Chapter 4 Multi-dimensional Data Structures

4.1 Generate, Gather, Bind and Join

4.1.1 Generate Panel Structure

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page. Balanced Panel Skeleton

There are \(N\) individuals, each could be observed \(M\) times. In the example below, there are 3 students, each observed over 4 dates. This just uses the uncount function from tidyr.

# Define
it_N <- 3
it_M <- 5
svr_id <- 'student_id'
svr_date <- 'class_day'

# dataframe
df_panel_skeleton <- as_tibble(matrix(it_M, nrow=it_N, ncol=1)) %>%
  rowid_to_column(var = svr_id) %>%
  uncount(V1) %>%
  group_by(!!sym(svr_id)) %>% mutate(!!sym(svr_date) := row_number()) %>%

# Print
kable(df_panel_skeleton) %>%
student_id class_day
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
2 1
2 2
2 3
2 4
2 5
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 4
3 5 Panel of Children with Height Growth

Given \(N\) individuals, each with \(G\) observations. There is an initial height variable and height grows every year. There are growth variables, variables for cumulative growth and variables for height at each age for each child.

Individuals are defined by gender (1 = female), race (1=asian), and birth height. Within individual yearly information includes height at each year of age.

# Define
it_N <- 5
it_M <- 3
svr_id <- 'indi_id'
svr_gender <- 'female'
svr_asian <- 'asian'
svr_age <- 'year_of_age'
# Define Height Related Variables
svr_brthgt <- 'birth_height'
svr_hgtgrow <- 'hgt_growth'
svr_hgtgrow_cumu <- 'hgt_growcumu'
svr_height <- 'height'

# panel dataframe following
df_panel_indiage <- as_tibble(matrix(it_M, nrow=it_N, ncol=1)) %>%
  mutate(!!sym(svr_gender) := rbinom(n(), 1, 0.5),
         !!sym(svr_asian) := rbinom(n(), 1, 0.5),
         !!sym(svr_brthgt) := rnorm(n(), mean=60,sd=3)) %>%
  uncount(V1) %>%
  group_by(!!sym(svr_gender), !!sym(svr_asian), !!sym(svr_brthgt)) %>%
  mutate(!!sym(svr_age) := row_number(),
         !!sym(svr_hgtgrow) := runif(n(), min=5, max=15),
         !!sym(svr_hgtgrow_cumu) := cumsum(!!sym(svr_hgtgrow)),
         !!sym(svr_height) := !!sym(svr_brthgt) + !!sym(svr_hgtgrow_cumu))  %>%

# Add Height Index
kable(df_panel_indiage) %>% kable_styling_fc()
female asian birth_height year_of_age hgt_growth hgt_growcumu height
0 0 65.14520 1 13.895393 13.895393 79.04059
0 0 65.14520 2 11.928034 25.823427 90.96862
0 0 65.14520 3 11.405068 37.228495 102.37369
1 1 61.38275 1 11.907053 11.907053 73.28980
1 1 61.38275 2 12.954674 24.861727 86.24448
1 1 61.38275 3 5.246137 30.107864 91.49061
0 1 56.20482 1 14.942698 14.942698 71.14751
0 1 56.20482 2 11.557058 26.499756 82.70457
0 1 56.20482 3 12.085305 38.585060 94.78988
1 1 57.93944 1 6.471137 6.471137 64.41058
1 1 57.93944 2 14.630242 21.101379 79.04082
1 1 57.93944 3 14.022991 35.124369 93.06381
1 0 58.66301 1 10.440660 10.440660 69.10367
1 0 58.66301 2 10.941420 21.382081 80.04509
1 0 58.66301 3 7.891597 29.273678 87.93669 Create Group IDs

Given the dataframe just created, generate group IDs for each Gender and Race Groups. Given that both are binary, there can only be 4 unique groups.

# group id
svr_group_id <- 'female_asian_id'
# Define
ls_svr_group_vars <- c('female', 'asian')

# panel dataframe following
df_panel_indiage_id <- df_panel_indiage %>%
  arrange(!!!syms(ls_svr_group_vars)) %>%
  group_by(!!!syms(ls_svr_group_vars)) %>%
  mutate(!!sym(svr_group_id) := (row_number()==1)*1) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(!!sym(svr_group_id) := cumsum(!!sym(svr_group_id))) %>%
  select(one_of(svr_group_id, ls_svr_group_vars), everything())

# Add Height Index
kable(df_panel_indiage_id) %>%
female_asian_id female asian birth_height year_of_age hgt_growth hgt_growcumu height
1 0 0 65.14520 1 13.895393 13.895393 79.04059
1 0 0 65.14520 2 11.928034 25.823427 90.96862
1 0 0 65.14520 3 11.405068 37.228495 102.37369
2 0 1 56.20482 1 14.942698 14.942698 71.14751
2 0 1 56.20482 2 11.557058 26.499756 82.70457
2 0 1 56.20482 3 12.085305 38.585060 94.78988
3 1 0 58.66301 1 10.440660 10.440660 69.10367
3 1 0 58.66301 2 10.941420 21.382081 80.04509
3 1 0 58.66301 3 7.891597 29.273678 87.93669
4 1 1 61.38275 1 11.907053 11.907053 73.28980
4 1 1 61.38275 2 12.954674 24.861727 86.24448
4 1 1 61.38275 3 5.246137 30.107864 91.49061
4 1 1 57.93944 1 6.471137 6.471137 64.41058
4 1 1 57.93944 2 14.630242 21.101379 79.04082
4 1 1 57.93944 3 14.022991 35.124369 93.06381

4.1.2 Join Datasets

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page. Join Panel with Multiple Keys

We have two datasets, one for student enrollment, panel over time, but some students do not show up on some dates. The other is a skeleton panel with all student ID and all dates. Often we need to join dataframes together, and we need to join by the student ID and the panel time Key at the same time. When students show up, there is a quiz score for that day, so the joined panel should have as data column quiz score

Student count is \(N\), total dates are \(M\). First we generate two panels below, then we join by both keys using left_join. First, define dataframes:

# Define
it_N <- 4
it_M <- 3
svr_id <- 'sid'
svr_date <- 'classday'
svr_attend <- 'date_in_class'

# Panel Skeleton
df_panel_balanced_skeleton <- as_tibble(matrix(it_M, nrow=it_N, ncol=1)) %>%
  rowid_to_column(var = svr_id) %>%
  uncount(V1) %>%
  group_by(!!sym(svr_id)) %>% mutate(!!sym(svr_date) := row_number()) %>%
# Print
kable(df_panel_balanced_skeleton) %>%
sid classday
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
2 3
3 1
3 2
3 3
4 1
4 2
4 3
# Smaller Panel of Random Days in School
df_panel_attend <- as_tibble(matrix(it_M, nrow=it_N, ncol=1)) %>%
  rowid_to_column(var = svr_id) %>%
  uncount(V1) %>%
  group_by(!!sym(svr_id)) %>% mutate(!!sym(svr_date) := row_number()) %>%
  ungroup() %>% mutate(in_class = case_when(rnorm(n(),mean=0,sd=1) < 0 ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0)) %>%
  filter(in_class == 1) %>% select(!!sym(svr_id), !!sym(svr_date)) %>%
  rename(!!sym(svr_attend) := !!sym(svr_date)) %>%
  mutate(dayquizscore = rnorm(n(),mean=80,sd=10))
# Print
kable(df_panel_attend) %>%
sid date_in_class dayquizscore
1 1 89.88726
2 1 96.53929
2 2 65.59195
2 3 99.47356
4 2 97.36936

