace String
st_search <- "html_document:"
st_replace <- paste0("html_document:\r\n",
                     "    toc: true\r\n",
                     "    number_sections: true\r\n",
                     "    toc_float:\r\n",
                     "      collapsed: false\r\n",
                     "      smooth_scroll: false\r\n",
                     "      toc_depth: 3")

# Search and Replace
st_file_updated <- gsub(x = st_file_read,
                        pattern = st_search,
                        replacement = st_replace)

# Print
##  [1] "\\documentclass[12pt,english]{article}"                                                                                                                        
##  [2] "\\usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}"                                                                                                                                
##  [3] "\\usepackage[urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}"                                                                                                                         
##  [4] "\\begin{document}"                                                                                                                                             
##  [5] "\\title{A Latex Testing File}"                                                                                                                                 
##  [6] "\\author{\\href{}{Fan Wang} \\thanks{See information \\href{}{Tex4Econ} for more.}}"       
##  [7] "\\maketitle"                                                                                                                                                   
##  [8] "Ipsum information dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer Latex placerat nunc orci."                                                              
##  [9] "\\paragraph{\\href{}{Data}}"                                                                        
## [10] "Village closure information is taken from a village head survey.\\footnote{Generally students went to schools.}"                                               
## [11] "output:"                                                                                                                                                       
## [12] "  pdf_document:"                                                                                                                                               
## [13] "    pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_pdf.yaml'"                                                                                                             
## [14] "    includes:"                                                                                                                                                 
## [15] "      in_header: '..//..//preamble.tex'"                                                                                                                       
## [16] "  html_document:\r\n    toc: true\r\n    number_sections: true\r\n    toc_float:\r\n      collapsed: false\r\n      smooth_scroll: false\r\n      toc_depth: 3"
## [17] "    pandoc_args: '..//..//_output_kniti_html.yaml'"                                                                                                            
## [18] "    includes:"                                                                                                                                                 
## [19] "      in_header: '..//..//hdga.html'"                                                                                                                          
## [20] "\\end{document}"
# Save Updated File
fl_srcrep_tex <- "_file/tex/test_fan_search_replace.tex"
fileConn_sr <- file(fl_srcrep_tex)
writeLines(st_file_updated, fileConn_sr)

12.2.3 Rmd to HTML

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page. Search and Find all Files in Repository

Search inside directories, for all files in a repository that have a particular suffix and that don’t contain skip pattern list string items.

# Serch Folder and skip list
spt_roots <- c('C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto', 'C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/summarize')
spn_skip <- c('summarize', 'panel', 'support')

# Search and get all Path
ls_sfls <- list.files(path=spt_roots, recursive=T, pattern=".Rmd", full.names=T)

# Skip path if contains words in skip list
if(!missing(spn_skip)) {
  ls_sfls <- ls_sfls[!grepl(paste(spn_skip, collapse = "|"), ls_sfls)]

# Loop and print
for (spt_file in ls_sfls) {
    st_fullpath_nosufx <- tail(strsplit(spt_file, "/")[[1]],n=1)
    print(paste0(spt_file, '---', st_fullpath_nosufx))
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/array/fs_ary_basics.Rmd---fs_ary_basics.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/array/fs_ary_generate.Rmd---fs_ary_generate.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/array/fs_ary_mesh.Rmd---fs_ary_mesh.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/array/fs_ary_string.Rmd---fs_ary_string.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/array/main.Rmd---main.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/list/fs_lst_basics.Rmd---fs_lst_basics.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/list/main.Rmd---main.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/main.Rmd---main.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/matrix/fs_mat_demo_trans.Rmd---fs_mat_demo_trans.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/matrix/fs_mat_generate.Rmd---fs_mat_generate.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/matrix/fs_mat_linear_algebra.Rmd---fs_mat_linear_algebra.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/matrix/main.Rmd---main.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/misc/fs_parse_regex.Rmd---fs_parse_regex.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/misc/main.Rmd---main.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_basics.Rmd---fs_tib_basics.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_factors.Rmd---fs_tib_factors.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_na.Rmd---fs_tib_na.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_random_draws.Rmd---fs_tib_random_draws.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_string.Rmd---fs_tib_string.Rmd"
## [1] "C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/main.Rmd---main.Rmd" Search and Find all Git Modified or New Rmd

Search inside directories, for all files in a git repo folder that are new or have been modified. Ignore possible subset of file based on string search.

