Chapter 11 Get Data

11.1 Environmental Data

11.1.1 ECMWF ERA5 Data

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This files uses R with the reticulate package to download ECMWF ERA5 data. See this file for instructions and tutorials for downloading the data. Program to Download, Unzip, Convert to combined CSV, derived-utci-historical data

The data downloaded from CDS climate could become very large in size. We want to process parts of the data one part at a time, summarize and aggregate over each part, and generate a file output file with aggregate statistics over the entire time period of interest.

This code below accompalishes the following tasks:

  1. download data from derived-utci-historical as ZIP
  2. unzip
  3. convert nc files to csv files
  4. individual csv files are half year groups

Parameter Control for the code below:

  1. spt_root: root folder where everything will be at
  2. spth_conda_env: the conda virtual environment python path, eccodes and cdsapi packages are installed in the conda virtual environment. In the example below, the first env is: wk_ecmwf
  3. st_nc_prefix: the downloaded individual nc files have dates and prefix before and after the date string in the nc file names. This is the string before that.
  4. st_nc_suffix: see (3), this is the suffix
  5. ar_years: array of years to download and aggregate over
  6. ar_months_g1: months to download in first half year
  7. ar_months_g2: months to download in second half year

Note: area below corresponds to North, West, South, East.

# ------------ Parameters

# Where to store everything
spt_root <- "C:/Users/fan/Downloads/_data/"
spth_conda_env <- "C:/ProgramData/Anaconda3/envs/wk_ecmwf/python.exe"

# nc name prefix
st_nc_prefix <- "ECMWF_utci_"
st_nc_suffix <- ""

# Years list
# ar_years <- 2001:2019
ar_years <- c(2005, 2015)
# ar_months_g1 <- c('01','02','03','04','05','06')
ar_months_g1 <- c('01', '03')
# ar_months_g2 <- c('07','08','09','10','11','12')
ar_months_g2 <- c('07', '09')

# Area
# # China
# fl_area_north <- 53.31
# fl_area_west <- 73
# fl_area_south <- 4.15
# fl_area_east <- 135
fl_area_north <- 53
fl_area_west <- 73
fl_area_south <- 52
fl_area_east <- 74

# folder to download any nc zips to
nczippath <- spt_root
# we are changing the python api file with different requests stirngs and storing it here
pyapipath <- spt_root
# output directory for AGGREGATE CSV with all DATES from this search
csvpath <- spt_root

# ------------ Packages

Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = spth_conda_env)

# ------------ Define Loops
for (it_yr in ar_years) {
  for (it_mth_group in c(1,2)) {
    if(it_mth_group == 1) {
      ar_months = ar_months_g1
    if(it_mth_group == 2) {
      ar_months = ar_months_g2

    # ------------ Define Python API Call

    # name of zip file
    nczipname <- ""
    unzipfolder <- "derived_utci_2010_2"

    st_file <- paste0("import cdsapi
import urllib.request
# download folder
spt_root = '", nczippath, "'
spn_dl_test_grib = spt_root + '", nczipname, "'
# request
c = cdsapi.Client()
res = c.retrieve(
        'format': 'zip',
        'variable': 'Universal thermal climate index',
        'product_type': 'Consolidated dataset',
        'year': '",it_yr, "',
        'month': [
            ", paste("'", ar_months, "'", sep = "", collapse = ", "), "
        'day': [
        'area'  : [", fl_area_north ,", ", fl_area_west ,", ", fl_area_south ,", ", fl_area_east ,"],
        'grid'  : [0.25, 0.25],
# show results
print('print results')

    # st_file = "print(1+1)"

    # Store Python Api File
    fl_test_tex <- paste0(pyapipath, "")
    fileConn <- file(fl_test_tex)
    writeLines(st_file, fileConn)

    # ------------ Run Python File
    # Set Path
    # Run py file, name just defined

    # ------------ uNZIP
    spn_zip <- paste0(nczippath, nczipname)
    spn_unzip_folder <- paste0(nczippath, unzipfolder)
    unzip(spn_zip, exdir=spn_unzip_folder)

    # ------------ Find All files
    # Get all files with nc suffix in folder
    ncpath <- paste0(nczippath, unzipfolder)
    ls_sfls <- list.files(path=ncpath, recursive=TRUE, pattern=".nc", full.names=T)

    # ------------ Combine individual NC files to JOINT Dataframe
    # List to gather dataframes
    ls_df <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(ls_sfls))
    # Loop over files and convert nc to csv
    it_df_ctr <- 0
    for (spt_file in ls_sfls) {
      it_df_ctr <- it_df_ctr + 1

      # Get file name without Path
      snm_file_date <- sub(paste0('\\',st_nc_suffix,'$'), '', basename(spt_file))
      snm_file_date <- sub(st_nc_prefix, '', basename(snm_file_date))

      # Dates Start and End: list.files is auto sorted in ascending order
      if (it_df_ctr == 1) {
        snm_start_date <- snm_file_date
      else {
        # this will give the final date
        snm_end_date <- snm_file_date

      # Given this structure: ECMWF_utci_20100702_v1.0_con, sub out prefix and suffix
      ncin <- nc_open(spt_file)

      nchist <- ncatt_get(ncin, 0, "history")

      # not using this missing value flag at the moment
      missingval <- str_match(nchist$value, "setmisstoc,\\s*(.*?)\\s* ")[,2]
      missingval <- as.numeric(missingval)

      lon <- ncvar_get(ncin, "lon")
      lat <- ncvar_get(ncin, "lat")
      tim <- ncvar_get(ncin, "time")
      tunits <- ncatt_get(ncin, "time", "units")

      nlon <- dim(lon)
      nlat <- dim(lat)
      ntim <- dim(tim)

      # convert time -- split the time units string into fields
      # tustr <- strsplit(tunits$value, " ")
      # tdstr <- strsplit(unlist(tustr)[3], "-")
      # tmonth <- as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[2])
      # tday <- as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[3])
      # tyear <- as.integer(unlist(tdstr)[1])
      # mytim <- chron(tim, origin = c(tmonth, tday, tyear))

      tmp_array <- ncvar_get(ncin, "utci")
      tmp_array <- tmp_array - 273.15

      lonlat <- as.matrix(expand.grid(lon = lon, lat = lat, hours = tim))
      temperature <- as.vector(tmp_array)
      tmp_df <- data.frame(cbind(lonlat, temperature))

      # extract a rectangle
      eps <- 1e-8
      minlat <- 22.25 - eps
      maxlat <- 23.50 + eps
      minlon <- 113.00 - eps
      maxlon <- 114.50 + eps
      # subset data
      subset_df <- tmp_df[tmp_df$lat >= minlat & tmp_df$lat <= maxlat &
                            tmp_df$lon >= minlon & tmp_df$lon <= maxlon, ]

      # add Date
      subset_df_date <- as_tibble(subset_df) %>% mutate(date = snm_file_date)

      # Add to list
      ls_df[[it_df_ctr]] <- subset_df_date

      # Close NC

    # List of DF to one DF
    df_all_nc <-, ls_df)

    # Save File
    fname <- paste0(paste0(st_nc_prefix,
                           snm_start_date, "_to_", snm_end_date,
    csvfile <- paste0(csvpath, fname)
    write.table(na.omit(df_all_nc), csvfile, row.names = FALSE, sep = ",")

    # Delete folders
    unlink(spn_zip, recursive=TRUE, force=TRUE)
    unlink(spn_unzip_folder, recursive=TRUE, force=TRUE)

  # end loop months groups
# end loop year