Second, now join dataframes:

# Join with explicit names
df_quiz_joined_multikey <- df_panel_balanced_skeleton %>%
            by=(c('sid'='sid', 'classday'='date_in_class')))

# Join with setname strings
df_quiz_joined_multikey_setnames <- df_panel_balanced_skeleton %>%
  left_join(df_panel_attend, by=setNames(c('sid', 'date_in_class'), c('sid', 'classday')))

# Print
kable(df_quiz_joined_multikey) %>%
sid classday dayquizscore
1 1 89.88726
1 2 NA
1 3 NA
2 1 96.53929
2 2 65.59195
2 3 99.47356
3 1 NA
3 2 NA
3 3 NA
4 1 NA
4 2 97.36936
4 3 NA
kable(df_quiz_joined_multikey_setnames) %>%
sid classday dayquizscore
1 1 89.88726
1 2 NA
1 3 NA
2 1 96.53929
2 2 65.59195
2 3 99.47356
3 1 NA
3 2 NA
3 3 NA
4 1 NA
4 2 97.36936
4 3 NA Stack Panel Frames Together

There are multiple panel dataframe, each for different subsets of dates. All variable names and units of observations are identical. Use DPLYR bind_rows.

# Define
it_N <- 2 # Number of individuals
it_M <- 3 # Number of Months
svr_id <- 'sid'
svr_date <- 'date'

# Panel First Half of Year
df_panel_m1tom3 <- as_tibble(matrix(it_M, nrow=it_N, ncol=1)) %>%
  rowid_to_column(var = svr_id) %>%
  uncount(V1) %>%
  group_by(!!sym(svr_id)) %>% mutate(!!sym(svr_date) := row_number()) %>%

# Panel Second Half of Year
df_panel_m4tom6 <- as_tibble(matrix(it_M, nrow=it_N, ncol=1)) %>%
  rowid_to_column(var = svr_id) %>%
  uncount(V1) %>%
  group_by(!!sym(svr_id)) %>% mutate(!!sym(svr_date) := row_number() + 3) %>%

# Bind Rows
df_panel_m1tm6 <- bind_rows(df_panel_m1tom3, df_panel_m4tom6) %>% arrange(!!!syms(c(svr_id, svr_date)))

# Print
kable(df_panel_m1tom3) %>%
sid date
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 1
2 2
2 3
kable(df_panel_m4tom6) %>%
sid date
1 4
1 5
1 6
2 4
2 5
2 6
kable(df_panel_m1tm6) %>%
sid date
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
1 5
1 6
2 1
2 2
2 3
2 4
2 5
2 6

4.1.3 Gather Files

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page. Stack CSV Files Together Extract and Select Variables

There are multiple csv files, each was simulated with a different combination of parameters, each file has the same columns and perhaps even the same number of rows. We want to combine the files together, and provide correct attributes to rows from each table stacked, based on each underlying csv file’s file name.

This is necessary, for example, when running computational exercises across EC2 instances in batch array and files are saved to different S3 folders. Need to gather parallel computational results together in a single file after syncing files locally with S3.

In the csv folder under this section, there are four subfolder, each containing 3 files with identical file structures.

We want to find the relevant csv files from these directories, and stack the results together.

  1. File search search string, search in all subfolders, the search string contains file prefix that is common across files that need to be gathered.
  2. Extract path folder hierarchy, each layer of folder is a different variable
  3. Stack files together, with variables for file name and folder name
  4. Extract from file name the component that is not in the search string, keep as separate variable
  5. Follow specific rules about how file suffix is constructed to obtain additional variables.
  6. Keep only a subset of columns of interest.

First, search and find all files with certain prefix.

# can search in multiple paths, second path here has no relevant contents
spt_roots <- c('C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv',
# can skip file names with certain strings
spn_skip <- c('A3420')
# prefix search patther,
st_search_str <- 'solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_*'

# Search and get all Path
ls_sfls <- list.files(path=spt_roots,

# Skip path if contains words in skip list
if(!missing(spn_skip)) {
  ls_sfls <- ls_sfls[!grepl(paste(spn_skip, collapse = "|"), ls_sfls)]

Second, show all the files found, show their full path, the file name and the two folder names above the file name.

# Loop and print found files
it_folders_names_to_keep = 2
for (spt_file in ls_sfls) {
    ls_srt_folders_name_keep <- tail(strsplit(spt_file, "/")[[1]], n=it_folders_names_to_keep+1)
    snm_file_name <- tail(ls_srt_folders_name_keep, 1)
    ls_srt_folders_keep <- head(ls_srt_folders_name_keep, it_folders_names_to_keep)
    print(paste0('path:', spt_file))
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev-2000/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0.csv"
## [1] "csv"      "cev-2000"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev-2000/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840.csv"
## [1] "csv"      "cev-2000"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev-947/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0.csv"
## [1] "csv"     "cev-947"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev-947/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840.csv"
## [1] "csv"     "cev-947"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev2000/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0.csv"
## [1] "csv"     "cev2000"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev2000/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840.csv"
## [1] "csv"     "cev2000"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev947/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A0.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A0.csv"
## [1] "csv"    "cev947"
## [1] "path:C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/basic/_file/csv/cev947/solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A6840.csv"
## [1] "solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A6840.csv"
## [1] "csv"    "cev947"

Third, create a dataframe with the folder and file names:

# String matrix empty
mt_st_paths_names <- matrix(data=NA, nrow=length(ls_sfls), ncol=4)

# Loop and print found files
it_folders_names_to_keep = 2
it_file_counter = 0
for (spt_file in ls_sfls) {
    # row counter
    it_file_counter = it_file_counter + 1

    # get file paths
    ls_srt_folders_name_keep <- tail(strsplit(spt_file, "/")[[1]], n=it_folders_names_to_keep+1)
    snm_file_name <- tail(ls_srt_folders_name_keep, 1)
    ls_srt_folders_keep <- head(ls_srt_folders_name_keep, it_folders_names_to_keep)

    # store
    # tools::file_path_sans_ext to drop suffix
    mt_st_paths_names[it_file_counter,1] = tools::file_path_sans_ext(snm_file_name)
    mt_st_paths_names[it_file_counter,2] = ls_srt_folders_keep[1]
    mt_st_paths_names[it_file_counter,3] = ls_srt_folders_keep[2]
    mt_st_paths_names[it_file_counter,4] = spt_file

# Column Names
ar_st_varnames <- c('fileid','name','folder1','folder2', 'fullpath')

# Combine to tibble, add name col1, col2, etc.
tb_csv_info <- as_tibble(mt_st_paths_names) %>%
  rowid_to_column(var = "id") %>%

# Display
kable(tb_csv_info[,1:4]) %>% kable_styling_fc()
fileid name folder1 folder2
1 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0 csv cev-2000
2 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840 csv cev-2000
3 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0 csv cev-947
4 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840 csv cev-947
5 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0 csv cev2000
6 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840 csv cev2000
7 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A0 csv cev947
8 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A6840 csv cev947

Fourth, create a dataframe by expanding each row with the datafile loaded in, use apply with anonymous function.