# Serch Folder and skip list
spt_roots <- c('C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto', 'C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development')
spn_skip <- c('summarize', 'panel', 'support')
ls_sfls <- list.files(path=spt_roots, recursive=T, pattern=".Rmd", full.names=T)
if(!missing(spn_skip)) {
  ls_sfls <- ls_sfls[!grepl(paste(spn_skip, collapse = "|"), ls_sfls)]

# Loop and print
for (spt_file in ls_sfls) {
  spg_check_git_status <- paste0('git status -s ', spt_file)
  st_git_status <- toString(system(spg_check_git_status, intern=TRUE))
  bl_modified <- grepl(' M ', st_git_status, fixed=TRUE)
  bl_anewfile <- grepl('?? ', st_git_status, fixed=TRUE)
  bl_nochange <- (st_git_status == "")

  if (bl_modified == 1) {
    print(paste0('MODIFIED: ', spt_file))
  } else if (bl_anewfile == 1) {
    print(paste0('A NEW FL: ', spt_file))
  } else {
    print(paste0('NO CHNGE: ', spt_file))
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/array/fs_ary_basics.Rmd"
## [1] "MODIFIED: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/array/fs_ary_generate.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/array/fs_ary_mesh.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/array/fs_ary_string.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/array/main.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/list/fs_lst_basics.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/list/main.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/main.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/matrix/fs_mat_demo_trans.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/matrix/fs_mat_generate.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/matrix/fs_mat_linear_algebra.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/matrix/main.Rmd"
## [1] "MODIFIED: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/misc/fs_parse_regex.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/misc/main.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_basics.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_factors.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_na.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_random_draws.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/fs_tib_string.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/tibble/main.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/inout/_file/rmd/fs_rmd_pdf_html_mod.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/inout/_file/rmd/fs_rmd_pdf_html_mod_mod.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/inout/_file/rmd/fs_text_save_mod.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/inout/_file/rmd/main_mod.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/inout/fs_path.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/inout/fs_rmd_pdf_html.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/inout/fs_text_save.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/inout/main.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/install/fs_install_R.Rmd"
## [1] "A NEW FL: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/install/fs_packages_R.Rmd"
## [1] "MODIFIED: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/install/main.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/main.Rmd"
## [1] "MODIFIED: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/parallel/fs_parallel.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/parallel/main.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/python/fs_python_reticulate.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/python/main.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/system/fs_system_shell.Rmd"
## [1] "NO CHNGE: C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/system/main.Rmd" Resave an Existing File with Different Name Different Folder

Given an existing Rmd File, Resave it with a different name (add to name suffix), and then save in a different folder:

  • old file: /R4Econ/development/fs_rmd_pdf_html.Rmd
  • new file: *R4Econ/development/inout/_file/rmd/fs_rmd_pdf_html_mod.Rmd*
# Serch Folder and skip list
spt_roots <- c('C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/development/inout/')
spn_skip <- c('_main', '_file')
ls_sfls <- list.files(path=spt_roots, recursive=T, pattern=".Rmd", full.names=T)
if(!missing(spn_skip)) {
  ls_sfls <- ls_sfls[!grepl(paste(spn_skip, collapse = "|"), ls_sfls)]

# Loop and print
for (spt_file in ls_sfls) {
  spt_new <- paste0('_file/rmd/')
  spn_new <- paste0(spt_new, sub('\\.Rmd$', '', basename(spt_file)), '_mod.Rmd')

  fileConn_rd <- file(spt_file, "r")
  st_file_read <- readLines(fileConn_rd)

  fileConn_sr <- file(spn_new)
  writeLines(st_file_read, fileConn_sr)

} Replacment Function Change Markdown Hierarchy and Add to YAML

Given an existing Rmd File, Resave it with a different name, and replace (add in) additional yaml contents.

spn_file = '_file/rmd/fs_rmd_pdf_html_mod.Rmd'
fileConn_sr <- file(spn_file)
st_file <- readLines(fileConn_sr)
# print(st_file)

st_search <- "html_document:
    toc: true
    number_sections: true
      collapsed: false
      smooth_scroll: false
      toc_depth: 3"
st_replace <- paste0("html_document:
    toc: true
    number_sections: true
      collapsed: false
      smooth_scroll: false
      toc_depth: 3\n",
                     "    toc: true\n",
                     "    number_sections: true\n",
                     "    toc_float:\n",
                     "      collapsed: false\n",
                     "      smooth_scroll: false\n",
                     "      toc_depth: 3")
st_file_updated <- gsub(x = st_file,
                        pattern = st_search,
                        replacement = st_replace)

st_search <- "../../"
st_replace <- paste0("../../../../")
st_file_updated <- gsub(x = st_file_updated,
                        pattern = st_search,
                        replacement = st_replace)

st_file_updated <- gsub(x = st_file_updated, pattern = '# ', replacement = '# ')
st_file_updated <- gsub(x = st_file_updated, pattern = '## ', replacement = '## ')
st_file_updated <- gsub(x = st_file_updated, pattern = '### ', replacement = '# ')

spn_file = '_file/rmd/fs_rmd_pdf_html_mod.Rmd'
fileConn_sr <- file(spn_file)
st_file <- writeLines(st_file_updated, fileConn_sr) Search and Render Rmd File and Save HTML, PDF or R