# Generate a list of dataframes
ls_df_loaded_files =
        function(row) {
          # Loading file
          spn_full_path <- row[5]
          mt_csv = read.csv(file = spn_full_path)
          # dataframe
          it_fileid <- row[1]
          snm_filename <- row[2]
          srt_folder_level2 <- row[3]
          srt_folder_level1 <- row[4]

          tb_combine = as_tibble(mt_csv) %>%
            na.omit %>%
            rowid_to_column(var = "statesid") %>%
            mutate(fileid = it_fileid,
                   filename = snm_filename,
                   folder_lvl1 = srt_folder_level1,
                   folder_lvl2 = srt_folder_level2) %>%
            select(fileid, filename, folder_lvl1, folder_lvl2,
                   statesid, everything())
          # return

# Stack dataframes together
df_all_files =, ls_df_loaded_files)

# show stacked table
kable(df_all_files[seq(1,601,50),1:6]) %>% kable_styling_fc_wide()
fileid filename folder_lvl1 folder_lvl2 statesid EjV
1 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0 cev-2000 csv 1 -28.8586860
1 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0 cev-2000 csv 51 -0.2106603
2 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840 cev-2000 csv 3 -28.8586860
2 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840 cev-2000 csv 53 -0.0642997
3 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0 cev-947 csv 5 -5.8826609
3 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0 cev-947 csv 55 0.0353187
4 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840 cev-947 csv 7 -2.7046907
4 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840 cev-947 csv 57 0.1094474
5 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0 cev2000 csv 9 -2.9782236
5 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0 cev2000 csv 59 0.3389275
6 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840 cev2000 csv 11 -1.7229647
6 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840 cev2000 csv 61 -14.6880377
7 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A0 cev947 csv 13 -1.7623279

Fifth, get additional information from the file name and file folder. Extract those as separate variables. The file names is dash connected, with various information. First, split just the final element of the string file name out, which is A###. Then, also extract the number next to N as a separate numeric column. Additional folder_lvl1 separate out the numeric number from the initial word cev.

Split “solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A###” to “solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000” and “A###”:

# separate last eleemtnafter underscore
df_all_files_finalA <- df_all_files %>%
   separate(filename, into = c("filename_main", "prod_type_st"),
            remove = FALSE) %>%
   select(fileid, filename, filename_main, prod_type_st, folder_lvl1, folder_lvl2,
          statesid, everything())
# show stacked table
kable(df_all_files_finalA[seq(1,601,50),1:10]) %>% kable_styling_fc_wide()
fileid filename filename_main prod_type_st folder_lvl1 folder_lvl2 statesid EjV k_tt b_tt
1 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000 A0 cev-2000 csv 1 -28.8586860 0.000000 0.000000
1 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000 A0 cev-2000 csv 51 -0.2106603 0.000000 78.005300
2 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000 A6840 cev-2000 csv 3 -28.8586860 0.000000 0.000000
2 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000_A6840 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c0_cev-2000 A6840 cev-2000 csv 53 -0.0642997 0.000000 84.215368
3 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947 A0 cev-947 csv 5 -5.8826609 0.000000 3.869909
3 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947 A0 cev-947 csv 55 0.0353187 0.000000 90.611739
4 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947 A6840 cev-947 csv 7 -2.7046907 0.000000 7.855916
4 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947_A6840 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c5_cev-947 A6840 cev-947 csv 57 0.1094474 0.000000 90.611739
5 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000 A0 cev2000 csv 9 -2.9782236 0.000000 7.855916
5 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000 A0 cev2000 csv 59 0.3389275 0.000000 97.200000
6 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000 A6840 cev2000 csv 11 -1.7229647 0.000000 11.961502
6 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000_A6840 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c19_cev2000 A6840 cev2000 csv 61 -14.6880377 1.990694 -1.879215
7 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947_A0 solu_19E1NEp99r99x_ITG_PE_cev_c14_cev947 A0 cev947 csv 13 -1.7623279 0.000000 16.190257

Split “A###” to “A” and “A###”. Additionally, also split cev#### to cev and ####, allow for positive and negative numbers. See regular expression 101 helper

# string and number separation
df_all_files_finalB <- df_all_files_finalA %>%
           into = c("prod_type_st_prefix", "prod_type_lvl"),
           sep="(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[-0-9])", # positive or negative numbers
           remove=FALSE) %>%
           into = c("cev_prefix", "cev_lvl"),
           sep="(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[-0-9])", # positive or negative numbers
           remove=FALSE) %>%
  mutate(cev_st = folder_lvl1,
         prod_type_lvl = as.numeric(prod_type_lvl),
         cev_lvl = as.numeric(cev_lvl)/10000) %>%
         prod_type_st, prod_type_lvl,
         cev_st, cev_lvl,
         statesid, EjV,
         filename, folder_lvl1, folder_lvl2)
# Ordering, sort by cev_lvl, then prod_type_lvl, then stateid
df_all_files_finalB <- df_all_files_finalB %>%
  arrange(cev_lvl, prod_type_lvl, statesid)
# show stacked table
kable(df_all_files_finalB[seq(1,49*16,49),1:7]) %>% kable_styling_fc_wide()
fileid prod_type_st prod_type_lvl cev_st cev_lvl statesid EjV
1 A0 0 cev-2000 -0.2000 1 -28.8586860
1 A0 0 cev-2000 -0.2000 50 -0.2106603
2 A6840 6840 cev-2000 -0.2000 1 -28.8586860
2 A6840 6840 cev-2000 -0.2000 50 -0.1311749
3 A0 0 cev-947 -0.0947 1 -28.0399281
3 A0 0 cev-947 -0.0947 50 -0.0911499
4 A6840 6840 cev-947 -0.0947 1 -28.0399281
4 A6840 6840 cev-947 -0.0947 50 -0.0134719
7 A0 0 cev947 0.0947 1 -26.8243673
7 A0 0 cev947 0.0947 50 0.0857474
8 A6840 6840 cev947 0.0947 1 -26.8243673
8 A6840 6840 cev947 0.0947 50 0.1608382
5 A0 0 cev2000 0.2000 1 -26.2512036
5 A0 0 cev2000 0.2000 50 0.1694524
6 A6840 6840 cev2000 0.2000 1 -26.2512036
6 A6840 6840 cev2000 0.2000 50 0.2432677

4.2 Wide and Long

4.2.1 Long Table to Wide Table

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page.

Using the pivot_wider function in tidyr to reshape panel or other data structures Compute Wide Table Cumulative Student Attendance based on Long Table Roster

There are \(N\) students in class, but only a subset of them attend class each day. If student \(id_i\) is in class on day \(Q\), the teacher records on a sheet the date and the student ID. So if the student has been in class 10 times, the teacher has ten rows of recorded data for the student with two columns: column one is the student ID, and column two is the date on which the student was in class.

Suppose there were 50 students, who on average attended exactly 10 classes each during the semester, this means we have \(10 \cdot 50\) rows of data, with differing numbers of rows for each student. This is shown as df_panel_attend_date generated below.

Now we want to generate a new dataframe, where each row is a date, and each column is a student. The values in the new dataframe shows, at the \(Q^{th}\) day (row), how many classes student \(i\) has attended so far. The following results is also in a REconTools Function. This is shown as df_attend_cumu_by_day generated below.

First, generate the raw data structure, df_panel_attend_date:

# Define
it_N <- 3
it_M <- 5
svr_id <- 'student_id'

# from : support/rand/fs_rand_draws.Rmd
df_panel_attend_date <- as_tibble(matrix(it_M, nrow=it_N, ncol=1)) %>%
  rowid_to_column(var = svr_id) %>%
  uncount(V1) %>%
  group_by(!!sym(svr_id)) %>% mutate(date = row_number()) %>%
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(in_class = case_when(rnorm(n(),mean=0,sd=1) < 0 ~ 1, TRUE ~ 0)) %>%
  filter(in_class == 1) %>% select(!!sym(svr_id), date) %>%
  rename(date_in_class = date)

# Print
kable(df_panel_attend_date) %>%
student_id date_in_class
1 2
1 4
2 1
2 2
2 5
3 2
3 3
3 5

Second, we create a attendance column that is all 1. This is not useful for the long table, but useful for our conversion to wide.

# Define
svr_id <- 'student_id'
svr_date <- 'date_in_class'
st_idcol_prefix <- 'sid_'

# Generate cumulative enrollment counts by date
df_panel_attend_date_addone <- df_panel_attend_date %>% mutate(attended = 1)
kable(df_panel_attend_date_addone) %>%
student_id date_in_class attended
1 2 1
1 4 1
2 1 1
2 2 1
2 5 1
3 2 1
3 3 1
3 5 1

Third, we convert the long table to wide. The unit of observation is student-day for the long table, and day for the wide table.

# Pivot Wide
df_panel_attend_date_wider <- df_panel_attend_date_addone %>%
  arrange(student_id) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = svr_id,
              values_from = attended)

# Sort and rename
# rename see:
ar_unique_ids <- sort(unique(df_panel_attend_date %>% pull(!!sym(svr_id))))
df_panel_attend_date_wider_sort <- df_panel_attend_date_wider %>%
    arrange(!!sym(svr_date)) %>%
              , list(~paste0(st_idcol_prefix, . , ''))
kable(df_panel_attend_date_wider_sort) %>%
date_in_class sid_1 sid_2 sid_3
1 NA 1 NA
2 1 1 1
3 NA NA 1
4 1 NA NA
5 NA 1 1

Fourth, we could achieve what we have above by specifying more parameters in the pivot_wider function.

# Include name_prefix
df_panel_attend_date_wider_sort <- df_panel_attend_date_addone %>%
  arrange(student_id) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = c("date_in_class"),
              names_from = svr_id,
              names_prefix = "sid_",
              values_from = attended) %>%
# Print
kable(df_panel_attend_date_wider_sort) %>%
date_in_class sid_1 sid_2 sid_3
1 NA 1 NA
2 1 1 1
3 NA NA 1
4 1 NA NA
5 NA 1 1

Fifth, sum across rows for each student (column) to get cumulative attendance for each student on each date.

# replace NA and cumusum again
# see: R4Econ/support/function/fs_func_multivar for renaming and replacing
df_attend_cumu_by_day <- df_panel_attend_date_wider_sort %>%
  mutate_at(vars(contains(st_idcol_prefix)), list(~replace_na(., 0))) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(contains(st_idcol_prefix)), list(~cumsum(.)))

kable(df_attend_cumu_by_day) %>%
date_in_class sid_1 sid_2 sid_3
1 0 1 0
2 1 2 1
3 1 2 2
4 2 2 2
5 2 3 3

Finally, the structure above is also a function in Fan’s REconTools Package, here the function is tested:

# Parameters
df <- df_panel_attend_date
svr_id_i <- 'student_id'
svr_id_t <- 'date_in_class'
st_idcol_prefix <- 'sid_'

# Invoke Function
ls_df_rosterwide <- ff_panel_expand_longrosterwide(df, svr_id_t, svr_id_i, st_idcol_prefix)
df_roster_wide_func <- ls_df_rosterwide$df_roster_wide
df_roster_wide_cumu_func <- ls_df_rosterwide$df_roster_wide_cumu

# Print
print(df_roster_wide_cumu_func) Panel Long Attendance Roster and Score Card to Wide

In the prior example, at each date, we only had information about attendance, however, we might also know the exam score on each day when the student attends school. In the long table, this appears, in addition to attended, as an additional variable score. When we convert from long to wide, we will have 3 new columns for attendance and also 3 new columns for score. The 3 columns are for the three students, there will be five rows for the five days. Each row in the wide table is the attendance and score information for each day.

First, we add a random score column to the long dataframe created prior. Also add two other additional columns.

# Create score column
df_panel_attend_score_date <- df_panel_attend_date_addone %>%
  mutate(score = rnorm(dim(df_panel_attend_date_addone)[1], mean=70, sd=10)) %>%
  mutate(score = round(score, 2),
         other_var_1 = 1, other_var_2 = 2)

# Print
kable(df_panel_attend_score_date, caption="Attend and score info") %>%
Table 4.1: Attend and score info
student_id date_in_class attended score other_var_1 other_var_2
1 2 1 64.40 1 2
1 4 1 67.70 1 2
2 1 1 85.59 1 2
2 2 1 70.71 1 2
2 5 1 71.29 1 2
3 2 1 87.15 1 2
3 3 1 74.61 1 2
3 5 1 57.35 1 2

Second, convert both attended and score columns to wide at the same time. Note that we add “sid” in front of the index for each student. Note that id_cols picks the columns to keep in addition to the names_from and values_from columns. In this case, we are not keeping other_var_1 and other_var_2.