  1. Search files satisfying conditions in a folder
  2. knit files to HTML (and re-run the contents of the file)
  3. Save output to a different folder
# Specify Parameters
ar_spt_root = c('C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/amto/array/', 'C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/math/integration')
bl_recursive = TRUE
st_rmd_suffix_pattern = "*.Rmd"
ar_spn_skip <- c('basics', 'integrate', 'main', 'mesh')
ls_bool_convert <- list(bl_pdf=TRUE, bl_html=TRUE, bl_R=TRUE)
spt_out_directory <- 'C:/Users/fan/Downloads/_data'
bl_verbose <- TRUE

# Get Path
ls_sfls  <- list.files(path=ar_spt_root,

# Exclude Some Files given ar_spn_skip
if(!missing(ar_spn_skip)) {
  ls_sfls <- ls_sfls[!grepl(paste(ar_spn_skip, collapse = "|"), ls_sfls)]

# Loop over files
for (spn_file in ls_sfls) {

  # Parse File Name
  spt_file <- dirname(spn_file)
  sna_file <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(spn_file))

  # Output FIles
  spn_file_pdf <- paste0(spt_file, sna_file, '.pdf')
  spn_file_html <- paste0(spt_file, sna_file, '.html')
  spn_file_R <- paste0(spt_file, sna_file, '.R')

  # render to PDF
  if (ls_bool_convert$bl_pdf) {
    if (bl_verbose) message(paste0('spn_file_pdf:',spn_file_pdf, ', PDF started'))
    rmarkdown::render(spn_file, output_format='pdf_document',
                      output_dir = spt_out_directory, output_file = sna_file)
    if (bl_verbose) message(paste0('spn_file_pdf:',spn_file_pdf, ', PDF finished'))
    spn_pdf_generated <- paste0(spt_out_directory, '/', spn_file_pdf)

  # render to HTML
  if (ls_bool_convert$bl_html) {
    if (bl_verbose) message(paste0('spth_html:',spn_file_html, ', HTML started.'))
    rmarkdown::render(spn_file, output_format='html_document',
                      output_dir = spt_out_directory, output_file = sna_file)
    if (bl_verbose) message(paste0('spth_html:',spn_file_html, ', HTML finished.'))
    spn_html_generated <- paste0(spt_out_directory, '/', spn_file_html)

  # purl to R
  if (ls_bool_convert$bl_R) {
    if (bl_verbose) message(paste0('purl_to:', paste0(spn_file_R, ".R")))
    knitr::purl(spn_file, output=paste0(spt_out_directory, '/', sna_file, '.R'), documentation = 1)
    spn_R_generated <- paste0(spt_out_directory, '/', sna_file, '.R')

  # return(list(ls_spt_pdf_generated=ls_spt_pdf_generated,
  #             ls_spt_html_generated=ls_spt_html_generated,
  #             ls_spt_R_generated=ls_spt_R_generated))


12.3 Python with R

12.3.1 Reticulate Basics

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page. Basic Python Tests with RMD

Could specify: python, engine.path = “C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/envs/wk_pyfan/python.exe”, this is already set inside Rprofile: knitr::opts_chunk$set(engine.path = “C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/envs/wk_pyfan/python.exe”)

## 2 Install and Python Path

Install reticulate from github directly to get latest version: devtools::install_github(“rstudio/reticulate”)

Check python version on computer:

##                                               python 
## "C:\\PROGRA~3\\ANACON~1\\envs\\wk_pyfan\\python.exe"

After installing reticulate, load in the library: library(reticulate). With “py_config()” to see python config. First time, might generate “No non-system installation of Python could be found.” and ask if want to install Miniconda. Answer NO.

Correct outputs upon checking py_config():

python:         C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/python.exe
libpython:      C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/python37.dll
pythonhome:     C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3
version:        3.7.9 (default, Aug 31 2020, 17:10:11) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
Architecture:   64bit
numpy:          C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/Lib/site-packages/numpy
numpy_version:  1.19.1

python versions found:

Set which python to use:

# Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = "C:/programdata/Anaconda3/python.exe")
# Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = "C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/envs/wk_pyfan/python.exe")
# What is the python config
## python:         C:/ProgramData/anaconda3/envs/wk_pyfan/python.exe
## libpython:      C:/ProgramData/anaconda3/envs/wk_pyfan/python311.dll
## pythonhome:     C:/ProgramData/anaconda3/envs/wk_pyfan
## version:        3.11.7 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Dec 23 2023, 14:27:59) [MSC v.1937 64 bit (AMD64)]
## Architecture:   64bit
## numpy:          C:/ProgramData/anaconda3/envs/wk_pyfan/Lib/site-packages/numpy
## numpy_version:  1.26.2
## NOTE: Python version was forced by RETICULATE_PYTHON
# set python
# use_python("C:/programdata/Anaconda3/python.exe")
# use_python("C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/envs/wk_pyfan/python.exe")
# Sys.which('python')
## 2 Error py_call_impl error

The error appeared when calling any python operations, including “1+1”, resolved after installing reticulate from github: devtools::install_github(“rstudio/reticulate”)

Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) :
  TypeError: use() got an unexpected keyword argument 'warn'

12.4 Command Line

12.4.1 Shell and System Commands

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page. Basic Shell Commands

Run basic shell commands in windows:

# detect current path
print(toString(shell(paste0("echo %cd%"), intern=TRUE)))
## [1] "C:\\Users\\fan\\R4Econ"
# Show directory
print(toString(shell(paste0("dir"), intern=TRUE)))
## [1] " Volume in drive C is OS,  Volume Serial Number is 123A-85A2, ,  Directory of C:\\Users\\fan\\R4Econ, , 01/01/2024  07:59 PM    <DIR>          ., 01/01/2024  12:02 AM    <DIR>          .., 10/16/2023  03:53 AM               203 .gitattributes, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM             1,460 .gitignore, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM                30 .Rbuildignore, 01/01/2024  07:54 PM            16,430 .Rhistory, 01/01/2024  04:30 PM             7,808 .Rprofile, 12/31/2023  10:37 PM    <DIR>          amto, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM               278 book.bib, 01/01/2024  07:52 PM    <DIR>          bookdown, 12/31/2023  10:37 PM    <DIR>          development, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          dynamic, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          factor, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          function, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          generate, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          getdata, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM             2,951, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM               321 hdga.html, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          htmlpdfr, 01/01/2024  07:54 PM             3,062 index.Rmd, 12/31/2023  10:58 PM             1,091 LICENSE, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          linreg, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          math, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          optimization, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM            11,018 packages.bib, 12/31/2023  10:39 PM    <DIR>          panel, 01/01/2024  07:59 PM           667,911 Panel Data and Optimization with R.Rmd, 01/01/2024  07:52 PM            85,457 Panel-Data-and-Optimization-with-R.log, 01/01/2024  07:59 PM           667,911 Panel-Data-and-Optimization-with-R.Rmd, 01/01/2024  07:28 PM    <DIR>          Panel-Data-and-Optimization-with-R_files, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM               480 preamble.tex, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM               583 preamble_book.tex, 01/01/2024  07:54 PM               416 R4Econ.Rproj, 01/01/2024  07:59 PM            70,714, 01/01/2024  07:59 PM            68,252, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM               762, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM            30,249, 01/01/2024  07:53 PM             3,256, 01/01/2024  07:59 PM            66,690, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          regnonlin, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          statistics, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM               595 style.css, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          summarize, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          support, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          tabgraph, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM               136 title.Rmd, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM             2,570 toc.css, 01/01/2024  07:58 PM             5,229 _bookdown.yml, 01/01/2024  07:59 PM    <DIR>          _bookdown_files, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM               151 _config.yml, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          _data, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          _file, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          _img, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM    <DIR>          _log, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM             1,438 _output.yml, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM                97 _output_kniti_html.yaml, 10/16/2023  03:53 AM               166 _output_kniti_pdf.yaml,               31 File(s)      1,717,715 bytes,               26 Dir(s)  193,147,244,544 bytes free" Run Python Inside a Conda Environment

Use shell rather than system to activate a conda environment, check python version:

# activate conda env
print(toString(shell(paste0("activate base & python --version"), intern=TRUE)))
## [1] ", C:\\Users\\fan\\R4Econ>conda.bat activate base , Python 3.11.5"

Activate conda env and run a line:

spg_runpython <- paste0("activate base &",
                        "python --version &",
                        "python -c ",
                        "\"st_var='this is string var';",
print(toString(shell(spg_runpython, intern=TRUE)))
## [1] ", C:\\Users\\fan\\R4Econ>conda.bat activate base , Python 3.11.5, this is string var"

12.5 Run Code in Parallel in R

12.5.1 Parallel Loop in R

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page. Setting Up and First Run

First, install several packages.

install.packages(c("parallel", "doParallel", "foreach"))

Second, we load the libraries, and check on the parallel processing capacities on the local machine.