# Convert to wide
df_panel_attend_score_date_wide <- df_panel_attend_score_date %>%
  arrange(student_id) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols  = c("date_in_class"),
              names_from = svr_id,
              names_prefix = "sid",
              names_sep = "_",
              values_from = c(attended, score)) %>%

# Print
kable(df_panel_attend_score_date_wide, caption="Attend and score wide") %>%
Table 4.2: Attend and score wide
date_in_class attended_sid1 attended_sid2 attended_sid3 score_sid1 score_sid2 score_sid3
1 NA 1 NA NA 85.59 NA
2 1 1 1 64.4 70.71 87.15
3 NA NA 1 NA NA 74.61
4 1 NA NA 67.7 NA NA
5 NA 1 1 NA 71.29 57.35

4.2.2 Wide to Long

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page.

Using the pivot_wider function in tidyr to reshape panel or other data structures Wide to long panel, single variable

We have a matrix of values, the values are ev. Each row corresponds to a different value of the a variable, each column represents a different value of the z variable.

Based on this matrix, we create a table where each unit of observation is for a specific a and z variable combination. So the matrix is turned from wide to long.

The resulting long table has 5 variables

  1. a: values of the a variable, the original matrix row labels
  2. ai: an index from 1, indicating the original matrix row index
  3. z: values of the z variable, the original matrix column lables
  4. zi: an index from 1, indicating hte original matrix column index

First, we create the matrix.

# Generate A Matrix
ar_a <- c(1.1,5.1)
ar_z <- seq(-2.5, 2.53, length.out=11)
mt_ev = matrix(rnorm(length(ar_a)*length(ar_z)), 
  nrow=length(ar_a), ncol=length(ar_z))

# Name Matrix
rownames(mt_ev) <- paste0('ai', seq(1:length(ar_a)))
colnames(mt_ev) <- paste0('zi', seq(1:length(ar_z)))

# to tibble
tb_ev <- as_tibble(mt_ev) %>% rowid_to_column(var = "ai")

# Print
##            zi1        zi2       zi3        zi4        zi5       zi6       zi7
## ai1 -0.5604756 1.55870831 0.1292877  0.4609162 -0.6868529 1.2240818 0.4007715
## ai2 -0.2301775 0.07050839 1.7150650 -1.2650612 -0.4456620 0.3598138 0.1106827
##            zi8        zi9       zi10       zi11
## ai1 -0.5558411  0.4978505  0.7013559 -1.0678237
## ai2  1.7869131 -1.9666172 -0.4727914 -0.2179749
# Display
kable(tb_ev, caption = "Wide table") %>% kable_styling_fc()
Table 4.3: Wide table
ai zi1 zi2 zi3 zi4 zi5 zi6 zi7 zi8 zi9 zi10 zi11
1 -0.5604756 1.5587083 0.1292877 0.4609162 -0.6868529 1.2240818 0.4007715 -0.5558411 0.4978505 0.7013559 -1.0678237
2 -0.2301775 0.0705084 1.7150650 -1.2650612 -0.4456620 0.3598138 0.1106827 1.7869131 -1.9666172 -0.4727914 -0.2179749

Second, we convert the table wide to long.

# longer
tb_ev_long <- tb_ev %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with('zi'),
               names_to = c('zi'),
               names_pattern = paste0("zi(.*)"),
               values_to = "ev") %>%
  mutate(zi = as.numeric(zi))

# Merge with a and z values
tb_ev_long <- tb_ev_long %>%
  left_join(as_tibble(ar_a) %>%
              rowid_to_column(var = "ai") %>%
              rename(a = value)
              , by = 'ai') %>%
  left_join(as_tibble(ar_z) %>%
              rowid_to_column(var = "zi") %>%
              rename(z = value),
            by = 'zi') %>%

# Display
kable(tb_ev_long, caption = "Long table") %>% kable_styling_fc()
Table 4.4: Long table
a ai z zi ev
1.1 1 -2.500 1 -0.5604756
1.1 1 -1.997 2 1.5587083
1.1 1 -1.494 3 0.1292877
1.1 1 -0.991 4 0.4609162
1.1 1 -0.488 5 -0.6868529
1.1 1 0.015 6 1.2240818
1.1 1 0.518 7 0.4007715
1.1 1 1.021 8 -0.5558411
1.1 1 1.524 9 0.4978505
1.1 1 2.027 10 0.7013559
1.1 1 2.530 11 -1.0678237
5.1 2 -2.500 1 -0.2301775
5.1 2 -1.997 2 0.0705084
5.1 2 -1.494 3 1.7150650
5.1 2 -0.991 4 -1.2650612
5.1 2 -0.488 5 -0.4456620
5.1 2 0.015 6 0.3598138
5.1 2 0.518 7 0.1106827
5.1 2 1.021 8 1.7869131
5.1 2 1.524 9 -1.9666172
5.1 2 2.027 10 -0.4727914
5.1 2 2.530 11 -0.2179749 Wide to long panel, multiple variables

We have a dataset where each row contains data from a different year. We have four variables, observed wage, simulated wage, observed labor quantities, and simulated labor quantities.

We generate reshape this file to have four variables:

  1. year
  2. categorical for wage or quantity
  3. categorical for observed or simulated
  4. a numerical column with wage and quantity values

This is different then the situation prior, because we are need to convert to long two different numerical variables that will be in the same long variable, but differentiated by two categorical variables (rather than one).

First, we create the matrix.

# Generate A Matrix
ar_year <- c(1995, 1997, 1999)
ar_vars <- c("wage_model", "quant_model", "wage_simu", "quant_simu")
mt_equi = matrix(rnorm(length(ar_year)*length(ar_vars)), 
  nrow=length(ar_year), ncol=length(ar_vars))

# Name Matrix
rownames(mt_equi) <- ar_year
colnames(mt_equi) <- ar_vars

# to tibble
tb_equi <- as_tibble(mt_equi, rownames = "year")

# Print
##      wage_model quant_model  wage_simu quant_simu
## 1995 -0.5604756  0.07050839  0.4609162 -0.4456620
## 1997 -0.2301775  0.12928774 -1.2650612  1.2240818
## 1999  1.5587083  1.71506499 -0.6868529  0.3598138
# Display
kable(tb_equi, caption = "Wide table") %>% kable_styling_fc()
Table 4.5: Wide table
year wage_model quant_model wage_simu quant_simu
1995 -0.5604756 0.0705084 0.4609162 -0.4456620
1997 -0.2301775 0.1292877 -1.2650612 1.2240818
1999 1.5587083 1.7150650 -0.6868529 0.3598138

Second, we convert the table wide to long. We select columns that includes either wage or quant, see tidyselect Select variables that match a pattern for additional verbs for how to select variables.