# Load libraries

# Check number of cores
it_n_cores_computer <- parallel::detectCores()
glue::glue("Number of cores on computers:{it_n_cores_computer}")

## Number of cores on computers:20

Third, we might want to use less than the total number of cores available. Specifying the number of cores to be used, we can initiate a local cluster. “PSOCK” below copies everything to each worker.

# Start cluster
ob_cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(
  it_n_cores_computer - 2, 
  type = "PSOCK"
# Register cluster
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl = ob_cluster)

Fourth, run first parallel task, concurrent base-10 exponentiation.

# c(a,b,c,d) outputs together with combine
ar_test_parallel <- foreach(
  it_power = seq(1, 10), .combine = 'c'
) %dopar% {
glue::glue("dopar outputs: {ar_test_parallel}")

# Output
## dopar outputs: 10
## dopar outputs: 100
## dopar outputs: 1000
## dopar outputs: 10000
## dopar outputs: 1e+05
## dopar outputs: 1e+06
## dopar outputs: 1e+07
## dopar outputs: 1e+08
## dopar outputs: 1e+09
## dopar outputs: 1e+10

Fifth, close cluster. When work is done, close the cluster.

parallel::stopCluster(cl = ob_cluster) Parallel Function Run with Different Parameters, Aggregate Output Files

In this example, we create a function, we run the function with different parameters, each time generating a data output file to be stored, and then review results after.

First, we create a function. In this function, we generate a random matrix, the it_nrow parameter controls the number of rows in this random matrix. We store this matrix as csv.

Note, for each function used, such as as_tibble below, we should write it as tibble::as_tibble, to declare package and function jointly.

ffi_rand2csv <- function(
    it_nrow = 3,
    st_file_prefix = "prefix") {

    # Generate a matrix and tibble
    mt_rnorm_a <- matrix(
      rnorm(it_nrow*3, mean=0, sd=1), 
      nrow=it_nrow, ncol=3)
    tb_test <- tibble::as_tibble(mt_rnorm_a)

    # File output path
    spn_output_file <- file.path(
      paste0(st_file_prefix, '_nrow', it_nrow, '.csv'),
      fsep = .Platform$file.sep)

    # Write file out
    readr::write_csv(tb_test, spn_output_file)
      "File saved successfully: ", spn_output_file))

Second, we initialize the cluster.

# Get the number of cores
it_n_cores_computer <- parallel::detectCores()
glue::glue("Number of cores on computers:{it_n_cores_computer}")
# Start cluster
ob_cluster <- parallel::makeCluster(
  it_n_cores_computer - 2, 
  type = "PSOCK"
# Register cluster
doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl = ob_cluster)

## Number of cores on computers:20

Third, we run the function in parallel.

# Define shared Path

spt_root <- "C:/Users/fan/"  
spt_rmd <- "R4Econ/development/parallel/_file/"  
spt_path_out <- file.path(spt_root, spt_rmd, fsep = .Platform$file.sep)

# Parallel Run
  it_nrow = seq(2, 4)
) %dopar% {
  # Run function
    it_nrow = it_nrow,
    st_file_prefix = "ffi_para_test")

# Output
## [[1]]
## File saved successfully: C:/Users/fan//R4Econ/development/parallel/_file/ffi_para_test_nrow2.csv
## [[2]]
## File saved successfully: C:/Users/fan//R4Econ/development/parallel/_file/ffi_para_test_nrow3.csv
## [[3]]
## File saved successfully: C:/Users/fan//R4Econ/development/parallel/_file/ffi_para_test_nrow4.csv

Fourth, adapting the parallel loop to other functions. Note that:

  1. In the forach loop ablow, we iterate over seq(2,4), assigning in parallel 2, 3, and 4 to the parameter it_nrow.
  2. it_nrow is a parameter for the ffi_rand2csv function, so we will generate different outputs associated with it_nrow=2, it_nrow=3, and it_nrow=4.
  3. The code above can be adapted to other functions that one wants to run in parallel by changing only one parameter of a function. For example, suppose we want to run ffp_demo_loc_env_inequality(spt_path_data, fl_temp_bound=fl_temp_bound), where spt_path_data is common across parallel calls, but we want to update fl_temp_bound for each parallel call, then we need to iterate over fl_temp_bound. See example below:
# Some path
spt_path_data <- "C:/Users/fan/"  
# Parallel Run
  fl_temp_bound = seq(-40, 40, by=1)
) %dopar% {
  # Run function