# longer
tb_equi_long <- tb_equi %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = matches('wage|quant'),
               names_to = c('variable', 'source'),
               names_pattern = paste0("(.*)_(.*)"),
               values_to = "value") 

# Display
kable(tb_equi_long, caption = "Long table, Two Variables") %>% kable_styling_fc()
Table 4.6: Long table, Two Variables
year variable source value
1995 wage model -0.5604756
1995 quant model 0.0705084
1995 wage simu 0.4609162
1995 quant simu -0.4456620
1997 wage model -0.2301775
1997 quant model 0.1292877
1997 wage simu -1.2650612
1997 quant simu 1.2240818
1999 wage model 1.5587083
1999 quant model 1.7150650
1999 wage simu -0.6868529
1999 quant simu 0.3598138

4.3 Within Panel Comparisons and Statistics

4.3.1 Find Closest Neighbor on Grid

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page.

Using the pivot_wider function in tidyr to reshape panel or other data structures Closest Neighbor on Grid

There is a dataframe that provides \(V(coh, a, cev)\) levels. There is another dataframe with \(\hat{V}(coh, a)\), for each \(coh, a\), find the \(cev\) that such that the difference between \(\hat{V}(coh, a)\) and \(V(coh, a, cev)\) is minimized.

\(V\) and \(\hat{V}\) information are stored in a dataframe in the csv folder in the current directory. In fact, we have one \(V\) surface, but multiple \(\hat{V}\) files, so we want to do the find closest neighbor exercise for each one of the several \(\hat{V}\) files.

The structure is as follows: (1) Load in the \(V\) file, where \(coh, a, cev\) are all variable attributes. (2) Merge with one \(\hat{V}\) file. (3) Take the difference between the \(V\) and \(\hat{V}\) columns, and take the absolute value of the difference. (4) Group by \(coh, a\), and sort to get the smallest absolute difference among the \(cev\) possibilities, and slice out the row for the smallest. (5) Now We have \(V(coh, a, cev^{\star}(coh, a))\). (6) Do this for each of the several \(\hat{V}\) files. (7) Stack the results from 1 through 6 together, generate a column that identifies which simulation/exercise/counterfactual each of the \(\hat{V}\) file comes from. (8) Visualize by plotting as subplot different \(a\), \(coh\) is x-axis, different \(\hat{V}\) outcome are different lines, and \(cev^{\star}\left(coh, a, \hat{V}\right)\) is the y-axis outcome.

First, load the CEV file.

# folder
spt_root <- c('C:/Users/fan/R4Econ/panel/join/_file/csv')
# cev surface file, the V file
snm_cev_surface <- 'e_19E1NEp99r99_ITG_PE_cev_subsettest.csv'
mt_cev_surface <- read.csv(file = file.path(spt_root, snm_cev_surface))
tb_cev_surface <- as_tibble(mt_cev_surface) %>%
  rename(EjVcev = EjV)

Second, loop over the V hat files, join V with V hat:

ls_tb_cev_surfhat = vector(mode = "list", length = 4)
for (it_simu_counter in c(1,2,3,4)) {

    # conditionally change file names
    if (it_simu_counter == 1) {
        st_counter <- '19E1NEp99r99'
    } else if (it_simu_counter == 2) {
        st_counter <- '19E1NEp02r99'
    } else if (it_simu_counter == 3) {
        st_counter <- '19E1NEp02per02ger99'
    } else if (it_simu_counter == 4) {
        st_counter <- '19E1NEp02r02'
    snm_v_hat <- paste0('e_', st_counter, '_ITG_PE_subsettest.csv')
    # Overall path to files
    mt_v_hat <- read.csv(file = file.path(spt_root, snm_v_hat))
    tb_v_hat <- as_tibble(mt_v_hat) %>%
      select(prod_type_lvl, statesid, EjV)
    # Merge file using key 
    tb_cev_surfhat <- tb_cev_surface %>%
      left_join(tb_v_hat, by=(c('prod_type_lvl'='prod_type_lvl', 
                                'statesid'='statesid'))) %>%
      arrange(statesid, prod_type_lvl, cev_lvl) %>%
      mutate(counter_policy = st_counter)
    # Store to list
    ls_tb_cev_surfhat[[it_simu_counter]] <- tb_cev_surfhat

# Display
kable(ls_tb_cev_surfhat[[1]][seq(1, 40, 5),]) %>% kable_styling_fc_wide()
X cev_st cev_lvl prod_type_st prod_type_lvl statesid cash_tt EjVcev EjV counter_policy
1 cev-2000 -0.2000 A0 0 526 32.84747 -1.0479929 -0.7957419 19E1NEp99r99
1501 cev-947 -0.0947 A0 0 526 32.84747 -0.9079859 -0.7957419 19E1NEp99r99
3001 cev105 0.0105 A0 0 526 32.84747 -0.7880156 -0.7957419 19E1NEp99r99
4501 cev1157 0.1157 A0 0 526 32.84747 -0.6803586 -0.7957419 19E1NEp99r99
51 cev-2000 -0.2000 A2504 2504 526 32.90371 -1.0002921 -0.7504785 19E1NEp99r99
1551 cev-947 -0.0947 A2504 2504 526 32.90371 -0.8613743 -0.7504785 19E1NEp99r99
3051 cev105 0.0105 A2504 2504 526 32.90371 -0.7423281 -0.7504785 19E1NEp99r99
4551 cev1157 0.1157 A2504 2504 526 32.90371 -0.6354620 -0.7504785 19E1NEp99r99

Third, sort each file, and keep only the best match rows that minimize the absolute distance between EjV and EjVcev.

ls_tb_cev_matched = vector(mode = "list", length = 4)
for (it_simu_counter in c(1,2,3,4)) {

    # Load merged file
    tb_cev_surfhat <- ls_tb_cev_surfhat[[it_simu_counter]]

    # Difference Column
    tb_cev_surfhat <- tb_cev_surfhat %>% 
      mutate(EjVcev_gap = abs(EjVcev - EjV))
    # Group by, Arrange and Slice, get lowest gap
    tb_cev_matched <- tb_cev_surfhat %>% 
      arrange(statesid, prod_type_lvl, EjVcev_gap) %>%
      group_by(statesid, prod_type_lvl) %>%

    # Store to list
    ls_tb_cev_matched[[it_simu_counter]] <- tb_cev_matched

# Display
kable(ls_tb_cev_matched[[2]][seq(1, 30, 1),]) %>% kable_styling_fc_wide()
X cev_st cev_lvl prod_type_st prod_type_lvl statesid cash_tt EjVcev EjV counter_policy EjVcev_gap
3001 cev105 0.0105 A0 0 526 32.847471 -0.7880156 -0.7928034 19E1NEp02r99 0.0047878
3051 cev105 0.0105 A2504 2504 526 32.903714 -0.7423281 -0.7480617 19E1NEp02r99 0.0057336
3101 cev105 0.0105 A4145 4145 526 32.948970 -0.7082006 -0.7145418 19E1NEp02r99 0.0063412
3151 cev105 0.0105 A5633 5633 526 32.996952 -0.6753576 -0.6818996 19E1NEp02r99 0.0065420
3201 cev105 0.0105 A7274 7274 526 33.058832 -0.6368297 -0.6431710 19E1NEp02r99 0.0063413
3251 cev105 0.0105 A9779 9779 526 33.175241 -0.5711706 -0.5774648 19E1NEp02r99 0.0062942
3002 cev105 0.0105 A0 0 555 53.346587 -0.2985944 -0.3041922 19E1NEp02r99 0.0055978
3052 cev105 0.0105 A2504 2504 555 53.815772 -0.2617572 -0.2680026 19E1NEp02r99 0.0062454
3102 cev105 0.0105 A4145 4145 555 54.193302 -0.2340822 -0.2406142 19E1NEp02r99 0.0065320
3152 cev105 0.0105 A5633 5633 555 54.593579 -0.2067964 -0.2134634 19E1NEp02r99 0.0066670
3202 cev105 0.0105 A7274 7274 555 55.109790 -0.1740126 -0.1806320 19E1NEp02r99 0.0066194
3252 cev105 0.0105 A9779 9779 555 56.080888 -0.1169470 -0.1236111 19E1NEp02r99 0.0066641
3603 cev526 0.0526 A0 0 905 1.533025 -5.2530406 -5.2486887 19E1NEp02r99 0.0043519
3353 cev315 0.0315 A2504 2504 905 1.714498 -4.5517474 -4.5408560 19E1NEp02r99 0.0108913
3403 cev315 0.0315 A4145 4145 905 1.860521 -4.1039608 -4.1072736 19E1NEp02r99 0.0033128
3453 cev315 0.0315 A5633 5633 905 2.015341 -3.7465733 -3.7611842 19E1NEp02r99 0.0146109
3503 cev315 0.0315 A7274 7274 905 2.215003 -3.4101025 -3.4235413 19E1NEp02r99 0.0134388
3553 cev315 0.0315 A9779 9779 905 2.590608 -2.9413469 -2.9535570 19E1NEp02r99 0.0122101
3004 cev105 0.0105 A0 0 953 20.125381 -1.3249909 -1.3290865 19E1NEp02r99 0.0040957
3054 cev105 0.0105 A2504 2504 953 20.306854 -1.2476021 -1.2531860 19E1NEp02r99 0.0055839
3104 cev105 0.0105 A4145 4145 953 20.452876 -1.1916003 -1.1975215 19E1NEp02r99 0.0059211
3154 cev105 0.0105 A5633 5633 953 20.607697 -1.1383665 -1.1444048 19E1NEp02r99 0.0060383
3204 cev105 0.0105 A7274 7274 953 20.807359 -1.0766095 -1.0823344 19E1NEp02r99 0.0057250
3254 cev105 0.0105 A9779 9779 953 21.182964 -0.9729832 -0.9781408 19E1NEp02r99 0.0051576
3005 cev105 0.0105 A0 0 1017 63.774766 -0.1284542 -0.1342653 19E1NEp02r99 0.0058110
3055 cev105 0.0105 A2504 2504 1017 64.298911 -0.0967695 -0.1031112 19E1NEp02r99 0.0063417
3105 cev105 0.0105 A4145 4145 1017 64.720664 -0.0728485 -0.0793940 19E1NEp02r99 0.0065454
3155 cev105 0.0105 A5633 5633 1017 65.167829 -0.0490898 -0.0557238 19E1NEp02r99 0.0066341
3205 cev105 0.0105 A7274 7274 1017 65.744507 -0.0203378 -0.0269149 19E1NEp02r99 0.0065772
3255 cev105 0.0105 A9779 9779 1017 66.829359 0.0299397 0.0233507 19E1NEp02r99 0.0065890

Fourth, row_bind results together.

# Single dataframe with all results
tb_cev_matched_all_counter <-, ls_tb_cev_matched)
# check size
## [1] 1200   11

Fifth, visualize results

# select four from the productivity types
ar_prod_type_lvl_unique <- unique(tb_cev_matched_all_counter %>% pull(prod_type_lvl))
ar_prod_type_lvl_selected <- ar_prod_type_lvl_unique[round(seq(1, length(ar_prod_type_lvl_unique), length.out=4))]
# graph
lineplot <- tb_cev_matched_all_counter %>%
    filter(prod_type_lvl %in% ar_prod_type_lvl_selected) %>%
    group_by(prod_type_st, cash_tt) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=cash_tt, y=cev_lvl,
               colour=counter_policy, linetype=counter_policy, shape=counter_policy)) +
        facet_wrap( ~ prod_type_st) +
        geom_line() +
        geom_point() +
        labs(title = 'Visualizing the positions of matched values',
             x = 'Resource Levels',
             y = 'CEV',
             caption = paste0('',

4.3.2 Within Panel Cross-time and Cross-group Statistics

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page. Comparing Three Countries over Time

Given three time series for three “countries”, we compute percentage change from initial year for each country, and compare relative values within each timer period versus one country.

First, we generate the core data inputs. We assume that the output here would be the data structure we face prior to generating the figures we are interested in. We use data from the attitude dataset, but re-interpret what the columns are. We work with data from three “countries” at the same time, which generalizes also to the two countries case.

# Load data, and treat index as "year"
# pretend data to be country-data
df_attitude <- as_tibble(attitude) %>%
  rowid_to_column(var = "year") %>% 
  select(year, rating, complaints, learning) %>% 
  rename(stats_usa = rating, 
         stats_canada = complaints, 
         stats_uk = learning)

# Wide to Long
df_attitude <- df_attitude %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with('stats_'),
               names_to = c('country'),
               names_pattern = paste0("stats_(.*)"),
               values_to = "rating")

# Print 
kable(df_attitude[1:10,]) %>% kable_styling_fc()
year country rating
1 usa 43
1 canada 51
1 uk 39
2 usa 63
2 canada 64
2 uk 54
3 usa 71
3 canada 70
3 uk 69
4 usa 61

Second, we generate additional data inputs. Specifically, we also generate ratios of values with respect to he “first” country, within each year.

# Sort and get list of countries
ar_countries_sorted <- df_attitude %>% 
  ungroup() %>% distinct(country) %>% arrange(country) %>% 
st_ratio_var <- paste0('ratings_ratio_vs_country', ar_countries_sorted[1])

# Generate ratio over the first location
df_attitude <- df_attitude %>% 
  arrange(year, country) %>% group_by(year) %>% 
  mutate(!!sym(st_ratio_var) := rating/first(rating))
# Print 
kable(df_attitude[1:10,]) %>% kable_styling_fc()
year country rating ratings_ratio_vs_countrycanada
1 canada 51 1.0000000
1 uk 39 0.7647059
1 usa 43 0.8431373
2 canada 64 1.0000000
2 uk 54 0.8437500
2 usa 63 0.9843750
3 canada 70 1.0000000
3 uk 69 0.9857143
3 usa 71 1.0142857
4 canada 63 1.0000000

Third, we now generate ratios of values with respect to the first year, within each country.

# Sort and get list of countries
ar_years_sorted <- df_attitude %>% 
  ungroup() %>% distinct(year) %>% arrange(year) %>% 
st_ratio_var <- paste0('ratings_ratio_vs_year', ar_years_sorted[1])

# Generate ratio over the first location
df_attitude <- df_attitude %>% 
  arrange(country, year) %>% group_by(country) %>% 
  mutate(!!sym(st_ratio_var) := rating/first(rating))
# Print
# Within each country, we show the first 3 years 
kable(df_attitude %>% 
  group_by(country) %>% 
  slice_min(order_by = year, n = 3)
  ) %>% kable_styling_fc()
year country rating ratings_ratio_vs_countrycanada ratings_ratio_vs_year1
1 canada 51 1.0000000 1.000000
2 canada 64 1.0000000 1.254902
3 canada 70 1.0000000 1.372549
1 uk 39 0.7647059 1.000000
2 uk 54 0.8437500 1.384615
3 uk 69 0.9857143 1.769231
1 usa 43 0.8431373 1.000000
2 usa 63 0.9843750 1.465116
3 usa 71 1.0142857 1.651163

4.4 Join and Merge Files Together by Keys

4.4.1 Mesh Join

Go back to fan’s REconTools research support package, R4Econ examples page, PkgTestR packaging guide, or Stat4Econ course page. Expand Multiple Rows with the Same Expansion

File A is at ID x Week x DayOfWeek level, file B is at ID x DayOfWeek x Product. Product is the product ID bought, could also store other info on product as additional variables. We want to create a file that is at ID x Week x DayOfweek x Product level.

The idea is that products bought made on Monday by household 1, for example are always the same, and file A records a “shopping-record”, which week, which day each household went shopping.

We do not store in file A what was bought because a particular household always buys the same thing on the same day of the week. We store data in A and B separately to save space since all products by the same household on the same day of week is always identical.

However, we need to join the two files together compute how many units of each product all households bought throughout some timeframe.

Step 1, construct File A, by fully messing ID, Week and Day of Week. In the simulated file below, household 1 shopped 3 times, twice on 3rd day of week, once on 2nd day of week, across two weeks. Household 2 shopped once, on the 3rd day of week.

# Mesh
ar_st_varnames <- c('hh','week','dayofweek')
ar_it_ids <- c(1,2)
ar_it_weeks <- c(1,2)
ar_it_daysofweek <- c(1,2,3)
df_idwkday_mesh <- tidyr::expand_grid(
  ar_it_ids, ar_it_weeks, ar_it_daysofweek) %>%

# Randomly drop a subset of rows 
# Different subset of ID and Week for each DayOfWeek. 
it_M <- 4
df_idwkday_mesh <- df_idwkday_mesh[sample(dim(df_idwkday_mesh)[1], it_M, replace=FALSE),] %>% 

# Display
st_caption <- "File A (ID x Week x DayOfWeek)"
kable(df_idwkday_mesh, caption=st_caption) %>% kable_styling_fc()
Table 4.7: File A (ID x Week x DayOfWeek)
hh week dayofweek
1 1 3
1 2 2
1 2 3
2 2 3

Step 2, construct File B. We have shopping list for the 1st household on shopping from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd days of a week. We have a shopping list for 2nd household only for shopping on the 1st and 2nd day.

# Generate day of week specific product file
ar_st_varnames <- c('hh', 'dayofweek', 'product')
ar_it_product <- c(10,11,12,13,14)
df_dayproduct_mesh <- tidyr::expand_grid(
  ar_it_ids, ar_it_daysofweek, ar_it_product) %>%

# Make each day product list not identical
it_M <- 8
df_dayproduct_mesh <- df_dayproduct_mesh[sample(dim(df_dayproduct_mesh)[1], it_M, replace=FALSE),] %>% 

# Display
st_caption <- "File B (ID x DayOfWeek x Product)"
kable(df_dayproduct_mesh, caption=st_caption) %>% kable_styling_fc()
Table 4.8: File B (ID x DayOfWeek x Product)
hh dayofweek product
1 1 12
1 2 14
1 3 10
1 3 13
1 3 14
2 1 12
2 1 13
2 2 11

Step 3. we combine files A and B together via dplyr::left_join.

Given the sample files we have constructed we have:

  • multiple items in shopping list for household 1 on day 3
  • no shopping list for household 2 on day 3
  • shopping list available on days that do not appear on shopping days tracking list

When we left_join, we do not include in combined file shopping list from days for households not in the tracking list. Note that from the output below, we achieved several things:

  • the day 3 shopping list for household 1 is merged in twice, to household’s trips on day 3 in both week 1 and 2, rows expanded because 3 items bought on each day
  • the day 2 shopping list for household 1 is merged in once, there are no row-expansion, since there was one item bought on this shopping list
  • the day 3 shopping list for household 2 is not merged in, since the shopping list does not exist, but the row remains.
# left join
df_left_join <- df_idwkday_mesh %>% 
  by= c('hh'='hh', 'dayofweek'='dayofweek'))
# Display left-join
st_caption <- "File C, left-join (ID x Week x DayOfweek x Product)"
kable(df_left_join, caption=st_caption) %>% kable_styling_fc()
Table 4.9: File C, left-join (ID x Week x DayOfweek x Product)
hh week dayofweek product
1 1 3 10
1 1 3 13
1 1 3 14
1 2 2 14
1 2 3 10
1 2 3 13
1 2 3 14
2 2 3 NA

Step 4, now, we also try dplyr::full_join. Note that the full-join result is not what we want, it added shopping list by household to the file, but these shopping lists were un-realized, since the households did not shop in any week on those days. So our desired result is achieved by dplyr::left_join.

# full join
df_full_join <- df_idwkday_mesh %>% 
  by= c('hh'='hh', 'dayofweek'='dayofweek'))
# Display full-join
st_caption <- "File C, full-join (ID x Week x DayOfweek x Product)"
kable(df_full_join, caption=st_caption) %>% kable_styling_fc()
Table 4.10: File C, full-join (ID x Week x DayOfweek x Product)
hh week dayofweek product
1 1 3 10
1 1 3 13
1 1 3 14
1 2 2 14
1 2 3 10
1 2 3 13
1 2 3 14
2 2 3 NA
1 NA 1 12
2 NA 1 12
2 NA 1 13
2 NA 2 11